
Is This The Beginning Of The End For The Cape Breton Post?

[This article is from 2016]

Cape Breton's newspaper of record for decades, and reportedly one of the most successful newspapers in the country, may have all but sealed its fate recently. I wonder if rushed and unbalanced reporting has permanently damaged the influence and relevance of the Cape Breton Post?

Let me start by saying that, for decades, we have been fortunate to have the Cape Breton Post. Less than 10% of communities in North America have a local newspaper. For the past century, not having a local newspaper was a significant obstacle to the success of a community. Luckily, we had one and it was VERY widely read ... and relevant.

But, for the past number of years, it seems that many of us in the community have had a love-hate relationship with the Cape Breton Post. We love having a local newspaper, but are frequently disappointed with the coverage. This feeling may also mirror the change in news media globally, where admiration for the free press has changed to disappointment in an increasingly biased and partisan media.

The Cape Breton Post has been shrinking for years, both in terms of quantity of news and the people employed in all aspects of the business. So much content now consists of generic stories pulled off the wire, that it's hard to find a dozen new articles a day that have any relevance to Cape Breton Island.  And, those that are written seem rushed and superficial.

Years ago, the introduction of the online edition helped spread local news more widely, which was great, but the poorly-managed COMMENTS section became the bane of our community. A source of embarrassment for all Cape Bretoners.

Further, in the 20 years that I've followed the Cape Breton Post, I've rarely seen meaningful investigative journalism. The most memorable instance was Nancy King exposing the Ben Eoin Marina fiasco.  Despite Nancy King’s good work, the irony in this is that there were so many other bigger boondoggles that were never written about.

These days, we rarely even see basic questions being asked to verify or validate serious issues. It’s as though they are not even trying … or, perhaps, purposely avoiding other sides of certain issues.

The biggest signal that the end may be near is how unbalanced the newspaper has been in the recent municipal election, and in the months leading up to it. Sensationalistic headlines, over-aggressive editing of Letters to the Editor, one-sided editorials, suspicious timing of articles, and other questionable decisions made this impossible to ignore.

It’s one thing to not love the coverage provided by your local newspaper, but it’s quite another when you start to question the integrity of the reporting. Reporting that has the potential to negatively influence the hearts and minds of the people in our community. I worry that the Cape Breton Post has now crossed that line and there may be no turning back.

I don't blame the workers. There are good people working at the Cape Breton Post, and there are many good people that are now gone.  I’m sure they are being asked to increasingly do more with less. Eventually, there comes a breaking point. The best of us would succumb under such circumstances.

Owners and management define the environment for their workers. And, the Cape Breton Post ownership and senior management reside elsewhere, and have their attention spread over multiple newspapers and businesses across the country. Ultimately, our community becomes one of many line items on a corporate balance sheet.

Indications are that parent company Transcontinental continues to move its business more towards printing and flyer delivery, and not the quality of content or community service. It is dangerous when the words on the paper matter less than the paid advertisements. And, when local stories become wrappers to get ads into our homes.

Of course, the challenges of the newspaper business model are not exclusive to the Cape Breton Post.  Newspapers are declining and shutting down all over North America. But, when faced with such challenges, a newspaper has three options:  

      1. Change/Adjust/Innovate
      2. Bow out gracefully
      3. Try to hold on to their biggest advertisers by bending to their influence and print advertorials disguised as local news.

It seems to me that the Cape Breton Post may have chosen (or been forced to choose) option #3.  That’s too bad, because I suspect that many Cape Bretoners are now going to choose option #2 for their readership.

Any potential job losses at the Cape Breton Post will not be good for our community. But, the continued loss of balanced journalism (happening everywhere) is an even bigger threat, because it erodes our social capital and our democracy.  Watch the video below to see why, then let's hope for the best.

FULL DISCLOSURE:  I’m the founder and CEO of goCapeBreton.com. While we don’t see ourselves as competitors to newspapers like the Cape Breton Post, some may suggest that we are. We see our mission differently.  We are not in the business of creating and selling news. Our business is helping to build smart communities by facilitating the sharing of local news and information.

