Is Councillor Kevin Saccary Trying to Disrupt Synergy Louisbourg?

A month ago, I asked for Councillor Kevin Saccary’s resignation from the Port of Sydney Development Corporation’s board. My argument was strong without knowing the full extent of what he had really been up to in Louisbourg.

Now he’s back to duping the readers of the Cape Breton Post once again. And I’m back to call for his resignation again - this time due to his conflicted actions on behalf of another shadow organization. Insert suspenseful music here... and I’ll explain shortly.

The last time I wrote about Saccary, he had used the Cape Breton Post to blast Destination Louisbourg (a DBA brand of the Synergy Louisbourg group). His premise was that he was upset with a “blatant conflict of interest” in their hiring of Executive Director, Mitch McNutt.

In a triple scoop of irony he accused them of “creating negativity” and referred to them as “shady”. With a little introspection, he could have found a fitting home for those labels just above his suit jacket pocket.

Just keep in mind that Synergy Louisbourg is the group behind a “Strategic Tourism Expansion Plan” that has the endorsement and commitment of funds from both the Cape Breton Regional Municipality and ACOA (a Federal government agency).

Just to reinforce the CBRM’s support of the group’s initiatives, let’s have Saccary tell you himself:

That video snippet is from the CBRM council meeting on January 14th, 2014, after a well received presentation by Dorothy Payne, Chair of of the Synergy Louisbourg board.

So, why then, does Saccary keep accosting the group through Cape Breton Post reporter Sharon Montgomery-Dupe’s coverage?

In the latest CB Post article, Saccary claims that he intervened to spare the “Welcome to Louisbourg” sign from being replaced by Parks Canada workers acting on behalf of Synergy Louisbourg.

Montgomery-Dupe’s report describes his focus being how the sign was CBRM property and not to be touched. He presented himself as being oblivious to plans for replacement of the sign and suggested that Mitch McNutt had apologized to him for “not following proper protocol” via email.

McNutt’s actual response was:

It is my understanding that you have asked the Lighthouse sign replacement to be halted.  Apologies if I have missed a step in the process.  If you could direct me as to the particular issue or issues I will do all that I can to come up with solutions.

Politely apologetic, sure. He is a Canadian from the always-welcoming Cape Breton Island afterall. However, he was ultimately asking -if his group did miss a step in the process - for Saccary to inform him what it was so it could be resolved.


CBRM Public Works Gave Them Permission

In an email dated March 10th, 2016, CBRM Public Works employees sent confirmation to a Synergy Louisbourg project officer. He noted it as being a follow up to a phone call, and that he wanted it to be sent via email for the records of his supervisor, John Phelan (Manager of Public Works, CBRM Eastern Division).

While it indicated the CBRM staff would be installing “street signs”, it expressly gave permission for the Synergy group to take care of sign replacements - including the “Welcome Sign”.

“I figured that I would also send an email regarding our phone conversation for John’s record. John; [name redacted; Louisbourg Synergy employee] and spoke on the phone regarding her latest email. You will remember at our meeting that we agreed to install the Street Signs after they are made up. As for the other signage; Directional Sign, Welcome Sign etc. their contractors can install. Replacing existing signs was no issue and for new signage a location check would be done with Rodney before installation.”

Was Saccary Really Surprised by Synergy Louisbourg Replacing Signage?

Other than when the sign was going to be replaced, Councillor Saccary shouldn’t have been surprised at all. And knowing when isn’t within the scope of his responsibility… though, in my opinion, he shows a propensity for a level of meddling that puts himself in conflict of interest positions. And I’ll provide more supporting evidence of this below.

Saccary shouldn’t have been surprised because he attended a meeting on January 7th, 2016 with Synergy Louisbourg and an estimated 50 community members and stakeholders.

And during that meeting the full signage plan, complete with a slide show, was presented. Included in that presentation was the welcome sign and the lighthouse sign among others.

The signage replacement wasn’t a surprise to anyone who attended that meeting and certainly not Councillor Saccary.

So, no, he wasn’t surprised. He was effectively doing some political grandstanding while simultaneously accosting and misrepresenting Synergy Louisbourg for the second time in a month - courtesy of a cooperative Cape Breton Post.

