CBMIC launches a new sharing platform to foster collaboration.

This group "The Writers Pad" is for all (and we mean all) artists and songwriters who are interested in sharing their songs and song ideas. Whether you want to share a new song as a work in progress, or simply share a song idea, This group is a platform to encourage songwriting, collaborating and fostering more musical creativity. Full songs, pieces of songs, topics, themes, lyrics or musical progressions are the framework.

This can be a place for increased attention and listens to all your new works as well as a place to potentially find new ideas and missing pieces to finish songs. Please post your original works here and share like crazy.

[Jon Hines “Pitter Patter” writing a ton of new stuff, super eager to share these with folks.]

We will also be uploading your demo versions to our new playlist, "The Writers Pad" on our CBMIC YouTube Channel. (YouTube Playlist to be launched soon)


Cape Breton Music Industry Cooperative (CBMIC) is a not-for-profit organization developed to grow and support Cape Breton’s music industry. CBMIC is currently run by a volunteer Board of Directors with a vast amount of knowledge and experience of the current music industry standards and what needs to occur (on both a short-term and long-term basis) to assure this industry continues to strengthen and grow within Cape Breton- and more importantly, expand CBMIC on a national and international scale.

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Share a new song as a work in progress, or simply share a song idea, This group is to encourage songwriting, collaborating & fostering more musical creativity.
A&E Music


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