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madeline yakimchuk Follow Me
The crisis in news / journalism is such a big problem that the federal government is studying it, worrying about it's impact on democracy itself whilst trying to find a way to ease the transition without propping up the dinosaurs, so I'm not expecting a local only magical answer. There are exciting things being done, but I haven't noticed much of it from the CB Post. When I first came back to CB 11 years ago I was amused that its content seemed to be the odd notice about an important community happening, the day after, and the ever important obituaries, interspersed with other headlines that not one of which called my attention enough to read. I won't miss it. What seems to be happening is that new technologies can only be used in a sustainable business model by newer, slimmer, companies. Staff from the traditional media who already have babies and mortgages can't go out on their own and those who are innovating can't hire them yet. We have a short term problem, and we are lucky to have goCapeBreton to help with the transition. We need to go to committee meetings and council sessions ourselves. Not all of us, but someone everywhere, and we need to take advantage of things like goCapeBreton to make sure the courts, city hall and port authorities are being watched and spoken about. There are so many bright but bored people left in this community, people with a little bit of time who can pick their number one interest and follow it for all of us. And, if we have a dollar or two to spare, we need to support LocalXpress and the CB Spectator so they can get up and running with staff in time to save our democracy. That is the best I can offer. My only remaining concern is how I am going to start my fire when the CB Post is dead and gone. The flyer paper is just not the same.
Mathew Georghiou My Post Follow Me
I'm seeing the same things Madeline. At lokol, we are working on a strategy that will allow journalists and average citizens to be able to generate revenue from their work, so that we can facilitate the creation of more local content of all types when major publishers are unable to fulfill that need. It's not going to happen overnight, but someone needs to work on a solution ... multiple solutions ... until the right ones stick for the entire industry and the many communities that need to be served.
Wayne O'Toole Follow Me
I gave up on the post after returning home in 2009, but still bought an odd paper. After the very biased election reporting and shady stories, I have so far rallied 38 people to drop their subscription not that it was hard. I will be heading to the ad side next. Its not to force closure but was in hope to change their bs path if possible...but likely won't happen so and closure on them is their owners/managements fault
Lloyd Allan MacPherson Follow Me
The crisis in news/journalism is that people are starting to realise that it is such an important contributor to democracy that we can no longer trust it in the hands of sponsored corporations. I guess the same could be said of politics, food production and the pharmaceutical industry. Isn't democracy a system of government by the whole population? So where are they? We have also entered the age of the "do it yourself". New technology can be adapted and eventually mastered by plain clothes individuals. The internet has become a teacher of sorts - its most important lesson as of late might be how to recognise the "undemocratic". goCapeBreton.com isn't a competitor because it operates within the vacuum where I believe our true democracy used to be. It's a system that only operates well when the whole population contributes and in turn localises its energy to where it is needed most - in strengthening local communities. I'm hoping its management doesn't ever fish off the company wharf, so to speak. It is a democratic tool and hopefully doesn't become another mechanism for corporations (management included) to sway public opinion/perception. I guess the alternative is what we currently have which supports a corporate, global economy that has a hard time bolstering anything except a small demographic of its ownership. This model has become an experiment in disparity. I'd like to see a push towards the 13-17 age range demographic's participation on the site. Having each junior high/high school post a monthly entry as a paperless, school newspaper entry would make a nice addition. These ever important contributors to society are usually voiceless in a democracy and it would be nice to see them assemble in small groups of 4 participants (2+2) and collectively provide content towards things that affect them; i.e. culture, environment, education, etc.
Cameron Gracie Follow Me
Let me take you way back to when I lost faith in The Post, and learned so much about politics at the same time. It was back in 95ish when I was 25 still in my idealist stage of life. We had a family boat really enjoying our Jem of an anchorage at Mac Neils Cove little Bras dor. We see activity grant workers building things great, the TAGs program. Now the next 10 years I will have to cut short. We find DNR issues illegal permits and a rights to the Cove, we find the CBRM ignoring development bylaws building permits etc. HRDC funding to the tune of $750,000 for the New Little Bras dor Marina.?? Humm?? What marina you might say, Exactly. Well who's behind it? The then councilor Brian Boudreau and his secret development group. See the powers that be were funding Brian's hero campaign which landed him an MLA eventually shortly before Jail but