Senior CBRM Councillors Insist McDougall Not Ready For Committee

If you were curious why the Women's March on Washington on Saturday was so important, last night's CBRM council meeting might have been a fairly good example.

A nominating committee gave Councillor Amanda McDougall their endorsement for the NS Solid Waste Resource Management Regional Chairs Committee. Despite the committee giving no votes to senior councillor Jim MacLeod, his colleague George MacDonald felt that he was likely best for the job. So MacDonald introduced a motion for council to vote by secret written ballot, instead of accepting Councillor McDougall's nomination.

I was never a big fan of the term mansplaining. However, it did ring a bell as potentially appropriate way to describe the comments from senior councillors that followed.

I'll include a short video that shows some of the more problematic comments, as well as a rebuttal from the youngest councillor serving the CBRM, Kendra Coombes. She rightly dismantled their comments and called them appropriately "null and void".

If you would like to share this video, here is the web address:

If you skipped the video, I'll give you the gist.

Clarence Prince explained how you have to "work your way up", and you have to "gain the confidence and the respect".

Deputy Mayor Eldon MacDonald warned that participating on the committee was "pretty heavy".

I'd like to remind these gentlemen that the three newly elected young women on council have already earned our respect.

Recall that two of them knocked off popular senior councillors to win. The third faced stiff competition in North Sydney, and prevailed. Whether or not they can handle the "heavy" matters has already been resolved as well. When they came out of a meeting where two First Nations chiefs, MLA Geoff MacLellan, HPDP/SHIP executives, and three of Sydney's most prominent businessmen tried to compel their vote... what did they do?

They went to their council seats, stated their concerns, stood their ground, and voted with integrity.

These women have our respect. All three of these new councillors can handle whatever "heavy" stuff council may bring to them. They absolutely should not be underestimated. And they certainly shouldn't be denied the opportunity to serve their community in other roles.

What about experience?

In terms of experience, they might want to consider that Councillor McDougall has a degree in Political Science, has worked directly with ACAP, was a key player in the MV Miner cleanup, and consistently speaks eloquently, intelligently, and with true class before council.

Jim MacLeod certainly put in his years serving his community. However, I think McDougall's curriculum vitae compares quite favorably to a man who makes it a top priority as councillor to drive around looking for street lights that are out, then wrapping them with caution tape to flag the attention of Nova Scotia Power.

With that said, I am quite certain Councillor McDougall can and will do just fine serving with NS Solid Waste Resource Management.

Fortunately, Mayor Cecil Clarke found himself on the losing side of the vote this time. Council voted against the motion to proceed with a secret ballot vote for the position by 7 to 6.

Though Councillor Steve Gillespie seconded the motion, talked himself out of his own appointment on the library committee, and discussed the value of experience (despite his campaign pushing for term limits for Councillors like MacLeod who have served too long); he either changed his mind or hit the wrong button in the end.

With that, Mayor Clarke, and councillors Prince, Eldon MacDonald, Marshall, George MacDonald, and MacLeod cast losing votes.

A special note of appreciation is due to Ivan Doncaster for getting on the right side of this vote.

Here are the names and contact information for Mayor Clarke and the 5 councillors who joined him in voting to circumvent the nomination of Amanda McDougall. I encourage you to share your concerns with them.

Name Contact Info
Mayor Cecil Clarke P: (902) 563-5000
F: (902) 563-5585
[email protected]
Clarence Prince P: (902) 736-8045
F: (902) 736-7580
C: (902) 578-3804
E: [email protected]
Esmond “Blue”
P: (902) 379-2692
C: (902) 574-2856
E: [email protected]
Eldon MacDonald P: (902) 539-0588
F: (902) 564-1036
C: (902) 574-3358
E: [email protected]
George MacDonald P: (902) 849-2426
F: (902) 842-3316
C: (902) 578-1888
E: [email protected]
Jim MacLeod P: (902) 562-2427
F: (902) 563-5501
C: (902) 578-2724
E: [email protected]

Some Important Perspective From Canadian Heritage

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Mayor Clarke finds himself on the losing side of a vote with senior councillors to oust Amanda McDougall from committee appointment.
Gov Political Commentary


