Good Food Review - ISLAND SAUCE CO BBQ Sauce

The Island Sauce Co, founded by Keven Taylor in Sydney, has just launched its first sauces and I was eager to try them.  So, I sparked up my Big Green Egg, butterflied a chicken, and cut it in half. (Ok, so truth is that my wife, Joanie, did all those things and then I took the wheel.)  

The plan was to try the Cape Smokey BBQ sauce on one half (left side in the photo above) and the Highland Honey BBQ sauce on the other (right side in the photo above). I salted the chicken and added a bit of olive oil and nothing else. I purposely kept the seasoning to a minimum so that I would get the true taste of the sauces. I cooked the chicken for about 40 minutes and then added the sauce for the last 15. I hear that at least three coats of sauce works best, so that's what I did.

This is a picture of My Big Green Egg when it was new. After hundreds of cooks, it's not so pretty any more, but still cooks up a storm.

The results?  Two winners!  I wouldn't be writing this Good Food Review if they weren't because I only share good food experiences here. Now, I'm not a BBQ sauce expert, but I have found that BBQ sauces tend to lean towards sweet or smokey, and I think that can be a regional thing too. In any event, the Highland Honey was sweet and the Cape Smokey was ... well, you know.

I normally prefer sweet sauces, but I have to say that I had a hard time choosing because they were both very good. I also like the thickness of the sauces, which makes them easy to apply. The glass bottle and the simple and clean design of the label communicate the authenticity of the brand. Even the names of these sauces are on target.


I'm quite pleased that I no longer have to face this shelf in the grocery store ...

... because I've found my go-to BBQ sauces.  They are very good and they are very local.  Sold!

There's love in this food.

  • The Island Sauce Co is just starting to become available in local stores and soon online.  Follow their Facebook page below to find out more.

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