Death & Injury - CBRM Duty Of Care

Public officials in CBRM have a "Duty Of Care" responsibility towards the public. This means they shouldn't create policies that will put more residents in our emergency rooms or morgues. We saw this when they cancelled parades when it was brought to their attention that kids may be fatally injured. The same goes for the CBRM Residential ATV Trail that the two elected officials shown in this CB Post article pushed for.

You may ask; How does something that can do so much harm to our community pass through a council who is responsible for duty of care towards the public? Well there is no evidence that this decision was brought to CBRM Council for a discussion and a vote. This is shown HERE. This questionable behavior happened before the last election so in fairness approximately half the council chamber wasn't part of this. But they are now!

The following reports are available to all CBRM public officials elected & non-elected:

All-terrain vehicle serious injuries and death in children and youth: A national survey of Canadian paediatricians

" All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) are a leading cause of serious injury in children and youth.  "

The question that runs through my mind when I read this is; Should CBRM be making policies based on real data like this, that is available to them or based on advice from special interest groups like the local ATV clubs?


New Study Finds that ATVs Should Not be Operated on Paved or Unpaved Roads

Off-Road vehicles are designed for well, off-road use. They are very unsafe when operated on roads. The image below shows one reason why but others are outlined in the study above. Since December 2021 we see two Nova Scotians died driving their ATVs on roadways. So we have studies and manufacturers saying that ATV are not to be used on roadways and we have actual deaths that prove the reports to be true. Yet our elected officials built the CBRM Residential ATV trail that has increased ATV roadway used by over 10 times. This is irresponsible and could potentially put the CBRM taxpayers in a position of civil liability, let alone kill and injure our residents. Creating a policy that puts more ATVs on the streets and then punting it to Police Services as "Police Issue" is ridiculous and will not hold water in any forum.

Again, the question that runs through my mind when I read this is; Should CBRM be making policies based on real data like this, that is available to them or advice from special interest groups like the local ATV clubs?

The Full Study HERE

Man killed in ATV crash in Cookville, N.S.

Lunenburg County man dies in fatal ATV collision 

US Pediatric report:

Pediatric and adolescent injury in all-terrain vehicles

" All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) remain a significant source of death and injury among youth.  "

" annual cost for deaths and injuries approaching $1 billion.  "

Do you feel the CBRM Council is living up to their duty of care responsibility? 

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