Sydney Waterfront District Planning Study

The Sydney Waterfront District Planning study is looking for your input. Please take a few minutes and fill out the survey. #cbrm5 #SydneyWaterfrontDistrict

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Richard Lorway Follow Me
Thanks for sharing this, Eldon. I completed the survey. My overall concern however is that the survey seems to be based upon the assumption that the downtown is fundamentally a retail centre, and if we could only improve the shopping experience, then somehow it would thrive. This type of thinking is frankly 50 years out of date. I suggest that planners read Rory's post: Downtown Sydney Is Not A Failed Mall to gain some insight into how that generation prefers to live in urban environments. They don't want homes in the suburbs. There is an opportunity there for owners of properties downtown to create quality residential space. I believe that mixed use is the key. I.e. residential, business, professional, and cultural opportunities integrated in such a way as that each type of use reinforces the other. This approach has worked in many other downtown cores throughout North America. Going head to head with malls and big box stores has not.
Michael MacNeil Follow Me
Sounds like a great first step but I kind of agree with Richards comments. planners read Rory's post: Downtown Sydney Is Not A Failed Mall All kinds of great ideas and its free. Also kind of disappointed that North Sydney Downtown development is not included. They are part of the CBRM also and people need to start realizing the importance of these two downtowns working together. So much of the downtown and harbour experience is lost by not working together
Nigel Kearns Follow Me
Richard nailed it on the head, mixed is the way to go. A multitude of activities and presence will ignite the vitality that we seek.

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