What goCapeBreton.com is teaching us about ourselves.

My team and I designed goCapeBreton.com to help solve community problems. But, we are also users of the site just like you.  After all, we live and work in Cape Breton too.

And, there have been some interesting changes in behaviour that I, and other frequent users of the website, have been experiencing.  I would like to share our observations.  

Of course, it has only been a short time since the soft-launch of the website at the end of May 2015, so there is much more to observe, and perhaps I will continue to add to this post as we go along.


(1) We feel good after spending time browsing the content on goCapeBreton.com.

Many of us spend time on news sites, shopping sites, Facebook, etc.  But they just don't seem to be as fulfilling any more.  With news sites, it is difficult to find much local news, particularly now that nearly all the major publishers charge for subscriptions. When we do find local news, it is peppered with advertisements and national and global stories, that sometimes may be interesting, but generally do not add value to our daily lives.

Facebook allows us to connect with friends, but much of our browsing time is spent watching unusual videos, browsing musings and weird or inspirational images, and generally wading through unwanted posts.  We do feel some emotional connection with the people that we share with, but much of what we see is not local.

Twitter .. well, that just seems to be lots of talking without much listening.  And, shopping sites, just get us into trouble.

But spending time on goCapeBreton.com seems different.  The content is local.  The people are local.  The events are local. The posts are more thoughtful, and they are well organized.  Everything seems more personal ... and with less TMI (too much information).  We learn about people, places, and events that are new to us.

Simply put, the experience seems more MEANINGFUL.  Spending time on goCapeBreton.com doesn't make us feel like we are just PASSING time; instead, it makes us feel like we have INVESTED our time to learn more about our community and the people that make it special.

(2) We feel like we have a voice.

I've had my writing published and my work profiled perhaps as many as hundreds of times in local, regional, and national media.  Yet, I have never felt like I had a voice in my community.  By voice, I mean the ability to communicate my intended message directly to our local citizens.  Whenever I issue a business news release, it may or may not be picked up by the media.  When it is picked up, the message is often changed by a reporter or editor.  If I want to express a personal opinion, the only choice is perhaps a letter to the editor, or a short comment at the bottom of some post on the Internet.  Maybe it will get published, or not.  And, if something is published, it might get some attention for a few days, until it gets buried by fresher content.

Recently, I published an article on goCapeBreton.com entitled, "The EPIC History of the Tech Sector on Cape Breton Island."  Within days, it had received wide local attention and many people were contributing comments and their own stories.  Prior to goCapeBreton.com, I never considered writing such an article because I had nowhere to publish it.  It is far too long and opinionated for the local media.  Posting it on a blog or Facebook might get a few reads from my friends and then disappear to the bottom of their timelines within hours. Yet, I was compelled to write this article because I think it contains history that is very important to the future success of our community.  And, goCapeBreton.com provided me with the platform to do so, in my own words, unfiltered and unedited. It was my story, as I chose to tell it.  Not only that, I was able to receive meaningful comments from others, which helped me continue to enhance the story. On goCapeBreton.com, this history is properly organized, easy to access, and becomes one of many archived resources in our growing community library.

Of course, you may have absolutely no interest in hearing what Mathew Georghiou has to say, and that's ok.  You can choose who you want to hear from and you can share your own voice too.

(3) We feel an increased sense of community.

Today, we have the entire world at our fingertips.  But, the reality is that we live our lives locally. The people that we see and the places that we go influence our hearts and minds more than anything else.

With goCapeBreton.com, we have discovered people in our community that we probably would never have met otherwise.  More than that, these people were able to share their personalities and passions with us, creating a greater sense of community in our hearts.  Take, for example, how Andre Desjardins invited us into his home to watch him teach his children The Mi'kmaq Honor Song.  The experience is memorable, much because it is local.

My wife, Joanie Cunningham, shared this story with me after she had been using goCapeBreton.com for a few weeks:   While waiting for our car to get serviced, Joanie was reading a local newspaper and an international magazine.  She found herself surprisingly disinterested in the stories and she wasn't sure why because she would have previously enjoyed reading such content. She later realized that it was because many of the stories were not local and the ones that were local were diluted.  Diluted meaning that the stories were written by a reporter who was objectively and dispassionately reporting the facts while adding a couple of quotes from the people in the story.  The stories lost the personalization and the passion behind them.  And, they lost Joanie's interest and diminished the sense of community that comes from local people telling their own stories. This happened only after Joanie had experienced goCapeBreton.com.

(4) We feel like we are able to contribute to our community and help the people within it.

This certainly happens frequently on Facebook too, but the problem with Facebook is that it is generally a closed network, so local issues do not get much traction (bad news and harmful rants seem to get the most attention).

Rory Andrews posted a story on goCapeBreton.com describing his positive experience with downtown Sydney (What Does Downtown Sydney Really Need?). The story was read by many people outside of Rory's personal network. The next day, the business with the tasty Black Bean Burger that was mentioned in the article had hundreds of customers.

At a recent Startup Cape Breton event, the ideas and discussions were easily posted and shared on goCapeBreton.com for the entire community to see - no special memberships or logins needed.

