Councillor Jim MacLeod is the representative for CBRM's District 12. At the council meeting on June 21st, he made a short but passionate comment. And though he was talking about Fire Services, he actually made the case for why he should resign immediately from the Port of Sydney Development Corporation board.
"It's not what we could, should, or we didn't do. We didn't do it... because we never had professional opinions. And there's no professionals around this table... when it comes to fire services." - Councillor Jim MacLeod, District 12, CBRM
Mr. MacLeod is right.
But when he arrives at the next Port of Sydney Development Corporation board meeting, there are no professionals around that table either... when it comes to port development expertise. From CEO Usher on down, everyone is far out of their depth of expertise.
I'm not revealing anything that Jim or the rest of the port board doesn't know.
Their own articles of incorporation outline the level of expertise required. It also insists that no elected officials should be on the board. But Mayor Cecil Clarke, Jim, and the other councillors on the port board ignored that during the first AGM. And they decided to keep themselves in place.
Mr. MacLeod: It's clear that you now know what you could and what you should do. And that is resign from the Port of Sydney Development corporation, and recruit a professional into your place. Set an example for your colleagues to do the right thing. Though I agree, the rationale for doing so is your own.
With the election coming up on October 15th, MacLeod also said something that should really hit home with the rest of the councillors who are permitting this to all go on without putting a stop to it:
"But we all have to accept responsibility around this table, not just one or two or three..."
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