I referenced “shadow organization” at the start of this article. And though that word might be better placed in a conspiracy novel, I’m going to bring everything together for you now. And you’ll understand what that means and how it relates to Mr. Saccary’s activities.

First, we’re going to try your patience. We have to introduce one more important figure to help understand everything.

Was the Manager of the Harbour Authority of Louisbourg Also Blindsided by the Signage Change?

The CB Post report also included many statements from the manager of the Harbour Authority, quoting her as saying she was “flabbergasted”. Coincidentally, that's the same word Saccary used in the previous CB Post coverage.

Now it is certainly quite possible that she was in opposition to replacing the welcome sign. However, she should not have been flabbergasted on April 21st, 2016.

Though I haven’t confirmed if the manager was present at the January 7th, 2016 meeting when Saccary was there to see the signage plan... she was still aware.

On March 10th, 2016, she sent an email to representatives of Synergy Louisbourg that indicated the following:

"I was just speaking with Rick McCready and he tells me that you are replacing our Welcome to Louisbourg sign with a new one at the entrance.  When do you expect this to take place and we will want our sign taken down and delivered to the Town Hall." 

Note: Rick McCready is the Senior Planner/Heritage Officer for the CBRM.

While she may not have been informed of the date - which turned out to be over a month after her email - she did acknowledge that she was aware it was going to be replaced. That’s why she asked for the current sign to be delivered to the Town Hall.

Let’s take a pause. This issue is filled with all goodwilled community leaders. Good people. Kind people. People I personally know and appreciate. People who want the best for their community even if they disagree with how to achieve it.

But this manager was already aware that the sign change was coming. So the information in the Cape Breton Post article is misleading. And it’s important to note.

What is all this Shadow Organization Nonsense?

It’s a reasonable term as you’ll see. Let me fess up: It’s one that works quite well to maintain your interest long enough to read through an overly lengthy article. One that could be confused as being about a “welcome sign”. But that’s not the real issue. It’s just a symptom hinting at something bigger.

Stick with me.

Remember I mentioned that Synergy Louisbourg was using “Destination Louisbourg” in their marketing? It has nice (and logical) alignment with Destination Cape Breton marketing. And that’s very likely to be their reason for selecting it in the first place.

Back at that January 7th, 2016 meeting with Councillor Saccary present, they invited attendees to join them in the “Destination Louisbourg” partnership.

Then during the February 19th, 2016 CBRM budget consultation session with council - with Saccary in attendance - they also repeatedly used “Destination Louisbourg” in their presentation and slides.

To the surprise of the Synergy Louisbourg and the Fortress Louisbourg Association, just 7 days before the budget consultation meeting, someone filed a society incorporation with the Nova Scotia Registration of Joint Stock called “Destination Louisbourg Society”.

And Councillor Saccary Knew All About It

Councillor Saccary was at the January 7th meeting. He spoke during the February 19th budget consultation - but made no mention of any conflicting “Destination Louisbourg Society”.

I’m suggesting that Saccary knew it existed even though Synergy Louisbourg apparently didn’t. But why?

Councillor Saccary knew it existed because he was one of the founding directors responsible for incorporating it.

Essentially what he did was take the “Destination Louisbourg” brand that Synergy Louisbourg was actively using to build a marketing strategy around.

And for a guy that complains about conflict of interest, it doesn’t stop there. Joining him as a director was the manager of the Louisbourg Harbour Authority. Remember the manager’s quote as being flabbergasted by the attempt to replace the welcome sign? This is despite having asked Synergy Louisbourg for it to be returned to the town hall after its removal a month before.

Were those really her quotes?

Although the Cape Breton Post indicated their affiliations as CBRM Councillor and Manager of the Harbour Authority of Louisbourg, respectively, they are actually co-directors of the nebulous “Destination Louisbourg Society”.

The Cape Breton Post author is also aware of this affiliation. I know this because I was in communication with her on April 11th. She actually explained to me that Saccary was on the “Society” version of Destination Louisbourg, and acknowledged hearing of some “controversy between the Destination Louisbourg groups”.

