Video Tour of the Makerspace in Sydney

If you like making things, the Nova Scotia Power Makerspace is the place to be.  This is an amazing resource in our community and I want you to be aware of it. You can access woodworking tools, metalworking machines, 3D printers, fabric cutters, and more.

I've been using the space to experiment with ideas and to create prototypes for a couple of new toys I'm working on (the toys will sold on Amazon later this year).


In the video below, I give a quick tour of the space and the equipment — if you want to make or build something, you can do it here.


  • Located in the New Dawn Centre for Social Innovation in the north end of Sydney.
  • Adults can receive free training and purchase a day pass or monthly membership to use the space.
  • Day passes are a unique gift idea.
  • Open 7 days a week

Membership information —

Facebook page see below

VIDEO Tour of the Makerspace

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Debbie Keating Follow Me
What an incredible space for those who can’t afford or don’t have access to this exceptional machinery.... showcasing this incredible venue. Something progressive that’s happening in a repurposed building in our North end. The future of our community rests not on pipe dreams of another industrial company coming in to save us...but rather our creative mindset and entrepreneurial spirit. We need to move in a completely new direction and this building allows the freedom to create, what an incredible inspiration.
Martin MacLellan Follow Me
What a wonderful resource to have in our community. Many of the printers, industrial milling machines, computers, saws and other accessories are often only found in research centers. Congratulations to those with the foresight to bring this concept to fruition. Very well done.
Joe Ward Follow Me
As a student, I would have taken my BMX from Catalone to get to a Makerspace like this if I had to! As an adult, I'm afraid to go for fear of never wanting to leave!

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