Cornwallis School in Ashby Gets New Life as Seniors' Apartments

The thousands of students who passed through Cornwallis Elementary School in Sydney over its 54 year life probably wouldn't recognize the place now.

It's been completely transformed into a seniors apartment complex.

~ Read more on CBC News Nova Scotia.

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Saunders Construction converts decommissioned elementary school into seniors' complex.
Living Senior Living


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Carol Graham Follow Me
Really! , Check out the price of the apartments? A senior receiving only OAS and GIS pensions could not afford these. Not built for seniors living at or below the cost of living.
madeline yakimchuk Follow Me
exactly! when my fellow boomers who have pensions die and the prices come down there may be one for me, if I am still alive and still working!
Judith Bartlett Follow Me
We are in desparate need of AFFORABLE 2 bedroom housing units for seniors. Not high-end units that the average senior can't afford. What about a co-op. We have one in Sydney but the waiting list is very long. Regional Housing has 2 bedroom duplexes with an 8-10 year waiting list. Something needs to be done!

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