"It's all tied in. It gets thicker as we dig." - Councillor Kevin Saccary

Another of the directors is an active CBRM employee. So I’m not sure what Councillor Saccary is trying to pull off. However, if he’s the lead plotter behind this strategy, he’s not only putting himself in serious conflict, but also pulling in other good community people too.

And that’s what they are. I know because I scanned the list and recognize the names. And beyond Saccary, I saw only names that I’ve held in respect and high regard for my whole life growing up in the area. In fact, it was just last week that one member assisted my own family. To that person who will likely read this article, again I say: Thank you. We really appreciated you taking care of the issue and showing great concern.

But to Councillor Kevin Saccary, District 8, Serving Louisbourg, I must say:

Stop pulling good citizens into such conflicted situations. And stop using the Cape Breton Post to bring critical attention to Synergy Louisbourg while they are working to advance a major project for the town and the entire island.

This is a project that the CBRM is committed to and has already invested in; not to mention also approving the replacement of the signs you chastised them about in the paper.

Councillor Saccary: Please Publicly Apologize and Resign

I’m not talking about resigning from the Port of Sydney Dev Corp board at this moment. I’ve already expressed that in my previous article.

Here are the appropriate action items to set right the misdeeds you have been involved in:

#1 File for a Renaming of “Destination Louisbourg Society”

You knew it was being used by Synergy Louisbourg. Work with your colleagues in the society to choose a new and non-conflicting name. File it with NS Registry of Joint Stock. Then write a letter to Synergy Louisbourg notifying them that you have relinquished utilization of their “Destination Louisbourg” brand.

#2 Resign from the Society

This new society likely has no purpose other than to interfere with Synergy Louisbourg. You are free to provide a response if there is some alternative explanation. However, you are already a director with the same group of colleagues on the Louisbourg and Area Celebration Society.

I’m not sure how many societies and boards you need to join. When you resign as a director, you should encourage the CBRM employee who is also a director to do the same. She does fantastic work. Don’t jeopardize it by leading her into the same conflict you tend to get yourself into.

#3 Apologize

Issue a public apology to (1) Synergy Louisbourg, and (2) the CBRM council.

For the former, it will be for interfering with their projects, usurping their market branding of “Destination Louisbourg”, and repeatedly damaging their image in the media without cause.

For the latter, it will be for abusing your role as a district councillor, and doing so against a group that is currently receiving funding from the CBRM and your colleagues on council who support it.

#4 Affirm

Affirm that you will resolve all current conflicted situations you are in. Seek advice if it is needed, or if you feel you lack unbiased perspective. And affirm that you will avoid a repeat of such activities in the future.

It’s  About More Than a Sign

There is no big finish here. If you read this far, you’re likely someone deeply invested in the community of Louisbourg. You care. So just be aware that this goes deeper than simply replacing some signs.

There is nothing wrong with community members having different opinions. There is nothing wrong with vigorous debate. It’s healthy for a community. All ideas need to be challenged so that the best ones emerge.

But there is something wrong with an elected official getting into highly conflicted roles, and taking underhanded action against community groups.

It is certainly conduct unbecoming of a CBRM councillor, whose job it is to help good things happen in the district, not work against it.

Maybe the old sign should stay. Maybe the new consistent signage branding is best. But these are for the development groups of Louisbourg and the town's most committed citizens to decide.

