Cape Breton's Secret Summer Bucketlist

OK. The first thing you have to know about me is I'm always up for a good adventure and if I hear about something that sounds a little out of the ordinary, I gotta check it out. Secondly, I am in a situation where I often get asked about cool things in Cape Breton to see and do.

Well, quite frankly, I'm getting a little tired of always trying to remember the things I know about. It is tough you know.

So I thought I would try to get them all in one place for visitors and locals alike. I am billing it as "Cape Breton's Secret Summer Bucketlist" and it is filled with some of Cape Breton's greatest, oddest, tastiest, funnest things everyone should do but probably have not because they didn't know about them. 

Click to explore the interactive map. Here, you can click on a marker to get a description and maybe a web link. If on your mobile phone, you can get directions. So get out there and start crossing off adventures* **.

Festivals & Events:

Point Michaud Beach Sand Castle Competition
Point Michaud Surf Classic
Margaree Highland Games
Caribbean Festival
Mawi’ta’mk Pow Wow
Anything that Floats Race
Summer People Festival
Swim the Canal
Canada Day Water Fight Parade
Rotary Rib Fest

History & Culture:

Fortress Louisbourg Cannoneer
Mira's Pirate Shipyard
Scatarie Pilgrimage
Sterling Mine Barrens
Bell Museum White Glove Tour
St Margaret of Scotland Church
Music at the Red Shoe Pub
Isle Madame Lighthouse Tour
Governors Celtic Jam
CB Public Art Tour
Old Route 5 Stone Bridge
Cultural Journey Around Goat Island
Nova Scotia's Only Totem Pole
Go Underground
Wednesday Night Ceilidh
Membertou Medicine Walk


Cape Dauphin Lagoon Swim
Squid Jigging
Islandview Brook Walk & Falls
Cape Clear
Walk to the Train Trestle
Digging Clams at Fuller's Bridge
Camp at the Edge of the World
MacFarlane Woods
Stargaze at Two Rivers Observatory
Mica Hill
Sunflower Field
Fish with The Tying Scotsman
Meat Cove Mountain


Albert Bridge Jumping
Cape Breton Drive-In Theatre
Cheticamp Gypsum Quarry Swim
Clothesline Dummy
Giant Walk
Highland Bow & Arrow
Mountain Pine Zip Line
See Cape Breton from the Air
Tube the Margaree
Visit the North Pole
Visit the TARDIS


Lick-a-Chick Chicken
Tasty Treat Dipped Cone with Nuts
Dancing River Sprite
Dancing Goat Porridge Bread
Lick-a-Treat Drumstick
Street Beast Deep Fried Mars Bars
Farmer's Daughter for Treats
Beggar's Banquet
Frog Pond Café
Sweet Side of the Moon
Oysters at Hide Away Campground
Pebble and Fern Market Garden
Learn to Lobster Boil
Community Pizza Oven

Listen to the CBC Information Morning interview from Monday, July 11, 2016.

If you are looking for some more family adventure, check out my latest article "5 Cape Breton Trails Perfect for Kids".

* I am, in no way, responsible for any laws broken or misfortunes which may happen during your bucketlist adventures.

