Here We Go Again — Election & Equalization

The province is calling an election and in the spirit of transparency and accountability, we are here to remind you of a few facts. The first one is that Brian Comer has blocked one of his constituents (Charles Sampson) since April 2021 for simply asking a respectful question during an exchange of information between the two men. The second item we want to remind you of took place during the negotiations of Bill 340. During this time, the opposition (Derek Mombourquette, Zach Churchill, Fred Tilley and Kendra Coombes) all made compelling cases for the CBRM to have a separate funding agreement being the second largest municipality in the province. Why Derek Mombourquette did not make this case when he and his party were in a majority government position in the province is a question you must ask Derek. After the process took place, the 5 PC MLAs from Cape Breton, Brian Comer, Keith Bain, Allan McMaster, John White and Trevor Boudreau, all stood up and voted against this separate deal. Now why would a Cape Bretoner vote against amendments to see “HOME” receive a better funding arrangement with the province? The evil and crooked party politics at play. Now Allan McMaster is looking for your support as he runs for MP against another character, Mike Kelloway. We know that Mike, Jaime, Rodger or Mark all ignored equalization in Ottawa so maybe we should ask Allan for his commitment on the subject before you consider sending him to Ottawa.

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Mark Floerke Follow Me
What frustrates me the most with political promises is that it is more and more becoming a popularity contest of trying to find the right generalization buttons to push and get their vote. To do what exactly, How exactly will it be done? This is also part of that "transparency" people like to talk about lately. Small businesses need more support. Excellent. What kind of support is that going to look like? Are you going to drop in once a month and spend $20 support? Oh! You'll post to your Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to ask all your local friends to spend $20 once a month! Am I right? I believe the title is "Member of Legislative Assembly". When you assemble, I presume that is one of those legalese words for gathering and coming together, or as many might say, have a meeting. Legislate has to do with writing, approving, supporting laws, regulations, and government programs. Why not tell us to vote for you to create XYZ program, by getting support for ABC bill to become the law of the land to support small businesses. Give us some meat. ABC will create XYZ to assist small businesses close the prosperity gap over the next 10 (15?, 20?, 25?) years, and produce a vibrant economy in CBRM, with projected mean household incomes of $QRS, and a regional GDP output of $TUV Annually. Why are politicians so afraid of delivering information to make it real for us? If the other guy steals you idea, we all win, and that is the real objective, isn't it? Or is it just about a cushy job of glad handing and smiling with a nice salary and a pretty pensions to boot?

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