17 CBVRSB Schools Closing: The Unfolding Story (Update April 14)

Because of declining student enrollments and cutbacks to departmental budgets, the Cape Breton-Victoria Regional School Board is closing 17 schools throughout the Board.  

To help the community be better informed, goCapeBreton.com will be assembling some of the media reports so that they can be found on one page.

Note that some of the links go to sites that may require subscriptions. 

What do you think about what's happening?   

Have your say by LIKING, DISLIKING, or posting a COMMENT.

April 14th, 2016

April 13th, 2016

April 12th, 2016

February 3rd, 2016

February 2nd, 2016

January 28th, 2016

January 26th, 2016

December 28th, 2015

August 25th, 2015

Sydney Mines Middle 
Thompson Middle 
Florence Elementary
St. Joseph's Elementary
Seton Elementary 

George D. Lewis 
MacLennan Middle 
East Bay 
Robin Foote Elementary 

Sherwood Park Education Centre
Whitney Pier Memorial Middle 
Mira Road Elementary

Mount Carmel Elementary 
St. Agnes Elementary 

Gowrie Memorial 
John Bernard Croak V.C. Memorial 
MacDonald Elementary 
Tompkins Elementary 

August 24th, 2015

July 8th, 2015

April, 2015

April, 2014

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Due to declining enrollment and funding cuts, the CBVRSB is closing schools. Get the latest news and have your say!
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Richard Lorway Follow Me
Reading the Post article, I was surprised to learn that nobody stepped up to the microphone to comment or protest. Is this a demonstration of collective fatigue with this issue? Are we as a community resigned to our fate? Perhaps we simply recognize the inevitable, i.e. that enrollment has dropped to the point where drastic steps must be taken.
Tera Camus Follow Me
Why is Memorial High depicted in the photo when it's clearly not listed as a possible school that will close? Whitney Pier Memorial is the school that might be shut.
Rory Andrews Follow Me
We choose the image before the list of schools for closure came out. The image is now updated with Sherwood Park Education Centre.
Christian Murphy Follow Me
We as a community are at a crossroads,we know the problems yet lack the leadership to drive change. More money is spent discussing and studying problems than invested in solving them. Darwinism is a theory of biological evolution developed by Charles Robert Darwin and others, stating that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce. There is a flip side to this, which ultimately results in extinction. Let's apply this to social systems, the socioeconomic constructs that define Cape Breton. We know that schools require children, yet are angered by closures; the result of no children. People are leaving, why? To find a better life for their children, one that will provide opportunity and a future. We as a community can be described as a three legged dog that was just diagnosed with the mange. Rather than invest in a cure, we focus on treatment and bandages.. The point is, the rest of Canada and the Province don't care, trust me they don't. They have their own issues that effect them. This is a dog race and there are few that will bet on a mangy three legged dog. What is even more interesting, we as a community won't even bet on ourselves. Ask yourself, when was the last time I purchased from a local business or farmer? Went to a wharf and purchased directly from a local fisherman? We participate in our own demise, present company included, (yes me). Struggle without end is not prosperity it's existence, therefore the decline continues. What we see are the symptoms.
Peter Sheehan Follow Me
Don't let them tear down any useful buildings like they did the last time they closed schools on the island .

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