Volunteer Spotlight
Linda Newell Crockett
Hometown: Sydney
How did you hear about Meals on Wheels?
From life!
How has the experience affected your life?
I began delivering meals when I moved back to Sydney 5 years ago. I did not have any experience with it but I have a great fondness for older people and it is a real grass roots volunteer job. It has proven to be one of the best things I have ever done for myself. Along with a good meal, I know I am bringing some company to these folks - most of them bring me joy, such as the woman who gasps and smiles when she opens her door "Oh, look who it is" and the two women who stand in the door when I leave and wave to me until I am out of sight. How can that not make you feel good!
What would you say to someone thinking of volunteering with Meals on Wheels?
What would I say? Go for it. You will not regret it!
Find out more about Meals on Wheels.
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