The lack of Mental Health support around here is disheartening.

Borrowed this from a friend: This is very accurate and well said! No ribbons, campaigns alone is going to change this. A great deal more of true, honest attention and actions are required.

Everyone is on board to participate in things like "Bell Let's Talk" or any other campaign for mental health support. But what happens when someone has to take too many sick days because they can't get out of bed? When someone's performance slips because they are fighting a war within themselves that can't be seen?

What happens when the chores go undone or the plans are cancelled, or your family eats grilled cheese sandwiches for the third day in a row because you just can't summon the strength?

What happens when you go to work, riddled with anxiety and fighting tears because you can't afford to stay home?
You hear the whispers when you don't show up, yet again...

Not because you didn't want to, but because you felt unwelcomed, and now you feel immense guilt on top of everything else?

The lack of support around here is disheartening, but. It can start small. Families and friends could be a little softer, a little more understanding.

Employers could understand that not all illness is visible.. and implement supports and grant some time and slack where it's needed. When it's needed.

People are left to suffer silently, overwhelmed by everyday tasks, because people look in and say "just suck it up". That's why things go too far.

That's why we lose our loved ones, our friends, our family.

Because suffering silently, alone, being told to shrug it off, scared of job security and losing everything...

Being viewed as crazy, as less than, and not enough..

That's the stuff that takes lives.


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People are left to suffer silently, overwhelmed by everyday tasks, because people look in and say "just suck it up". That's why things go too far.
Living Health & Wellness Support Groups


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Great points Nigel. It is sad they way we are treated by government. As a Canadian citizen, we all should have the same services available for all citizens in this country. The centralization that is occurring here in Nova Scotia is the problem. When it comes to mental health, everywhere outside the capitol region, suffers. Good for you to point it out. Hopefully someone is listening......Keep up the awesome work Nigel.....
Nigel Kearns My Post Follow Me
Thank you NSEF, but these words are from a friend of mine and the credit goes to her. However, I agree with everything pointed out.

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