True Capers by Ron Evely

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Ron Evely My Post Follow Me
MP Roger Cuzner is apparently "on the fence" when asked about retiring from politics. Life is all about tough choices...and then theirs the "no brainers!!"
Brenda Matheson Follow Me
Rodger Cuzner seems to think no one is keeping an eye on what he is or is NOT doing for his community. On the news tonight he said he will probably run in the next election. Why? I think we pay way too much for him to play court jester once a year and recite his annual Christmas poem. I recently read a CBC article where Cuzner stated his disappointment in being overlooked by the PM for the position of Rural Economic Development. It went to newbie Bernadette Jordon. If you are of no use to your party leader after all these years, what practical use could you possibly be to us ? By the way, the marina in Ben Eoin cost the taxpayers 3.8 million to develop. Was it really sold for 150,000 ? I'm sure Rodger has the pertinent details on this transaction.

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