You’re invited to the scene of the crime!

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Book Launch

You are invited to the scene of the crime!

Confession Can Be Murder by Patricia O'Neil

Wednesday, May 31st

4–7 pm

Sacred Heart Downtown 217 George Street Sydney



Father Ambrose Granchelli hasn’t been late for Mass at St. Jude’s in fifty years. The congregation, understandably concerned, is horrified when he finally appears, toppling out of the confessional with a bloody bandage around his head and a screwdriver sticking out of his neck!         

The city’s Chief of Detectives has his own suspicions and at the top of the list is Shane Hawley, an ex-soldier with PTSD who doesn’t have an alibi for the time of the murder. Father Leo Quinn, St. Jude’s pastor, is Hawley’s uncle. With assistance from his niece Rosie and an ex-Scotland Yard detective, Father Leo embarks on a quest to both clear his nephew’s name and avenge Father Granchelli’s murder—uncovering a mountain of secrets, lies and skulduggery along the way.

Confession Can Be Murder is a classic cat-and-mouse murder mystery set in the fictional metropolis of Old Port City, Cape Breton.


Mingle with characters from the book

Free admission, door prizes, refreshments and more…

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