Warren Lake Trail

For a relaxing walk or an early morning jog, this trail is hard to beat. Starting at either the Warren Lake picnic area or the connector trail across from Broad Cove Campground, the trail hugs the shoreline of the lake and is alive with wildlife. A wide variety of birds flit through the trees and there is evidence of larger animals like moose and bear. Quiet hikers may catch a glimpse of one of these elusive animals. Whether you are an avid hiker or just out with the kids to catch the distinct call of the loon, Warren Lake is a great place to start the day. This is a woodland 4.7 km (2.9 mi) loop trail that will take you 1.5 hours. You can expect a level but rugged trail with wet sections.

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For a relaxing walk or an early morning jog, this trail is hard to beat.
Amenities Hiking, Trail Living Parks, Nature, Outdoors Trails, Hiking, Adventure Visit See & Do


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