Is Councillor Saccary Trying to Cover His Tracks?

In my first article, where I called for the resignation of CBRM Councillor Saccary, a commenter drew my attention to something confusingly named: Destination Louisbourg Society.

I started out focusing on how Saccary was using the Cape Breton Post to burn down the Synergy Louisbourg development project for the town. It was my opinion that he had done enough damage to his own district that he should have conceded his inability to fairly represent it as councillor from that point onward. And I arrived there even without realizing what else was going on.

The rabbit hole went deeper than I initially thought.

I addressed the underhandedness of the Destination Louisbourg Society registration in my follow up articles, two and three. Saccary had become the Director of a newly registered society that appeared to be squatting on a key element of the market branding for Synergy Louisbourg.

It was the "Destination Louisbourg" project after all, minus that sneaky little "Society" bit tagged onto the end. It was funded by ACOA and the CBRM, and had the backing of major partners like Parks Canada. And it was discussed at multiple CBRM meetings with Saccary chiming in.

He wasn't just interfering with a local town economic development group. He was interfering with projects sponsored by our biggest government investors.

Do you know how many times Councillor Saccary talked about his role at the Destination Louisbourg Society?

If we're referring to council meetings on the topic, the answer appears to be: Never.

And to my knowledge to date, there has never been any indication of what exactly he was up to when getting himself into one heck of a Wednesday Whopper of a conflict of interest - with extra onion.

Is He Backtracking Now?

As I indicated, during video recorded council meetings Saccary never talked about the Destination Louisbourg Society, what it was established to do, why it was using a Synergy Louisbourg brand, or why he was moonlighting as a Director.

For someone so loose lipped and off the cuff in the Cape Breton Post, he adopted a somewhat different persona before council. He wasn't less underhanded, but he was certainly less overtly so on most occasions.

Instead of calling the Synergy Louisbourg representatives "shady" as he had in the CB Post, he just implied it instead. It's worth sharing this video once again to give you a sampling of that performance:

Just a few weeks after my last article, something changed.

If it's positive correlation or coincidence, we shall have to take our best guesstimate and leave it at that. As I note below, it may have been the direct result of a goCapeBreton contributor that followed up on the matter.

What's most important is what changed:

The Destination Louisbourg Society Was "Struck Off"

To be "struck off" basically means that someone decided the business or society needed to be terminated. They are striking away its ongoing existence from the Nova Scotia business registry. A shut down: Destination Louisbourg Society.

The effective date of dissolution is listed as May 16th, 2016.

So it's not clear why it was created back on February 12th. But it is clear that it was done smack dab in the middle of Synergy Louisbourg's active presentations to the CBRM council where they were gaining support and had secured (what appeared to be initially) a commitment to advancing the project.

And just three months later, after the public had a chance to learn what was going on, it was struck off.

With the exception of Councillor Kevin Saccary and one other CBRM employee who had a role with the newly registered society, everyone else participating were good community members of Louisbourg.

If they had objections to Synergy Louisbourg and wanted to organize through some official society, they certainly were in the clear to do so. Of course, the squatting on the brand would still have been an issue they would eventually needed to resolve.

Note: In my last article, I openly requested that it be renamed and that Saccary resign from the society and apologize. I haven't heard mention of any apology, but the striking off certainly will be a good step in resolving this conflict.

Without the Apology It Seems More Like Backtracking Than Transparent Resolution

The Synergy Louisbourg Project was damaged. Their vision to capture more than the disheartening 5% of all visitors to the Fortress of Louisbourg is at risk. And it's the local businesses that will miss out on the opportunity to make the core of the town the first stop for all visitors.

The extent that Saccary's influence was the cause of CBRM starting to back away from its commitments or impose hurdles to Synergy Louisbourg is uncertain. However, there is certainly very little about his behavior that can be described as intent on moving everything forward without obstruction.

So that brings about the curiosity as to why the society is suddenly struck off, and how much of that decision related to Saccary's involvement? It certainly has the appearance of some backtracking.

Complaints Relayed Directly to Mayor Clarke About Saccary's Conflict of Interest

We're in an age of transparency and accountability. The voice of the community should not be underestimated. Just over a week ago, goCapeBreton contributor and close associate of the Harbour Port Development Partners, Tim Menk, discussed the topic with myself and others here

Tim expressed similar concerns. But he went a step further. As you can see from the copy of his comment below, Tim made contact with several elected officials including Councillor Doncaster; MLA Alfie MacLeod; Mayor Clarke's communication assistant; Christina Lamey, and Mayor Clarke himself (during Port Days).

His communications were very close in time to the actual date of effective dissolution of the Destination Louisbourg Society. So Tim may well have been the advocate that finally got things moving to have this major conflict resolved. 

If that is the case, then I'm very thankful to Mr. Menk for making sure his concerns - which many of us share - were heard and acted upon. That's community in action.

Official Statement of Apology

I think the next step for Councillor Saccary should be a formal written public apology to the people of his district, and particularly those of the town of Louisbourg.

Further, if he wants to demonstrate a commitment to resolving all conflict, he should be the first to step forward and resign his position on Port of Sydney Development Corporation. Sydney is not the district he represents and he, like all other elected officials, has no business being on the board - as per the corporate articles.

Councillors are community leaders. And I think there is an opportunity to show some integrity and leadership prior to entering October's municipal election.

I don't know how much more will be forthcoming. The actual Destination Louisbourg project is now at risk. But at least there is one less interfering factor working against them. So if Saccary is backtracking to any degree, let's hope he goes back so far that he's completely out of the way of Synergy Louisbourg.

