Waterfront Computer Co. Acquires CompuClone Computer Solutions

SYDNEY, NS – Less than one year after the company’s inception, Waterfront Computer Company Inc. is announcing its acquisition of CompuClone Computer Solutions, a long-time key player in the local computer sales and service market.

The acquisition, effective April 1, 2024, sees the operations of both businesses merge under the Waterfront Computer Company brand, lead by Waterfront president Glen Murrant.

According to Murrant, “Combining our expertise and resources is a win for the customers of both companies. They will enjoy faster repair times and better access to a larger selection of computer products and IT support services.”

Bill Farr, long-time CompuClone owner, will continue to work with Waterfront to ensure CompuClone customers experience a seamless transition and continue to enjoy the level of service and support they have come to expect over the company’s thirty year history.

About Waterfront Computer Co.

Co-owned by husband and wife, Glen and Shelley Murrant, Waterfront Computer Co. started operations in May 2023 at 181 Charlotte St., in Sydney, NS. Waterfront is a certified Microsoft Cloud Solutions Partner and an authorized dealer for Lenovo and HP computer products. They provide walk-in computer repairs, on-site business IT support, WordPress website design, email and web hosting, and have recently partnered with Calgary based United Cloud to deliver cloud-hosted telephone solutions for businesses throughout Cape Breton and Eastern Nova Scotia.

About CompuClone

Owned and operated for over thirty years by Bill Farr, CompuClone has earned a reputation for delivering exceptional IT/computer repair services and high quality custom computers to both residential and commercial customers. A member of the Millenium Micro Group based in Longeuil, QC, CompuClone shares in the buying power of 250 independent stores across Canada with combined annual sales of $375 million, and instant access to the expertise of over 2,000 Canadian IT professionals. CompuClone operations have moved into the Waterfront Computer location at 181 Charlotte St., Sydney.

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Waterfront Computer Company Inc. has acquired CompuClone Computer Solutions. Both businesses now operate from 181 Charlotte Street, Sydney.
Business Doing business in Cape Breton


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