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Saccary's back to duping readers of the Cape Breton Post again. And I’m back to call for his resignation again. Destination Louisbourg shadow organization?
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Wayne O'Toole Follow Me
Dispicable. One has to wonder if Saccary is attempting to push out a group to obtain their funding. Resign Saccary and go dip into your wifes purse some more. Time to remove the Mayor and counsillors like this. Corrupt bunch
Gary LeDrew Follow Me
Back room boys are at it again Them and there lawyers at the bottom of the sea would be the most progressive move that could ever happen here.
madeline yakimchuk Follow Me
Fantastic. Keep at it Joe.
Michael MacNeil Follow Me
I know that somebody from the Premiers office reads all the news items, post and comments from local newspaper and internet sites.We have a municipal election coming up in 6 months. I ask the premier Where is our Ombudsman or Auditor General? The CBRM is the second biggest municipality in Nova Scotia, Do we not deserve the services of the Ombudsman and Auditor General to check out this and the hundreds of other issues that appear to be shady in the CBRM?
Max MacDonald Follow Me
Cape Breton is competing for visitors with Australia, Disneyland and every other cool place on the planet. Marketing dollars are scarce. I strongly believe that we should be speaking with one voice through DCBA. All of these local & regional tourism groups on the Island are, in my view, a distraction. The resources they use would be better spent in the global battle for the tourism visitor and DCBA is better positioned to be that voice. Cape Breton is the brand, not St. Peter's or Louisbourg or Ingonish. These names mean nothing to people outside Nova Scotia and many within. "Cape Breton" at least describes a piece of geography a potential visitor can understand and be curious about. Let's get them here and then fight over them with really good, creative product. It's little wonder there is confusion in Louisbourg when smart guys from away have charged big bucks to come up with the following as a roadmap for them to achieve success.
Wayne O'Toole Follow Me
While I agree with a potential "one source" ideaI have little faith in DCBA. You'd be hard pressed to get a community like Membertou for example, to put faith in an organization that rarely includes our aboriginal groups in their advertisments. As well, how would they allot fairly to each community and attraction? This is not the norm in world tourism. When I went to Arzona they had a group for Arizona, grand canyon, Phoenix and so on. In Australia you'll see the same, multiple groups. I think putting all tourism eggs(funding) in one grouos lap is a bad idea as they will pick, chose and decide who gets "highlighted" while smaller communities, and groups will get minimal exposure.
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
I think the DCBA should act as consultants, provide best practises, business case/project development, etc. The prerequisite is that their staff actually possess the professional skills that can be relied on (TBD). However, I would not rest my confidence in them as a central "authority" even with that skillset in place. The only way to ensure that each community has the right advocacy is to ensure that advocacy comes from within. We are much less likely to neglect our own interests. Therefore, each community has to have some level of autonomy over the direction it takes. This is a part of the reason why some are not so inclined to give Synergy Louisbourg carte blanche, due to their strong ties to Park's Canada. Consider the info Destination Cape Breton's CEO communicated to CNN: Quote: ### Mary Tulle, CEO of Destination Cape Breton, says inquiries to her nonprofit tourism association have been unprecedented, whether by email, Internet or phone. "We have a fantastic receptionist who would normally handle maybe two inquiries a day," Tulle says. "We had five people dedicated full time to manage the inquiries." ### So is "two inquiries a day" a good measure of the quality of marketing at Destination Cape Breton? At two per day, I think most private businesses would quickly be closing up shop. But even government organizations would have to realize that's not effective. If you look staff salary and overhead for a week, imagine how much is being invested to handle just 10 calls. Not a very good ROI. Likely negative. Maybe they should be trying to recruit Rob Calabrese as Vice President of Marketing. He was able to net millions in free marketing via media leverage with a concept he put together by himself in a single day. Surely he could consistently turn out stuff that would do better than 2-a-day.
Max MacDonald Follow Me
I'm talking about destination marketing. This is the big picture marketing that gets someone to chose one destination over another. It's about getting people to Cape Breton instead of Arizona. Surely we have to trust someone to lead this effort. Like Arizona, once they arrive there are competing interests for their time and money. This is where the regional groups can promote their local interest. This is a common structure for tourism. Hopefully this would help to create more compelling, authentic stories that would entice visitors to experience an area. I would agree the First Nations story is an important part of the overall Cape Breton destination marketing story. I'm sure if they feel underrepresented in that regard they are making the case directly to DCBA. I'm equally sure they are being heard.
Wayne O'Toole Follow Me