Councillor Saccary: Now good community people are working to save the town's school. Please give them a wide berth. No more uninvited meddling. No more tripwires, please.

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The "Destination Louisbourg Society" has been struck off. Is Councillor Saccary's conflict of interest the reason?
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Pat Lewis Follow Me
Joe, the challenge is that Kevin also represents Morien and many there ( with the exception perhaps of the esteemed LeRoy Peach) think the sun rises and shines with Kevin . If we could get support from Kameron , for all the challenges that he has put in their way and demanding that he be the first to know how they are running their business, perhaps there may be a chance to defeat him in the next election. At the current time there is no other person offering to take the challenge, we could hope that Amanda MacDougall may consider again, but the overriding problem is that Morien is bigger than Louisbourg & Area and Kevin knows this and continues to play politics with a community that had the affront to have a woman speak up against Kevin , and that does not sit well with him. Oh ,that we had a community like Gabarus where although small, they still work together for a common purpose, not against each other for the detriment of the community which has been the history of Louisbourg.
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
He may not end up with a challenger to his council seat. But his days of underhandedness without being called out on it are over. And if he keeps burning bridges with government agencies that are the bearers of funding, he's going to become quite the lame duck.
Pat Lewis Follow Me
The challenge is that Louisbourg cannot wait for another 4 years for a new councillor. The time is now as that after 50 years Parks Canada is willing to work with the community to become a “gateway community” and if we do not get this working their operations will change and the community again will become a street on the way to the Fortress where a parking kiosk is the welcome to the National Historic Park. This is not what Cape Breton wants.
Bill Fiander Follow Me
With the councilor's withdrawal of the Destination Louisbourg Society is it possible for this councilor to treat Louisbourg fairly in the future?
Iris Stevens Follow Me
I just heard some good news . There is a worker from from CBRM putting the power in one of the Buildings down at he trailer park . I was wandering if they had decided to do this for Synergy so we could get our project started . If this is so A Big Thank You to Mayor Clark . and his councillors . This would be great news for Louisbourg . Did any one else hear any thing .
Bill Fiander Follow Me
If Mr Saccary was in the town of Louisbourg recently telling people that he was working hard to get the trailer park open what would this mean? First of all it is almost August, this summer without a doubt is lost. If it is an indication that it is hoped the trailer park will be opened for next year than it would be an indication that the people of Louisbourg would not be able to go forward with the project of moving the reception centre downtown. If this is being said then he is working on dividing Louisbourg even more.
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
Very good point, Bill. I'm doubtful that Saccary can understand the clear logic you expressed, much as he fails to understand the separation of roles and responsibilities of the Port of Sydney Development Corporation, where he sits on a board that councillors and elected officials are not allowed to sit on. So what he's up to is very clearly just election politics - though not very good election politics. It relies on the people of Louisbourg being easily fooled. The folks I know are positive, but direct, and not prone to being tricked that easily. He'll float a promise and hope that's enough mackerel to bait the traps for a few votes. Perhaps if he spent more time focused on Louisbourg instead of developing the Port of Sydney (reminder: not his district), he wouldn't have tried to dismantle the Synergy Louisbourg project - designed to focus all tourism traffic into the heart of the town and create a boon for merchants of all types, and greatly enhance the business case for reopening the Louisbourg-Gabarus section of the Fleur de Lis trail - thereby ending Louisbourg's (sometimes) designation as a dead-end drive and quick turnaround to Sydney... despite it being our island's greatest tourism attraction. Fortunately, it's a very good time to get rid of a councillor who spends more of his time working in another district, and actually *works against development in his own*. A strong new candidate with the actual credentials to be successful in this role is now not only in the race, but is a favorite to win.
Bill Fiander Follow Me
You're right Joe. He's betting that the people of Louisbourg cannot think for themselves and will believe anything he says. Such as standing in front of a sign that was never meant to be removed, but created controversy around it. ( A sign on Havenside was being removed at the time, and not the entry sign to Louisbourg.) Saying he would not speak to Destination Louisbourg because of what he perceived as a personal slight and politicians are supposed to be tough skinned and work for the betterment of his district. If he is saying he is trying to get the trailer park re-opened -as I understand it would cost thousands of dollars to bring it up to shape, and this year is lost. If he is referring to 2017 than he is obviously not going to be supporting Synergy's plan which would mean a boon to Louisbourg. He was mean spirited towards Synergy's director in council (as you pointed out). Calling things 'muddy'. Ms Payne has held her head high during all of this and has refused to get down to the councillor's level. This is not her style. Synergy's plan is a sound as well as it's benefits. It's disturbing to see a councillor do this to the people of his own district. Brian Lahey was a good an honest councillor who worked for everyone in his district. And in all the years I lived in Louisbourg I never heard of this kind of politics and shoddy treatment of Louisbourg.
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
Councillor Doncaster's comment referring to Ms. Payne as Saccary's "First Lady" during the council meeting hints at the tone of what their behind the scenes conversations might be like, and it's not very respectful. It really strikes me as him being intimated by an intelligent woman working hard to get things done. He tried his best to throw her off course, position her as dishonest, and then tried to prevent her from having the opportunity to respond. But he failed in doing so, and Ms. Payne outclassed him. If he has an issue with strong, intelligent, independent women, I guess he's going to have a serious issue with his challenger: Ms. Amanda McDougall.

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