Community Cares Youth Outreach

The vision of Community CARES Youth Outreach is a community that cares deeply about all young people and young families - a community where young people have many reasons to feel worthy of a good life, to remain hopeful and to "pay it forward." 

After 16 years of front-line work, Community CARES remains rooted in this vision and committed to its mission. 

Our Programs

Stone Soup

  • Children experience healthy eating through cooking, physical activity, and the joy of serving others. 

Beat the Street

  • Giving youth opportunities by fighting homelessness, tutoring, and community participation.

Pay it Forward Outreach

  • Connecting youth in need to resources and assistance they need to overcome barriers and challenges.


For more information on Community CARES' programs, please download the attached brochure. (See CCYO Brochure below.)


We hope that you share our vision and join with us to help make their dreams a reality.

Pictures and Documents

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15 years of helping young people overcome adversity and achieve higher goals through literacy programs, access to education and community services.
Directory Association, Charity, Group, Nonprofit Charities Nonprofit Donation Fund


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