let's not dig up the past. So in our 10 years Tons of FOIs we uncovered the whole scheme. So from the earliest days we approached our trusty CB Post with our government documents, permits, faxes, enough facts to choke a horse. We would wait patiently the next day or 2 and BOOM Brian's quotes and hearsay, not a fact of anything we provided to the reporter who shall remain nameless but initials are same as our Lord and savior. So we try once or twice more, same results. Not to give up we met the finest blood hound of an investigate reporter in the land. From the chronical TC. Who was awesome. The post was left picking peices of her articles to print days later. See the then post was peeing in the same pot, and not about expose the then liberials of this crooked scheme cheating owners of waterfrontage rights and community. It resulted in DNR cementing water front ownership rights in a completely rewritten policy, the $750,000 pretty much dissappeard. Discusting part was the CB Post ignoring government documents to print political masters hear say. Lost all respect since!! Huge thank you to your hard work Terra Camus.
madeline yakimchuk Follow Me
I was guessing that was Tera before I got to the final line... and she is not even employed in journalism any more. Anyone with those skills must be difficult to work with, ha ha! but she sure does have them skills eh? I was encouraging Tera to do something like the CB Spectator long before Mary started, maybe there is still time. I know she wrote a few pieces here before she ran. She would have been a dynamo in council. I voted for her.
Cameron Gracie Follow Me
Well the whole thing was as scary as hell fighting city hall, ministers, Premiers, HRDC hearing comments like shut them two up coming from Ottawa. Then the stone wall down here, I was visited by RCMP for geeze sake they sent a rookie wasn't older than I was. I'm much to smart to let them get anything on me. The intimidation was intense. So when Terra started calling the dinks on their s#! and reporting it it was a big relief they real story started to go public. My Buddy and I made 2nd on the national post lol. Largest ombudsman report in NS history. DNR were forced to rewrite water front ownership policy for the province. This cove was a test case where DNR was trying to privatize coves. Imagine your lake front home and the local fire hall owns the water and your beach too. Yes that's exactly what happened the Mac neil cove upland owners. Until it was all brought to a head by our information and Terra's reporting. So Nova Scotia's water front owners really owe her.
madeline yakimchuk Follow Me
Volunteer Fire Departments are a sacred cow here eh, and for good reason as those volunteers risk their lives for community service, but I would like to have some serious investigative journalism going on about the power holders in the fire associations and how they are connected to politicians and developers.
[comment deleted] Posted
madeline yakimchuk Follow Me
At this point designing your own site might be like two strong women running against Jim MacLeod. I have been called not supporting of everyone's right to be special but I still think you two should have played rock-paper-scissors and both worked on the campaign of the lady who won. Maybe find some way to support the CB Spectator with a crime beat until she can pay you, or talk with goCB, which is ad supported and thinking of paying in the nearer future. Just my two cents. We have to work together, trouble makers that is, for the trouble to have any impact.
Bill Fiander Follow Me
Hi Tera, it would have been nice to have you won the council seat this year. Hopefully next time. My one caveat is the mention of Sharon Montgomery. She did the story on the Louisbourg sign issue a few months ago and made the whole town look bad. A totally different sign was being removed. A little fact checking should have been done. No one knows what went on that day or even if there was a collaboration to create this false news story. But I'm afraid I would have to dismiss Ms Montgomery as a journalist who 'digs' for facts, at least not in this case.
[comment deleted] Posted
Bill Fiander Follow Me
Hi Tera, the story was totally inaccurate. I'll give her a little leeway in that she was just listening to what the councilor was telling her. If that's the way it was.
Joe Ward Follow Me
Tera - For the two CB Post reporters you noted, is there a showcase story that you would recommend that I check out for each, as an example of digging deep?
[comment deleted] Posted
Cameron Gracie Follow Me
My first clarification. Scratch fire hall. Replace with community minded organization. Sorry first thing that came to my head thought beautiful places in East Bay and fire hall popped up in my head. This was bras dor North Community Development. One leader closed group and not even in good standing half the time of the project.
Donelda MacDonald Follow Me
Sometimes an institution needs to be burned to the ground (metophorically speaking) and rebuilt at the grassroots level. During this latest election, I only used the CB Post to supplement my info gathering. In the past it would have been a key source along with the CBC but at this point it's just a waste of my money. I don't think it was ever "objective" but it least there was some local content. For example, growing up in the 70s and 80s in rural CB, the Post rarely, if ever, reported on rural life. While Cape Breton family farms slowly died and we lost our local food sources, the CB Post focus was on the lives of the urban steelworkers and miners. We were invisible. However, I do feel badly for the current employees- it must really suck. On a positive note, I love the Spectator because it mirrors the integrity of the Highlander (yes, I am aware/pleased with the family connection) and the Inverness Oran. The origin story of the Oran- how it was started by a group of unemployed Cape Bretoners- is inspiring. Together, with this here new fangled Go Cape Breton site, I now have great hope that I can once again access local content and find out what's really happening around here!!
