Winter Reading Challenge Book Bingo

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Beat the winter blahs, expand your reading horizons, and enter for the chance to win great prizes with the library's Winter Reading Challenge, #CBBookBingo! Download a printable Book BINGO card and contest rules on the library's website at, or pick up a copy at your local library branch. Each BINGO square describes a different type of book, with a variety of different subjects, genres, and formats included. Need reading recommendations to help you find books to complete the challenge? Library staff are happy to help! They can provide suggestions for a variety of titles in every category. After you complete a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line by filling in the squares with books you’ve read, submit your card to be entered into a draw for some great prizes. You can share your picks and progress and follow others participating in the challenge on social media using the hashtag #CBBookBingo. The contest is open to adults and teens aged 14 and up and will run until March 31, 2016. For full details, please visit the Cape Breton Regional Library’s website at, or ask library staff at your local branch.

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