Winter Storm Warning For Cape Breton Tonight - Snow 15 to 25 cm

Just as Frankie MacDonald predicted several days ago, a winter storm warning for Nova Scotia is in effect.

Snow will start in the afternoon to evening of January 7th with 15 to 25 cm expected. However, it's likely to change to ice pellets and freezing rain by Sunday morning.

The Weather Network has issued an alert here.

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A winter storm warning is in effect for Cape Breton for January 7th and 8th.
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Parker Donham Follow Me
After so many hyperventilated Environment Canada weather warnings, watches, special statements, and alerts about normal, everyday weather conditions, does anyone still pay attention? These warnings get passed on relentlessly, and exaggerated, by the CBC and the other networks. We have just lived through three days of kvetching about a storm that proved to be a minor snowfall that occurred while you were sleeping and left a couple of inches on the ground. "Minor snowfall expected tonight" would have covered it. As we learned from Aesop about 2600 years ago, constantly warnings about impending danger that fails to materialize actually makes us LESS safe.
Joe Ward Follow Me
The predicted snowfall range was accurate in my neighborhood. And I think many enjoy the opportunity to get their pizza and their chinese food in preparation for the storms. :) Weather alerts and storm info advisories are still valuable, particularly for road conditions and making the decision whether or not to be on them. There are lots of people out there of different ages, physical conditions, driving abilities, car types and states of mechanical readiness. Drifting, reduced visibility, slush, (frequently) poorly cleared roads, ice patches, etc, are all relevant to a segment of our drivers. However, if it had been a school day, I'd agree with you that our professional bus drivers would probably have very little effort getting kids safety to school.
Parker Donham Follow Me
Weather alerts and storm info advisories would be valuable if they were issued 2-3 times a year about the most severe weather conditions. When we get two a week all winter, they are not valuable. They are dangerous and socially destructive. People react in one of several ways. -- People who love to be frightened kvetch and post stupid warnings on Facebook. -- People who need to know the precise state of the weather try to decode the warning to parse whether it's real of just the usual BS. -- And more and more people just tune it out—which is why crying wolf is so dangerous. You shouldn't encourage this crap, Joe. People who believe in democracy should be cautious about encouraging official government promotion of fear, because ultimately that leads to authoritarianism—as the response to 9/11 so richly illustrates.
Richard Lorway Follow Me
I totally agree. Every event is a warning. Even an inch of rain is a "rainfall warning." Why is it a warning? It's simply raining, as it has since the dawn of time. But hype sells, I guess.

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