I think that could be dangerous still from a funding perspective. Take now, under MacNeil who has cut many things to shreds....tell him DCBA is doing all of Cape Bretons marketing...whats to stop him from just removing the other funding and placing in general funds. I disagree that groups like Destination Louisbourg should cave to DCBA. The Fortress is a federal park who sources a great deal of federal money and is unique so needs to showcase itself and community. DCBA includes them in marketing but they still function independently. What I don't agree with is Saccary creating a Destination Louisburg " thats confusing and hugely unnecessary and likely an attempt to squash the other group to acquire its funding. But we will all have differences on such topics and its good to have discussions like these....something Saccary and CBRM dislike doing.
Mary Campbell Follow Me
I've been thinking it might also make sense to promote itineraries incorporating multiple tourist attractions based on themes rather than geography. (This was inspired by a winter spent trying to snowshoe every trail in the CBRM.) I think the golf courses are attempting something like this, but it could work for beaches or museums or kayak rental places too. People offering similar attractions or services might actually do better by cooperating than competing. I've even got a tagline: "Cape Breton: Choose your own adventure."
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
There is a very smart guy, and community advocate, named Steven Rolls who has brainstormed similar ideas related to promoting different types of attractions, particularly small scale stuff that isn't capable of full scale marketing on their own. His background and career is technology based, so he has some solutions that utilize tech to do so.
Mary Campbell Follow Me
That makes sense to me -- how hard would it be to create a database of attractions, accommodations, activities, etc that would allow people to create, say, a five-day itinerary focused on museums or kayaking or golfing or what have you? (Full disclosure: I have never created a database.)
Max MacDonald Follow Me
Celtic Colours does this.
madeline yakimchuk Follow Me
It makes sense, but from a 21st century point of view. We need new thinking at more than council in CB.
[comment deleted] Posted
madeline yakimchuk Follow Me
we could certainly do it with one organization if we had quality people. We have four languages, many cultures, lots to do, but DCBA is not doing it all justice. They have finally included the Mi'kmaw, after a lot of stink over it last year, but what you see at their table in Halifax is plaid, of course. It is shameful.
Wayne O'Toole Follow Me
One org...yes possible but agreed not DCBA under its current leadership. One rooted tree with many branches. Perhaps a talented rep for each major function/area. Why not include a marketing rep from aboriginal community, and one for Marys idea of clumping activity, hiking, culture, history, and the works. I am proud of my celtic background but even that is wrong. We promote mainly scottish when in fact the Irish settled earlier but even then we are no solely fiddkes and celts. We are diverse not only in people but in what we have. Largest reconstructed fortress in the world, cabot trail, golf, pow wows. We have history pre colonism, we have mythology. Add all this and more to "one of most beautiful islands to visit". Maybe our provincial government will hire an American firm to do our marketing....mighr as well they are doing everything else and would likely do as good a job as DCBA
Lynn Hussey Follow Me
It's disheartening..but no big surprise I guess. I hate to say it but I'm losing faith that we'll EVER get anywhere with the attitude and 'leadership'? we have here. Everyone is out to make a name for themselves.
Lynn Hussey Follow Me
Thank you Joe!! I've been so confused following that whole controversy! This explains a lot.
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
You're welcome, Lynn. But I suspect this is only scratching the surface. I would love to hear more from any of those in the community who are opposed to the Synergy Project.
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
NOTE: Synergy Louisbourg will be presenting the "final design concept" for the Louisbourg waterfront at the CBRM General Committee meeting: Monday, May 2nd @ 1:30pm 320 Esplanade, Sydney Council Chambers, 2nd Floor, City Hall
Lynn Hussey Follow Me
We should All be at that meeting and Bombard them with our questions. I had a private message yesterday from someone who has tried to get on the political wagon as Saccary had done. This is what she wrote after I posted the piece on him. Hi Lynn......the article on Louisbourg doesn't say that Saccary left the group because of behind the scenes agendas. The group announced at a meeting that they had the deed to the RV park but that wasn't true. Lots being said but short on truth. Remember we are in an election year so there's private agendas because of this. The puzzle will come together. My reply back to her: It's making me ill. I had High hopes that 'they' would all rise above this kind of crap. Between the Sydney Ports Corp. and this 'stuff' I can't see any hope for Cape Breton. If they'd all shove their own personal agenda's and work on the heart of the matter we'd all be better off for it. And lastly, her reply again: I agree Lynn....but the article is one-sided, not once did the author ask to interview anyone from the other side.. So there you have it..we need answers.
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
