Vote for Dr John Strasser For Mayor of CBRM!

Vote Dr John Strasser For CBRM Mayor October 7th - 17th, 2020!

Make your voice heard during these challenging times in Cape Breton!

We Need and Demand Change in CBRM.. let's vote for a change together... let's make this happen!

Elect a man who gets the job done!

Elect Dr Strasser for Mayor of CBRM and watch this area grow!

We need leadership from someone who has been there!

Never mind electing the same old same old in Cape Breton.

Put your mark beside someone like Dr John Strasser who will create jobs and make our downtown thrive with lots of new jobs, businesses and incentives for people who move here looking for a better way of life, not just to retire.

We are tired of our young people moving to Halifax and other regions of Canada to find work.

This is not fair when all we have to do is elect someone who will create jobs to keep our families working locally in Sydney, New Waterford, Glace Bay, North Sydney, and Sydney Mines.

Dr John Strasser has earned numerous awards in Cape Breton and abroad to his credit over the years including his time as President of Sydney Steel and founding board member of ACOA and New Dawn Enterprises.

Who better to lead CBRM that someone with experience, vision, leadership skills, and someone who has been there all along as head of various companies, educational facilities and other governing bodies in Cape Breton and abroad.


Here's My Platform

What is Dr Strasser's platform you ask? Well look at it this way....

What is important to you in the CBRM? What issues have you fired up and need attention in our local economy in Cape Breton?

That is exactly what Dr John Strasser is interested in.. the issues that are bothering each and every citizen of CBRM !!

Just like you, Dr John Strasser feels strongly about a variety of troubling issues around the CBRM and feels strongly about making things better for all of us right here in the core of Cape Breton - CBRM and all it's towns and municipalities!

The time is right for a change! Elect Dr John Strasser for Mayor of CBRM in 2020 and watch things change!

Here are few issues that Dr Strasser will address in the upcoming debate at the Membertou Trade Convention Center Sept 24, 2020:
  1. Healthcare, seniors care, home care - More doctors, clinics strategically positioned in CBRM
  2. Jobs - build ecomony with targeted new business creation
  3. Tourism, cruise ships, railways
  4. Property assessments
  5. Stagnating ecomomy
  6. Container terminal
  7. LGBTQ issues
  8. Infastructure, NSEF, equalization - The NS Gov needs to respect our fair share of equalization payments needed in Cape Breton to fix roads, which are in desperate need of repair, sewer upgrades, and water to name a few.
  9. Plus many more issues on the minds of local citizens of CBRM!

Life Long Learner and Community Supporter

Dr. Strasser is a life-long learner and community supporter at all levels of education and leadership.

His education and experience include an Engineering diploma from St. Francis Xavier University, an Associate Degree in Business Management from LaSalle University, a Master of Science degree from Pennsylvania State University and a Doctorate degree in Metallurgical Engineering from the Technical University of Nova Scotia.

Numerous Life Long Accolades in Cape Breton

1. President Sydney Steel

2. Founding member of the Board of Directors of New Dawn Enterprises, a community development agency on Cape Breton Island

3. Founding member of the Board of the Atlantic Coal Institute

4. Federally appointed member of the Board of Directors of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA).

5. Inducted as one of the first four members, into the Wall of Honour at Sydney Academy High School.

6. In 2007, Dr. Strasser was profiled in a book entitled “The House that Sexton Built”, which focuses on the history of engineering education in Nova Scotia.

7. Dr. Strasser has authored two books on the subject of hockey: “Leopards and Lions” (A Parent’s guide to Hockey from Novice to the NHL”), in 1998; and “This is Academy Hockey”, the historical account of Sydney Academy hockey on the occasion of the 150th Year Anniversary of Sydney Academy in 1991.

"Dr John Strasser is a life long learner and a great community supporter! He has many accomplishments under his belt over the years in Cape Breton and as well as across Canada and I sincerely believe he would make a great Mayor for CBRM!"
~Dave Gillis, Business Owner of Gillis Home Building Center

Past Government Acquaintances and Political Ties

Dr John Strasser with Bill Clinton

Dr John Strasser with Justin Trudeau

Vote Dr Strasser For CBRM Mayor in 2020!

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Your Next Mayor - Vote Dr. John Strasser as the Next Mayor of CBRM 2020!
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Tom Mills My Post Follow Me
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Joseph Campbell Follow Me
Scorecards are the key. I didn't think I would ever see a political candidate brave enough to suggest it. Kudos to you John.
Tom Mills My Post Follow Me
Thank you Joseph! All the best!
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