The success of a muscle, fitness and nutritional journey

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lyn Day is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: lyn Day's Zoom Meeting
Time: Apr 25, 2021 11:00 PM Atlantic Time (Canada)

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Meeting ID: 723 2939 8072
Passcode: wellness


An Isabody Challenge finalist

Member of the 100 lb Club

Transformation specialist

Paddy, 57, will be discussing his journey into the health, fitness and nutritional industry.

How he got started and the success he has achieved by loosing 100 lbs, keeping it off, and entering a Canadian competition called the Isabody Challenge becoming a finalist.

We will discuss how anyone can achieve the same results and how he maintained through the Covid crisis and continues to find success during the pandemic.

Join us on Sunday, April 25 at 7:00 pm (pacific time) 11:00 pm Atlantic Time.

This will be recorded and loaded into the Facebook Page Muscle, Fitness and Nutrition.

Please join the group so you can be inspired to see how the health and fitness journey is possible with great results.

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Lyn Day My Post Follow Me
The world is changing regarding its view on health and wellness. We have much at our disposal to assist us to live a healthy and clean lifestyle. Connect with me at Lyn Day or Muscle, Fitness and Nutrition Facebook page to learn how you can successfully gain back your health and live a very active lifestyle.
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