Wanted: Hitchhiking Stories from Cape Breton!

Andrea McGuire, a folklore graduate student at Memorial University of Newfoundland, is currently seeking interviews with past and present hitchhikers in Cape Breton. She is collecting stories from people who used to hitchhike, people who hitchhike in rural communities, people who hitchhike nationally/internationally, and drivers who pick up hitchhikers. Each interview will take approximately one hour, and will be drawn on for Andrea’s master’s thesis. Do you have a hitchhiking story to share? Please get in touch with Andrea by phone at 709-771-2216, or via email at [email protected]. She would love to hear from you! (The proposal for this research has been reviewed by the Interdisciplinary Committee on Ethics in Human Research and found to be in compliance with Memorial University’s ethics policy. If you have ethical concerns about the research, such as the way you have been treated or your rights as a participant, you may contact the Chairperson of the ICEHR at [email protected] or by telephone at 709-864-2861.)

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Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
Neat idea. This is probably not the type of story you are looking for, but the most famous hitchhiking story I know in Cape Breton happened in 1979 where allegedly the founder of the widely successful Trial Pursuit board game was driving in Cape Breton and picked up a hitch hiker who allegedly told him about the idea for the board game. The hitch hiker later sued the founders of Trivial Pursuit for "stealing" his idea. This dragged on for 13 years in the courts. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/who-invented-trivial-pursuit-not-a-cape-breton-man-judge-rules-1.671783
Andrea McGuire My Post Follow Me
Hi Matthew, Thank you! I actually have heard that story, and I'd love to get in touch with the alleged inventor and hear his take on the situation. I'm interested in hitchhiking stories and experiences of all kinds- but especially ones as legendary as that!
Gary LeDrew Follow Me
Before I moved back down here I came down on holiday from Ontario, when I was driving back on 105 I picked up a young native man. he was going to new england to get a job berry picking. I had to make a stop at Inverness so I let him off at the turn off for Maragree and I drove to Inverness and spent about 2 hours there then drove down to whycocomagh. There was the same young man and I picked him up again.I gave him a ride to Port Hastings and let him out as I went to port Hawksbury for lunch. when I came back he was hitchhiking again at the causeway and I gave him a ride to Pictou where I was staying the night. He was a young Mi'kmaq and he told me of the basic bigotry of cape Bretons against natives that they just wouldn't pick him up. Since moving here I have found this to be too true and to cape breton's shame
Joe MacPherson Follow Me
Just signed in as a new member of this site and I first like to say .....Hitch-hiking was my Primary method of transportation in the late 60,s, early to mid 70,s and have quite a few stories that I can relate to your thesis....you may contact me by [email protected] and work something out...I now live in Halifax....61 yrs of age, did most of my "Thumbing in High School, my Armed Forces, years.....17-22 yrs old....and then across the country in 76-77. Should you be interested, I am happy to relate those times.....joeyface
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