With an increased sense of community, we find ourselves more inclined to share meaningful personal stories and to reach out to people we may or may not know to offer a word of advice, a hand up, or other type of encouragement or assistance.

(5) goCapeBreton.com is actually replacing other Internet activities as part of our daily routine.

We find ourselves eager to discover someone or something new about our community every day.  We feel good learning more about our community and investing in its success.

These are exciting observations and we hope to continue to unlock the power of goCapeBreton.com for the benefit of our community.

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Find out about the interesting changes in behaviour that I, and other frequent users of goCapeBreton.com have been experiencing. You may experience them too!
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James MacKinnon Follow Me
Whole heartily agree with #1-4, and the more #5 becomes a reality, the better. I know it's not meant as a direct competitor, but if goCapeBreton can get the user activity and engagement to levels like the Rant Room on Facebook, I could see it supplanting the Cape Breton Post for local information and community voice.
Sean Demeyere Follow Me
Great post Mathew! As more people get comfortable with the format and the GoCapeBreton.com community, I know the information and ideas that will come from this will just keep getting better and better. I made a commitment to myself recently to create more content for two reasons... 1. I truly believe I have value to share with others and they have value to share with me. 2. Its in that process of sharing I develop a deeper sense of gratitude for others. I know that GoCapeBreton.com will continue to be a great source of positive energy in our community as we move forward. Great work!
Leah Noble Follow Me
Nice! And I'm so glad you guys DID create this website. I need to do like Sean below and make a commitment to create more content here. :)
Shauna Winters Follow Me
Leah it was you that turned me onto this site thru Facebook if you remember...I'm so glad. changed my way of thinking. Thank you.
Shauna Winters Follow Me
And I in turn will hopefully spread the gocapebreton word.
Leah Noble Follow Me
Awesome! I remember. :)
Mathew Georghiou My Post Follow Me
Thanks guys ... more content = more success for Cape Breton ... so bring it on!
Christian Murphy Follow Me
Thank you GoCapeBreton.com team, I am enjoying the opportunity to interact with people in our community. As a family guy who works from home, I don't get out much! You have provided a platform where I can start getting to know who's doing what in our community shared in what I would call, intelligent manner (open to interpretation of course)....thanks again. I sincerely hope the participants continue to communicate constructively.
Rory Andrews Follow Me
I'm constantly surprised about the high level of discourse that occurs on goCapeBreton.com. The dumbest stuff on this site usually comes from me, and I like it that way. It's certainly a lot different than Facebook or Twitter in that regard.
Christian Murphy Follow Me
Hey Cory, your posts are fun and insightful with a splash of humor (a sign of intelligence, well that's what I keep telling myself.) Keep up the effort!
[comment deleted] Posted
Peter Sheehan Follow Me
Now why am I only finding this topic page 6 months after it started? I think this Go CB can replace many ways people on Cape Breton communicate, but for some reason I'm finding that I don't see the population of people making comments let alone starting a discussion growing that much . I like the daily reminder of the current topics but at the same time hate to see topics fall off that list and get lost or forgotten. Need a link to that master list !!! I would prefer a sort of topic and title search ability showing up easier We know we have a communication problem in Nova Scotia as the newspapers are just not putting any effort into local news . We have the few weeklies , but even they are slipping . None of these papers offer an electronic option that is reasonable in cost let alone in format . They are slowly shooting themselves in the foot . Clearly politics is a very consistent topic as are various "projects" around the Island. Again ,how can we keep those items in the forefront and easier to see and to prompt people to read about them ? . Finally , I don't get the impression the audiences in each county /region are growing as they should . Anyway to build in a regional kind of feature? We need visibility to wake up Halifax and Ottawa and think this is the one option that can maybe do it if we can get enough people talking here . Finally, can you take Go CB and use it to better advertise and market the island to the investor world and play the role of being the electronic economic developer voice ?? .
Mathew Georghiou My Post Follow Me
Hey Peter ... to answer your questions about goCapeBreton.com You probably missed this article because it was posted before we launched the DAILY DIGEST email. The best way to navigate the site is to go the ALL (home) page and look at the streams (rows) as they display all the latest articles. The streams near the bottom of the page display the most popular posts. You can also click the SEARCH button in the top menu to find specific keywords or people. We hope that more people will come to goCapeBreton.com and that is happening. It will happen faster if we introduce the site to our friends and families. There are local features built in so that people can TAG or search based on community. We are in the process of launching lokol.me HALIFAX too. One challenge we have is that many people think that goCapeBreton.com is a traditional news publisher and that we write the news that they say ... we need to help people understand that the community posts its own news. BTW, I deleted your duplicate comment since it was the same as the one above.
Wayne Krszwda Follow Me
great stuff!
Danny Sparrow Follow Me
"Simply put, the experience seems more MEANINGFUL." <-- Nailed it. It's a legitimately useful site and in a time where it's much needed. Even the user comments are interesting once again, since the old days of Slashdot! I dread reading and usually don't look at the comments section of 99% of the sites that I visit but look forward to them on here. This is a great spot from top to bottom and with the other local "news" resources" going completely down the drain, lokol is very refreshing! Don't stray from the path you're on!
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