Want to win a hand-held cellphone three-axis gimble?


Short/Cuts have a like and share contest for you! Want to win a hand-held cellphone three-axis gimble? It's a tool that can really help up the production value of your short film for our short film challenge, or up the production value of your own personal videos! ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS LIKE AND SHARE THE POST! **You do not have to be a participant in the short film challenge to be included in this giveaway, anyone can win**

Cape Breton∙Unama’ki has the creative potential to support a thriving film industry, and local filmmakers are working to prove it. One important facet of revitalizing the film industry is engaging with youth. The Short/Cuts short film challenge was envisioned as an opportunity for youth across the island to easily create their own films and have the community celebrate their creative accomplishments.
The competition will be aimed at youth currently living in Cape Breton∙Unama’ki. Participants will submit an original short film which they can shoot on their mobile phone. Entries will be judged by a jury of peers (including youth as well as business owners and individuals working within the creative sector). The opportunities and topics are limitless guided by your creativity and imagination.
The challenge will wrap up with an awards gala and screening where prizes will be awarded for the winners and runners up in each category.

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Want to win a hand-held cellphone three-axis gimble? It's a tool that can really help up the production value of your short film for our short film challenge.
A&E Movies


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