
Have You Tried Cape Breton WORD6 ?

Cape Breton WORD6 seems to have become quite popular with many Capers at home and away playing every day.

Have you played?

If you like word puzzles and Cape Breton Island, this game is for you!

It only takes a few minutes to play on your phone, tablet, or computer and resets every day at midnight.

Here are some tips for winning:  

  • Focus on finding as many letters as possible in the first few guesses — trying to solve the puzzle early is difficult, so focus on finding letters.
  • Treat the game like a word scramble — Find most of the letters first, then make a guess.
  • Unlike Wordle, Word6 allows you to use nonwords so that opens it up for testing as many letters as possible.

Below is a table of the letters in order of frequency used in the English language.  But keep in mind that Cape Breton WORD6 often uses place names so the letter frequency may be different.

Do you have any tips for winning at WORD6?  Share them in the comments below.

Play WORD 6

E 11%
A 8%
R 7%
I 7%
O 7%
T 6%
N 6%
S 5%
L 5%
C 4%
U 3%
D 3%
P 3%
M 3%
H 3%
G 2%
B 2%
F 1%
Y 1%
W 1%
K 1%
V 1%
X <1%
Z <1%
J <1%
Q <1%

Play WORD 6

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