Vince Rigby: Military Veteran Called A "Beautiful Soul"

Canadian military veteran, Vince Rigby, died in a fire in a local home in Whitney Pier. His friends believe he may have entered to see if anyone was inside that needed rescue. Vince was an advocate for veterans, himself a sufferer of PTSD.

A Facebook photo of Vince with Prime Minister Trudeau during the announcement of the reopening of the Veterans Affairs office in Sydney in November 2016.

Vince participated in an active campaign to reopen the Veterans Affairs offices in Sydney, seen here in a video describing the impact of his PTSD, and emphasizing the importance of having support for Veterans in Cape Breton.

In a CBC News interview, a close friend, Fabian Henry, called Vince a "beautiful soul". 

"When you see a burning house in your neighbourhood, you think the worst, that people might be in there, like rumours of a homeless man in there. The type of guy Vince is he would have went in to see." - Fabian Henry

Read the Full CBC Story Here

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