Halifax DJ Refuses To Pay Cover In Cheticamp - Upsets Musicians

Halifax DJ, BJ Wilson of the Q104 morning show is drawing criticism in social media. The response from listeners and several local musicians came after comments attributed to him were posted on the station's Facebook page.

Along with the photo meme shown above, the Facebook post (available here) indicates that Wilson and 10 others left a Cheticamp pub on the weekend after refusing to pay the $8 cover charge.

The Q104 post states that the group's offer to pay $50 for 11 of them to enter the venue was refused by the doorman, so they left. It describes the cover fee as being "ridiculous" and asks their Facebook page fans if they've ever "walked away" from a bar or pub for the same reason.

Several prominent local musicians commented with stiff criticism.

Matt Minglewood
"BJ are you for real? What a sleazy comment an insult to all musicians"

Colin Grant
"Swing and a miss, folks responsible at Q104 FM. I play at the Doryman and feel they did the right thing to ask cover from everyone - that's what venues do who know how to treat the musicians right - and you folks should at the very least be conscious of that. Hopefully you'll keep this in mind down the road as you attend more shows at similar venues, wherever they may be. We Cape Bretoners will be happy to play you some tunes if it's not too much to ask for the same support on the ground as you've given us on the airwaves. Best regards"

J.P. Cormier

"I want everyone to see this. This is your local maritime radio station. Absolutely disgusting."

Rob Murphy
"As a Musician I'm greatly insulted by this meme."

Eddie Cummings

"As a musician, sometimes people feel they are paying you for just "the time you play"....there's much more involved than that....travel to and from, setup, tear down, and possibly dealing with people who feel since they paid they can give you a hard time....the Doryman is an incredible venue, and I feel privileged to play there....cover charges help cover costs of entertainment...if you went to the movies with 20 friends, would you negotiate a price because you brought more business? Doubtful....the irony of the Q104 thing is kinda funny to me....aren't radio stations in support of music?"

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Nigel Kearns Follow Me
Next live music show I do, will now have a two tier cover charge. Example: "General Admission, $20, Q104 employee, $35..."Must show ID"
Lee Muise Follow Me
Well, well, well....I for one, will definitely be boycotting Q104 as well as any event this hipocritical ******** is involved with...Although, too bad there isn't a covercharge to watch BJ's reputation and career go up in flames (How to become the most hated man in your industry, the one man show) - good way to raise money for music programs!!

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