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Allie Macinnis Follow Me
Hard to believe in this day and age - guess welcome to the " old boys club" is due here !!! Kendra Coombes is so impressive with her comments - Amanda should stand her ground !!
Nick Phillips Follow Me
This is more bullying and we can't stand by and watch it happen. I've emailed my councillor who was one of those bullies last night. I hope you contact your's as well.
Gary LeDrew Follow Me
if there is one thing CBRM in new people and new ideas. I am disgusted by the feeling of entitlement by George MacDonald. The confidence of the electorate should be enough the old boys have got to go..
madeline yakimchuk Follow Me
I think Earlene's words on the subject should certainly be included in the video if it isn't too late. She was what made me cheer, here in my office alone, as I watched the livestream.
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
I may do a separate video snippet this evening that shares the comments of Earlene and Paruch.
Gary LeDrew Follow Me
Gary LeDrew <[email protected]> 2:29 PM (0 minutes ago) to gmmacdonald We are tired of 'old boys running the show here Your obvious inability to see the Amanda Macdougall is qualified shows you are too old for the job and feel too entitled please Resign.
kim sheppard Follow Me
I'm so proud of the New Councilors for standing their ground and standing up for themselves. I think they are doing an outstanding job. They are becoming interested and involved in Municipal matters and that is what a Councilor's job is. Shame on those who are trying to hold them back! The public is watching council more than ever and will be questioning decisions being made. Let's remember you have to be given the chance first before you can gain the experience.
Michael MacNeil Follow Me
I just shared this with the ombudsman. More evidence of bullying in my opinion, lets see what she thinks.
Dianne MacDonald Follow Me
It's been tough enough watching what is going on in the states. This is 2017 and this is Canada.
Parker Donham Follow Me
Joe, I'm confused about a few of things in your post, and I hope you can clarify: -- Was the vote about whether she should serve on this committee? Or was the vote on whether to hold a secret ballot to decide that question? -- If it was on a procedural question (whether to hold a secret ballot) was a second vote taken about whether she would serve? In other words, is she on the committee in question? -- Why was the mayor voting? I thought he only votes in case of a tie (in which case he would always be on the winning side of votes he participated in? (Apparently I'm wrong about this.) -- What exactly is this solid waste committee? Is it a committee of council? Or some outside committee to which the council gets to appoint a representative? What does it do? I detest the term mansplaining, which always strikes me as an ad hominem device for shutting down discussion. But if ever it was apt, this is it. Imagine veteran councillors not know what ACAP is. Imagine Eldon MacDonald, who has been on council for one full term, talking about the importance of experience. Amanda and the other new women on council, together with Councillor Ray Paruch, are doing a magnificent job—a long overdue gust of fresh air. It's a fascinating display of the old and tired being overtaken by the young and keen. Thanks for posting this.
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
Hi Parker, The vote was specifically to have the full council cast a secret written ballot to determine who should take the Waste Management chair, instead of accepting the nominating committee recommendation. And it was for this nomination only. The others were unchallenged. As the motion to go to secret ballot was defeated, Councillor McDougall remained the nominee. However, she remained the nominee only, and not immediately approved by council. But just a moment after that motion failed, the very next motion was to accept ALL nominations from the committees (1:01 of the afternoon session), and that had unanimous approval. There was no debate. At that point, McDougall secured the chair, and all others nominations for other positions were confirmed as well. I don't know the procedural rules regarding the mayor, but he definitely voted, and did so before all council members rendered their votes (per the voting model animation they show). I suppose numerically, he can only ever serve to break a tie. At 6-6, he becomes relevant. At 7-5, he can only reinforce the majority, or cast a vote for the losing side without changing the outcome. So perhaps he just casts a vote in every instance. I actually like this model as it demands disclosure of how the mayor votes, regardless of the outcome. The Waste Management appointment is one for regional representative. It is not a CBRM-only group. I don't know much more about it.
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
Part II: I agree with you on the term mansplaining. Watching the video, it appeared to meet the proposed definition of the term (still subject to debate). However, I absolutely agree that terms like these are created and frequently used to terminate discussions. I found the men (Eldon and Clarence, in particular) at the very minimum, condescending and uninformed. And I think there's a reasonable debate as to whether it's a gender related bias or not. However, it isn't a far fetched assertion by any means. They certainly weren't paying attention to her experience before speaking. Wonderful things are happening at council, even when the "change council" members are frequently outvoted. They are not backing down. In four years, I predict the entire council will hold a majority of candidates that follow the same pattern. There were several other candidates that just didn't get elected. McDougall and Coombes overcame what could have been considered long shot odds to win their seats. Meanwhile, it's only early, and there are council members that can be reasonable (Marshall, Doncaster), and council members of whom I think we expected much better (Eldon MacDonald, Steve Gillespie). Of the others, I'm still convinced we still have four fellows to fire (aka vote for alternative candidates next time).
Jack Stewart Follow Me
I think MacDonald told the truth when he stated he didn't know what he was talking about? Enough said.
Martha Ross Follow Me
I was watching the meeting on TV and the carry-on with George MacDonald,(the councillor that doesn't know anything about PORTS,and said it twice).....Eldon MacDonald,Clarence Prince,E.Marshall,Jim MacLeod and lastly Cecil Clarke,old boys club.Amanda McDougall is definitely suitable and has the expertise to be on the NS Solid Waste Resounce Management.I back her 100%.....I appreciate those who had the back-bone to back her up.The Boys Club want to keep the new councillors (especially women) in the "BOX"
Gale MacDougall Brown Follow Me
As a woman living half a country away but with deep roots in Cape Breton, I'd like to tell Amanda McDougall to stand tall and hold her ground. The most successful corporations in the world have board members whose ages bring at least three different generations of education, experience, and perspective to the table. Fifty years ago I stood before an intimidating upper management to defend my promotion to Junior Manager from the secretarial pool. No female had ever held a management job in that company. The night before, my Glace Bay father gave me some advice...."Look each (bleep bleep) in the eye and imagine him standing in his drawers at the sink that morning, washing his false teeth". I still chuckle at that one, but it served me well then and through the years. Get over it boys---the future is the only direction we're going.
John Furch Follow Me
Bravo ... Well put
Bill Goldston Follow Me
Councilor Coombes, in this instance you did not need to begin your statement with the phrase, "With all due respect." There was none due.
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
Here is my follow up:
Debbie Keating Follow Me
Disgraceful behaviour by any mayor and council, Especially those that were re-elected by such a narrow margin!!! This issue of transparency has not been addressed even though CBRM residents voiced their concerns during the last municipal election, and yet, the call for a SECRET vote????? The message is NOT sinking in at all, despite the positions of ethical councillors shaming those that blatantly choose to ignore what the populous wants and is now demanding!!! Ivan Doncaster gets my vote for listening and responding in an appropriate manner...very impressive. Steve Gillespie, after running on a platform of change (he publicly criticized the former mayor and council, clearly vowing to affect change and make a difference. As Ray Paruch has been heard to comment "he (Steve Gillespie) drank the koolaid!!"). And our deputy mayor has demonstrated, in my humble opinion, that he shamefully is not the role model deserving of his title...and perhaps another vote should be cast for that position. As for Clarke, if there was ever a case for impeachment..... this may be it. But perhaps a provincial audit will take care of that for us!!!
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