Nothing To Be Proud Of Here

The elected officials shown in the CB Post Article HERE perverted a decade long Active Transportation Trail into a Residential ATV trail against the wishes of the residents and never got approval from council. All along the trail we see environmental damage, harm to sensitive ecosystems, rise in crime and expect to see increase the number of emergency rooms visits (Death & Injury - CBRM Duty Of Care). 

A report out of the U.S. makes the data available to CBRM officials but they still promote the same dangerous activity they are being warned about. 

New Study Finds that ATVs Should Not be Operated on Paved or Unpaved Roads

Residents didn't ask for a Residential ATV trail and Council didn't approve a Residential ATV trail and yet there are signs put up saying it exists.

While the rest of the civilized world is moving towards healthier lifestyles for citizens, reducing the use of high polluting transportation (ATVs) and reporting on the dangerous use of ATVs, the short sighted policies by the current cohort of elected officials are doing the complete opposite in CBRM. 

When our youth are injured or die because of increased "off-road" vehicle use in dense residential areas, it will be too late for elected officials to say "oh if only we knew" or "we are so saddened by this unexpected tragedy" because the data is already there. This has happened in other communities and these are the words that are spoken after the fact. The other comments that are commonly heard are from the ATV Clubs who come out and declare that the issue is education and they will promise to educate riders more on safety. The sad thing here is that I have already seen all this in my research and I fully expect to see it in CBRM, again.

In the article below, you can see an ATV lost control of the vehicle on the trail and went down a steep embankment. We have seen two deaths in 2.5 months recently in NS from ATVs driving on roadways. Like many, the accident below was not reported unless first responders are called. Then it's too late for mea culpas.

Serious ATV Crash in Dominion

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