Kathy Simpson Follow Me
The math said it all for me. The Mayor was on the front page and in favorable articles more than ten times, in the run-up to the election. If you had to pay for this in ad space it would be between $35,000 and $50,000 that is a huge competitive advantage in an election. Doing the math the mayor won by 1,331 Votes but if 667 of these people changed their mind then he would have lost. Now let’s keep doing the math. There were 158 polls; if 4 people in each poll had changed their vote we would have a new mayor. Let’s keep doing the math; most homes have two to four voters in then so if one or two homes in each poll changed their mind we would have a new Mayor. The question is do you think that the $30k to 50k in free advertising could change the mind of one or two homes? If you believe this then you should cancel the CB Post because they just took away your liberties by changing the outcome of the election. Is it possible on Go CB to setup a poll where we could ask people to cancel the Post and monitor it? Our goal would be 667 subscribers that would be about 5% of their subscribers. If no action is taken then they will just keep up their bad behavior.
Cameron Gracie Follow Me
I like math, it says so much, and you can't argue it. :)
Michael MacNeil Follow Me
Very well done Kathy and I agree, gocapebreton lets set up some polls. Face book and the Cape Breton Post can do it, Why cant you? Polls would be a great guide for a lot of issues, concerns and ideas. Although not completely accurate, still a great tool.
Mathew Georghiou My Post Follow Me
Anyone can set up a poll on goCapeBreton.com simply by creating a new POST and asking a question in the headline where people can vote by LIKING or DISLIKING the post. If you want a poll with more than one answer, you can list the answers and ask people to ansewr in the COMMENTS section. However, as a caution, polls are notoriously difficult to get people to participate. At goCapeBreton.com, we have been posting some poll questions about living and working in Cape Breton. We are experimenting with occasionally asking some questions and then combining all the results in a brief report that we will make public at some point in the future. We are probably not going to do polls about controversial issues, unless we are confident that we would get meaningful and balanced results, which is not likely right now. However, any member can create their own poll as noted above.
Michael MacNeil Follow Me
Its not the same Mathew. I did poll on if we should have community policing in the CBRM and posted it on the Cape Breton Police Scanner page Cant remember the exact results but it was something like 400 Yes 29 No and 9 for Batman. It brought a lot of comment and I think polls should be considered. The difference between polls in the Cape Breton Post and Facebook is that the Cape Breton Post can word the answers to not really reflect public opinion but on facebook the reader can offer an other choice thus Batman. BTW I think looking into Community Policing should have been an Election issue. It might help answer some other problems in the CBRM
Mathew Georghiou My Post Follow Me
Hey Michael ... I think I may not be understanding what you mean?
Michael MacNeil Follow Me
Lol I'm trying to watch Netflix and this post is becoming more interesting. I just think that polls might encourage more readers to participate. I'm talking about the % that do not want to get involved with actually making a comment but do want to express their opinion by a vote. That % might be quite high and important to the Go Cape Breton mission. Lets face it, it is usually the same small % that usually comment on here. It would be nice to have a fun way to built that % Polls might be the answer
Mathew Georghiou My Post Follow Me
Ok I see what you are saying. A poll that allows you to express your opinion with a single click and does not require membership, login, your name, etc. For sure, that increases participation and that is the kind we have been experimenting with. Another option for you or anyone is that you can create such polls using free polling services like surveymonkey.com and then link to the survey or embed the survey in a goCapeBreton.com post.
Michael MacNeil Follow Me
A single click yes but they should sign in or that would be defeating your goal of attracting new members. They might see the poll on facebook and want to vote their option so bad that they will join. The secret is for the go cape Breton members to make the polls they post interesting enough to encourage that. Yes the members should be able to create polls also. Back to Netflix I think they caught Pablo this time nobody tell me what happens
Michael MacNeil Follow Me
Sorry The Cape Breton Post can change the options completely by the way they word the option. On Face book the reader can agree or they can add another option
Mathew Georghiou My Post Follow Me
Here is an example of a poll posted a year ago: https://capebreton.lokol.me/would-you-eat-this-fish-from-sydney-harbour
Joe Ward Follow Me
