Warren Lake Hike October 13th

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Park at Warren Lake Day Use area at the end of the road leading from the Cabot Trail to the lake and meet at the trailhead. This level walk (with some rugged and wet sections) among stunning fall colours along the shoreline of the park's largest lake is offered by Parks Canada as a Celtic Colours International Festival community experience.

Hike Nova Scotia and 16 host organizations offer the 2023 Fall Guided Hike & Walk Series from September to November across NS. There are 38 events led by local folks and participants qualify to win trail prizes. They are free or low-cost events and some require pre-registration.

Hike NS thanks its partners on the ground for organizing the events as well as Goose Lane Editions and the NS Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage for their support.

Find details at https://www.hikenovascotia.ca or download the Fall hike schedule below.

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