From CBC Nova Scotia:
A small piece of federally owned property in downtown Sydney, N.S., will soon belong to the Loaves and Fishes soup kitchen and food bank.
The land on Charlotte Street was purchased by the Federal government from St George's church many years ago for a possible expansion of a federal building at George and Dorchester streets.
Loaves and Fishes has operated in a small former church hall on the property since 1981.
The government will sell the land for a dollar to the Cape Breton Regional Municipality, which will in turn offer it to the Sydney Inner City Churches Loaves and Fishes Society — again, for one dollar.
...The chair of the Loaves and Fishes Society board, John Bond, says direct ownership of the land will be important.
...Bond says taking possession of the land will mean the society can do more for its clients, such as adding a laundry room and possibly growing some vegetables and fruits on site.
For more see Sydney's Loaves and Fishes to take possession of land it sits on
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