Very important perspective offered by Kathy. Right on the mark. The storm and the CB Post's "blame" headline were enough to shift those ~675 votes, and to change the course of the election. I witnessed the change when campaigning at the door. Suddenly people took issue with Rankin. It was quite the gift to Cecil Clarke. Of course, Cecil also took advantage of campaigning at the polls, just in case.
Trevor Boone Follow Me
I've been signed up to capebreton.lokol.me for some time now. I rarely login, as I read most articles through Facebook and Twitter. I agree with most of this article in that it has very little original local content anymore. I don't know if the poorly managed comment section was as much a source of embarrassment for Cape Bretoners. I believe the Cape Bretoners commenting were more the source of embarrassment. Aside from that, I do not use the Cape Breton Post articles as an influence on my political views at the municipal level. Do you think many people in this day and age do? There are so many other avenues to find out a candidate's platform, going straight to the source being the easiest. In this recent election, all I had seen were ads, names and faces from both sides. No platforms, goals or focuses from either side. Most everything I've read was from the general public talking about who peed who off, this guy's a crook, this guy's out for his own career, this guy's this, this guy's that, and more nonsense, etc.... I kind of hope this site could stick with all the positives on the island which we have so many of, and stay away from the dirty old politics. Mainly, because it will not take long to see the political point of view and bias from this site, as well. Anyway, back to the original article......I read the Cape Breton Post for the coverage of the local arts and entertainment, and the obituaries.lol.. That's it, that's all!
madeline yakimchuk Follow Me
Have they actually started featuring arts and culture before the show? that would be a major improvement from when I last checked the Post for such things. But on the bias of this site point, anyone who wishes can post here. I certainly have my biases but if people who see things differently also post we might actually learn something. Both biases are not what you get in the Post. You don't need to get frustrated about long comments sections, even if they develop, to get your view in... just write a whole different post. It will be featured as new the same as the other person's post. As for not being political, not getting into politics, that is my entertainment and I think I would miss it. I understand that I will never really know what the heck is going on, but I watch as if it were Coronation Street... constantly surprised with the plots, rumours, surprises and deceit. I love it.
Trevor Boone Follow Me
My Coronation Street......haha. The entertainment aspect......valid point! As I said, I agree with most of this article and my main point being that I don't get anything from the post. I don't use it as an influence or learning tool. I take it for what it is.....obituaries, a little info on the wildlife park, fundraisers, ECMW news and such! I can't see this being the end of the Post, I just use it for what it is. Surprised I could talk this much about it. Lol
Joe Ward Follow Me
"Aside from that, I do not use the Cape Breton Post articles as an influence on my political views at the municipal level. Do you think many people in this day and age do?" Absolutely. For the remaining subscribers, many use it as their primary source of information. What we read always influences us in some way (varying degree), if we have any interest in the topic, either in support or opposition.
Trevor Boone Follow Me
Sure, possibly I am in the minority. I thought I'd throw out my opinion. Haha...didn't think I'd be quoted! I do read it daily, I guess I may just think about the articles, their sources and biases while I'm reading them in a different light. The conversation is always good! I have to go now, I'll check back later. Thanks for the input Joe! I do appreciate the conversation!
Wayne O'Toole Follow Me
The comments/opinion censorship is not just on "embarassing capers" or due to profanity. I have a degree, two diplomas and 52 certifications. Comments I have had censored, blocked or edited were written professionally and on point. While not flattering to our Mayor, the data points were researched and true. This is an issue and then I see ap Cecil supporter spew garbage in the most unprofessional way possible and have unedited access. As for the influence on politics, there are many seniors who rely solely on the post for news/info and are influenced vastly by what is written.
Mathew Georghiou My Post Follow Me
HEY TREVOR, thanks for your thoughts and for reading goCapeBreton.com! If I may respond to some of your observations ... I'm quite certain that many people trust what they read in the Cape Breton Post and are significantly influenced by it. Most people do not analyze what they are reading in order to determine bias, balance, etc. People are not really trained to do that, so they end up trusting the source if that source has a perception and/or history for being reliable. This is where the danger lies, when we assume there is balance even when there may not be. For me, the embarrassment with the COMMENTS section of the Post is from people here and away reading it and creating a distorted image of our people. I read a note earlier this summer from someone who said that they had to visit Cape Breton for work or something and from all that he had read about our bad economy and troubles, he expected to see run down streets, boarded up buildings, etc. but later discovered that this was a completely incorrect view and how beautiful he thought the Island was. Regarding bias on goCapeBreton.com, please keep in mind that this site allows anyone to share anything, including their political views. So, everyone is going to eventually see something they don't like or agree with. The only way to maintain a site that is all good news is to become a traditional publisher that picks and chooses or creates content (i.e., a form of censorship). That approach does not align with our mission, which is to enable meaningful conversations to develop so that we can work together to solve problems and take advantage of opportunities for the good of our community.