** Please be careful and use your head when following Google Map directions and tell someone where you are going.

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Filled with some of Cape Breton's greatest, oddest, tastiest, funnest things everyone should do but probably have not.
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Peter Ross Follow Me
Very cool list. There a few items I didn't know about at all.
Steven Rolls My Post Follow Me
Totally the point Peter. You will not find this stuff in a brochure at the Information Centre. And it is all worth seeing or doing.
Richard Lorway Follow Me
Clam digging at Fuller's Bridge just past Fourchu. Then put them in a bucket of salt water and let them spit out the sand for a couple of hours, take them to your favourite beach, build a bonfire, and cook till they open. Drag through butter, add beer, et voila!
Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
Hmmm... sounds like a Dick Cheney torture vacation ... a "torcation".
Christian Murphy Follow Me
I heard somewhere that Obama declined Dick Cheney's hunting trip invitation.
[comment deleted] Posted
Greg O'Brien Follow Me
I was here in the summer of 2017 and there are barely any clams remaining. A lot of shells but not many live clams.
Joe Ward Follow Me
Mira Gut bridge jumping is fun too. Perhaps a little more dangerous in that you need to get to the top by climbing up the rail. Not quite as high as Albert Bridge, but fun with the current ripping out and you do your best Michael Phelps impression to make it the 2-3 feet to shore. ;)
Brenda Durdle Follow Me
It used to be. Bridge is gone
Joe Ward Follow Me
This would be be killer with links. Wink, wink. :P
Steven Rolls My Post Follow Me
Hey Joe, the link on the page will take you to an intere time map with descriptions, coordinates, and and web links available for each adventure.
Joe Ward Follow Me
Ah, I see. Speed Reading again. ;) I'm biased on #UX type stuff. But it would probably work better just to link each of the items in the text. But major props for creating this resource. :)
Steven Rolls My Post Follow Me
Nothing really to link to, this stuff is so off the radar there is hardly anything on the web I could link to. Anyway, the GoCapeBreton article is more a taste (teaser), the interactive map and list will live perminently on where it will remain and grow.
Laurie-Anne Charlebois Follow Me
MY husband and I will be visiting in there a "Fall Bucket List" too?! :)
Steven Rolls My Post Follow Me
Pretty much the same list with less swimming.
Bonny Egan Follow Me
Celtic Colours.. Celebrating CB Music and Fall colours..It's wonderful
Robert Mueller Follow Me
Great! And it would be the No1 list if you could easily see the dates of the events , pop up if curser is over pin for instance.
Steven Rolls My Post Follow Me
If you follow the link under the map, it will take you to an interactive version of the map.
Robert Mueller Follow Me
yes, I found that but I mean if you klick on a pin it shows the event, but you need to klick on the provided link to find the dates of this event. Would be great to see WHEN is where what going on.
Steven Rolls My Post Follow Me
Ya, I wanted to make the list a long standing list which could be added to and available year to year. Searching for the festival dates each year is a tough one and many have not posted their dates yet. I will try to get the dates in there as I find them.
Peter Sheehan Follow Me
Now imagine what a tourist goes through when planning a trip to be able to find the many things on this list . We spend millions on marketing "scenery" far more than the things to do and places to stop. Think this could be the beginning of the 100 bucket things on Cape Breton ??
Steven Rolls My Post Follow Me
It could very well grow that large. I already have a few others I want to add this summer but have to do some digging first. I also just put out a list of "5 Cape Breton Trails Perfect for Kids"
Diane MacLean Follow Me
Hi Steven, great bucket list but if you could add the Two Rivers Wildlife Park in Huntington, Marion Bridge, that would be awesome. There is camping there with a new building containing, showers, dishwashing area etc... They would absolutely love to get the attention for sure..thanks
Steven Rolls My Post Follow Me
As much as I love the Wildlife Park, If I were to put anything on the Bucketlist it would be Frightnight (Not in the Summer) or gazing at stars in the observatory (I would need a contact to schedule or a hard fast schedule people could count on).
Gordon Kerr Follow Me
Great list Steven. For a really exciting hidden treasure try St. Peter's and Swim the Canal. Register by July 16th to reserve your size t-shirt! Register online at Or at Marsha's Custom Cuts in St. Peter's Or contact Ann Marie Kerr 902-535-3759; [email protected].
Richard Lorway Follow Me
OK. Where's the Winter Bucket List?
Steven Rolls My Post Follow Me
I have been updating the Cape Breton Secret Summer Bucketlist, getting ready for the upcoming season. Check it out.
Velma Sampson Follow Me
This is great. I am in the process of a move home to Cape Breton. I only lived there as a child but spent summers there growing up. Moved from Toronto to Moncton, where I am. This list is great and helps me with my planning. I know 2017 is over (Christmas in a few days) but circulating this vis-a-vis FB and Twitter. It'll be just as useful in 2018!!
Brenda Durdle Follow Me
Do we have dates yet?
Jennifer Sheppard Follow Me
Aha! You missed Avalon Gathering! Edit: Granville Green in Hawkesbury is pretty sweet too. Fred Penner this year!
Tars MacEachern Follow Me
The interactive map isn’t working properly. I clicked on it to check out one thing then can’t get back to map??
Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
Tars, the map on this page seems to be working ok. But, if you click the icon that is an arrow in a road sign, it will open a new window/tab to a google map. You have to switch back to this window/tab to return to the interactive map.
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