New Pilot Program Enables Person-Directed Planning For Life Goals

The Person-Directed Planning (PDP) Program is designed to support individuals with varying abilities and mental health challenges to develop and implement a plan to achieve personal and professional goals in order to improve their lives. The program is the result of a collaboration between Breton Ability Centre and the Nova Scotia Department of Community Services

“Every individual’s goals are different, so no two plans are alike,” said Emma McQuade, Program Support Navigator. “Some people are looking for help with inclusive employment opportunities. Others are looking to upgrade their education, or access services. There is a huge range, and the needs of the specific person are what drives the planning process.” 

Emma McQuade, Program Support Navigator

Life plans can include major goals like upgrading education, achieving employment, finding accommodations, or living independently. However plans can also be designed around smaller goals like accessing social services, volunteer opportunities, or finding day programs for adults. 

PDP also has a partnership with Getting Everyone Online Nova Scotia to help individuals get access to the internet by supplying connectivity services and technology like PCs and tablets.

Once an individual plan has been developed, PDP staff will provide ongoing support to help the person achieve the goals set out in their plan. 

“Each individual requires different levels of support to execute their plan,” said McQuade. “My role is to help them connect with the resources they need to realize their goals. If they are successful and they have another goal, we can keep going. We can be as flexible as the person needs.”

Services are provided to individuals of varying abilities and mental health challenges free of charge. To access the PDP Program, individuals, or their friends or family members can contact the PDP office to set up the initial consultation. 



Director- Social Enterprise and Charitable Initiatives

25 Inclusion Drive, Sydney, NS B1S 0H3

E: [email protected]

P: 902-539-7640 Ext. 3349

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