Trevor Boone Follow Me
Hi Mathew! Thanks for your reply! You definitely have some devoted subscribers! I thought I would throw an opinion out there! Next time, I'll make sure I have a couple of spare hours...haha! I meant to comment to yourself, the writer of the article. It seems one must be prepared to comment on comments of comments! It takes on a life of it's own. Regardless, good article and great site. Keep up the good work!
Wayne O'Toole Follow Me
Welcome Trevor lol...its a great spot for discussion for sure. Its also great as you are free from typical "attack" like some boards. There are discussions here but very civil which I like and its great. Can be addictive lol
Kathy Simpson Follow Me
That was easy. I talked to three people in the last half hour and asked if they got the Post. I asked them why and they all said because they have been getting it for years. I asked if they liked it and two said no and one said she got it for the obits. I told her she could get them on line for free and within a few minutes of talking to them I talked them into giving up the paper. It was easy, try it and let us know how it goes. That's 3 lets keep it going. PS these were the easy one to get because I knew they did not care about the paper and would do it because I asked. The next few will be harder. But if everyone got two or three it would be just like the polls and we will make a difference.
madeline yakimchuk Follow Me
If you can make sure they know know to get the obits, that would be great... actually, post it here. I have no idea. I'm not an obit watcher I as I age I am starting to wonder if I should check it once in a while. By the way, does anyone know how much a subscription costs?
Mathew Georghiou My Post Follow Me
Wow, you are really running with this. For the record, I should say that my motivation for writing this was not to encourage people to unsubscribe from the Post, but to encourage them to turn the ship around before it's too late. I suspect your point will be that loss of subscription is the biggest motivator they can have, and you are probably right about that for sure. I just don't want to get myself into more trouble than I may already be in just by writing this story. I'm encouraged by the dialog that has started. And, FYI, goCapeBreton.com will have obituaries and other content soon (hopefully not our own :-)
Christian Murphy Follow Me
In my opinion, the CBP has been spoon feeding people a failed agenda and thus they contribute to the decline of our community. I sincerely hope the OTHER 48% will see this and move on.
madeline yakimchuk Follow Me
The thing about the digital age I like is that before it, after an election like what we had, the 48% would just go grumbling back to work. I'm not talking about attacking Cecil, or attacking the Post, I'm talking about the capacity we have now to stay engaged, stay informed, monitor our politicians, and speak out. This is just one little conversation about the CB Post, but it is a conversation that would likely not have happened in the public sphere prior to goCapeBreton. FB is everything about everyone everywhere, this is local, and important for that reason.
Kathy Simpson Follow Me
Here is the site for the obits http://www.inmemoriam.ca/directory/province/ns-nova-scotia/1/
Kathy Simpson Follow Me
For the record it was me and not Mathew that started the drop the CB Post. My thought is if don't do something that hurts them in the pocket book then they will continue to do poorly. We all know that they could do better like the Mayor's travel expense and the $42,800 fee for the freedom of information to get them to produce them. Why has the CB Post or CBC not done a story on that. The Mayor at a wedding is front page news but $42,800 in fees to let citizens see his travel records is nuts. Remember what just happened in Richmond. It started the same way as this and the post can't figure that out.
Christian Murphy Follow Me
I like the idea Kathy! Been doing a little damage myself on that front. I hope more will put this dead dog to rest so this community can start moving forward.
Diane Drover Follow Me
The cape Breton post has gone from the place to get all your news years ago to a place now where you get 3 days old news as today's news and it's now good for wrapping up your fish in.... some times there's not enough paper to do even that... I think the only reason why it still comes to my house is so my mother can read the obituaries.... hey just saying.
madeline yakimchuk Follow Me
Just in case you missed this above: Here is the site for the obits http://www.inmemoriam.ca/directory/province/ns-nova-scotia/1/
Lois Foster Follow Me
I believe it just is election coverage that seems slanted... i would not like to think it is an attack on unions. After the CH fiasco. Either way when personalities take over for fair reporting there is an issue.
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