This is very good feedback, because it adds to the discussion. But it's a bit misguided. I'll explain. We have to look at the core ideas actually being communicated in my article. It suggests: > Saccary is trying to disrupt the Synergy group > Synergy had CBRM's permission to change the signs > Saccary and public attendees of the Jan 7 or Feb council meeting knew about the sign change > Harbour Authority manager was aware of sign change a month before the CB Post article > Saccary was aware that Synergy was using "Destination Louisbourg" as a brand All of those are strongly supported and information is provided. It's a response to the CB Post piece (which is lopsided) with Saccary and his colleague at "Destination Louisbourg Society" (i.e. the CBRM councillor and the Harbour Authority manager, respectively) who were the quoted sources in the article. It represented their position, presumably highly aligned and possibly coordinated, most of which can be dismissed by the info my article includes. The CB Post article did NOT: > Discuss Saccary being apart of, or leaving any group related to Synergy > State anything related to deeds or the ownership/transference of the property on the waterfront > Give any indication from Saccary that there was any behind the scenes agenda, though he did use the term "shady" (very generic; non-specific claim) Each of those could be discussed, but they have nothing to do with the questions around the sign. They had permission to change the sign (as per the CBRM Public Works email) whether: > Saccary came and went, > they had a deed or didn't, or > if there are anything behind the scenes issues. The only behind the scenes agenda that has been revealed was the establishment of the "Destination Louisbourg Society" with Saccary as a Director. If Saccary is supposed to be representing a group with concerns, they should be very upset with him.
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
Here is the reason Saccary is doing a major disservice to those who want him to oppose the Synergy project: > He's looking argumentative and unprofessional in the media (unbecoming a councillor). It makes the group look like complainers, but not an organized group who might offer a valuable alternative strategy. And based on the names I saw, these are all very capable people who could get a plan in place. > What he may be telling them privately, he's not representing in council. They can watch the council videos themselves to see that he's not bringing these concerns forward. He did mention a $1 right of first refusal to get the land back if the development did not occur. He didn't raise any objections about the development itself. > He's supported the group from inception. It can be seen via council, but you can also see his photo opportunity he shared via Facebook boasting about the group and its projects. > When did he ever organize the group and attempt to give them an opportunity to speak before council? Perhaps he has attempted to do so. To those of you opposed to the Synergy project, has Mr. Saccary been working with you and encouraging you to attend this Monday's meeting? At that meeting, has he committed to addressing your specific concerns before the mayor and his fellow council members? Will he do anything other than just go along with the rest of council? I predict that if he speaks at the meeting at all, he'll say very little. I guess we'll see on Monday what he decides. If you want him to represent your concerns, you should certainly be contacting him now and over the weekend, and getting him committed to doing so. Otherwise, he's just making himself and others look bad with no gains. And you might actually have some good alternatives. But if you put all your eggs in the Saccary basket, the Synergy plans look like they'll move through council with support. And the only potential hurdle being the CBRM's wretched financials.
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
Here is part III:
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
It seems that someone is cleaning up a bit of the mess. Check it out. Here's my 4th installment on what Councillor Kevin Saccary has been up to in Louisbourg:
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
►Question: Would it be possible for Councillor Kevin Saccary to take this pledge?
Bill Fiander Follow Me
Strange how a little fact checking can correct false information. I was in Louisbourg today to see the Bluenose come in. While there I stopped and talked to a man who used to work with my Father and he indicated the sign about to be replaced that day was the sign at the entrance to Havenside. I know that in the grand scheme of things a sign here and there doesn't mean a hill of beans. I had talked to other people about the sign, but because it was in the Post and there it was a photo of the district 8 councilor with his arms crossed and deadfast that the sign behind him would never be removed unless he was removed first, people were sure this was the sign in question. But it wasn't. Why is this important? Because like a lot of things that have happened in Lousbourg in the last few months it calls into question a matter of credibility. Who do you believe? Do you believe the councillor? Do you believe the CB Post did some fact checking before they posted the article with the photo? Was Louisbourg thrown under the bus because of a bruised ego?
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
Goodbye, Kevin. I hope this serves as a lesson to any councillor that believes it is ok to disrupt a major development in their district or to repeatedly employ underhanded tactics, or to avoid the opportunity to debate issues in an open forum with his/her challenger. The voters have spoken.
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