Another 36 yo Nova Scotian Dead

See disclaimer on the bottom of this article about harassment 

Another Nova Scotian in their 30s is dead from a needless ATV accident. We had a tragic death of a 35 yo in CBRM this month and both of these are extremely sad because we all know that it is going to continue to happen if our elected officials don't do what is needed to protect our citizens. I know with very, very little doubt that another Nova Scotian is going to die on an ATV soon and it is not magical powers that I have, it is a statistical fact. The statistics can be changed but our elected officials are the ones to do it. Initial reports in this latest death indicate that the "Off-Road" vehicle was driving "On-Road". Manufacturers warn ATV owners not to drive "On-Road" and studies show that the majority of ATV fatalities are from driving "On-Road". The study also says that "nonfatal roadway crashes result in more serious injuries than those off the road".

The two elected officials shown in this CB Post article trashed a decade long life affirming, Active Transportation trail and handed the trail over to the Marconi Trail Blazers so they could build a residential ATV trail against the wishes of the communities and without council approval. Data collected clearly shows that this unsanctioned and rash decision has directly caused an increase of ATVs "On-Road" in our communities. All indications are that this will continue to kill CBRM residents and our Mayor and Council should be well aware of this by now.

Salmon River man, 36, dead after ATV crash: N.S. RCMP



New Study Finds that ATVs Should Not be Operated on Paved or Unpaved Roads 

Off-Road vehicles are designed for well, off-road use. They are very unsafe when operated on roads; paved or not (like trails). The image below shows one reason why but others are outlined in the study above. The image below if from this article (Death & Injury - CBRM Duty Of Care) and shows that from December 2021 to February, 2022 we seen two Nova Scotians died driving their ATVs on roadways. And here we see another. So we have studies and manufacturers saying that ATV are not to be used on roadways and we have actual deaths that prove the reports to be true. Yet our elected officials built the CBRM Residential ATV trail that has increased ATV "On-Road" driving by over 10 times. This is irresponsible and could potentially put the CBRM taxpayers in a position of civil liability, let alone kill and injure our residents. Creating a policy that puts more ATVs on the streets and then punting it to Police Services as "Police Issue" is ridiculous and will not hold water in any forum.

Again, the question that runs through my mind when I read this is; Should CBRM be implementing policies based on real data like in this study, that is available to them or advice from special interest groups like the local ATV clubs?

The Full Study HERE 

I have to make this statement so it is clear that I am not harassing our elected officials or any groups of people: The following is political commentary related to community damaging and people harming policies that need to be reversed for the betterment of "all CBRM". This article is about recent unsanctioned decisions and actions in CBRM that are causing real community issues and can most likely be correlated to deaths and injuries, that's all.

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