Whose Port Is It, Anyway?

I had asked that my email be included in my bio because I'm hoping to gather more information on this story, but the Post didn't print it. So I'll ask the goCapeBreton community: if you have anything to add to this story, please contact me.


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madeline yakimchuk Follow Me
I am not at all surprised by the depth and professionalism, punctuated by wit, we see in Mary's article. Clearly this took some time and effort. We need to support journalists like her. I am very pleased to see this kind of coverage in the Cape Breton Post!
madeline yakimchuk Follow Me
what is the point of unlike if it is anonymous? Major news media are learning that bullying and hatred on line is related to anonymous posts. Unlike is not a big deal for someone like me... high self esteem to say the least, but it should not be allowed.
Joe Ward Follow Me
Great work, Mary. This level of research, breaking down the complexity, and bringing clarity to what is going on around us is vitally important. Too much is buried in perfunctory and biased media coverage. You're a change agent!
Robert Cunningham Follow Me
The entire process is so disgusting it is not even funny. These business leaders are not running profitable local businesses - they are simply raping the taxpayers of CBRM - and the councilors and mayor are sitting by letting it happen. Is anyone going to ask them to be accountable?
madeline yakimchuk Follow Me
There are a few councillors who have tried, but Cecil has control of the majority. Paruch and Eldon Macdonald can be counted on, and Mae Rowe occasionally objects.
Daniel MacNeil Follow Me
Dude that's a little intense no one raped anybody...
Wayne O'Toole Follow Me
It is a common expression not literal..."taking tax dollars from the helpless without consent"...seriouslythats what you tok for his post?
Daniel MacNeil Follow Me
yeah. being completely negative never helped anyone. Also never heard that expression in my life. I hold true to the Country I live in an trust they will make best decision possible. Do you want to start another boston tea party? revolt against the crown because of taxes? It could be a lot worse.
Wayne O'Toole Follow Me
And since when is standing up against potential political issues negative? I am actually quite a positive person but do not take kindly to potential governmentcorruption...so instead of questiong governmentdecisions we should I suppose just smile and follow blindly?
[comment deleted] Posted
Wayne O'Toole Follow Me
I did not use the word.
Daniel MacNeil Follow Me
well you sure as hell condoned it. haha
Daniel MacNeil Follow Me
Yeah dude
Daniel MacNeil Follow Me
since when is developing jobs and a port government corruption? What country do you even live in?
Wayne O'Toole Follow Me
Port jaaawbs? Where? Haven't seen them flooding in from the past 30 years and near $100m in public funds investe...so please share if you know where there are?
Daniel MacNeil Follow Me
I love your kind. So pleasant and productive. Also learn some basic grammar while you're waiting for your EI to come in.
Daniel MacNeil Follow Me
keyword "DEVELOPING" meaning hasen't happened bud, in other words, in the process of creating jobs because something like that doesn't happen overnight?
Wayne O'Toole Follow Me
Its been almost 30 years. And for grammar police...its spelled "developing". Oh and never had to collect EI but thanks for judging without knowledge or fact. Have a great day.
Joe Ward Follow Me
Political topics are very partisan by nature (picking teams). However, even with various criticisms raised in port related discussions here at goCB, the topics I've joined have been quite civil for the most part. What any of us think of another person's manner of expression or their grammar or spelling... won't have a meaningful impact in the topic itself. It'll actually take away from it. Negative criticisms of negative criticisms results in a downward spiral. I think we can all avoid that if we just commit to explaining our ideas thoughtfully, and not taking offence if someone disagrees. But by listening, we might actually have a chance to see things in a new perspective.
Daniel MacNeil Follow Me
True enough. I apologize for being overly critical but I stand by what I said regarding the country I live in; and was raised to respect.
Wayne O'Toole Follow Me
I apologize as well. Its an important issue and has sensitive points with definite lines in the sand. No offense meant or taken Daniel.
Joe Ward Follow Me
I would love to hear a response from those in the article. Were there ever jobs created? What was the total private investment made? I.e. From the deals that were done, was there any positive economic impact?
Joe Ward Follow Me
Did the Cape Breton Post remove the comments on this article? http://www.capebretonpost.com/Opinion/Columnists/2016-01-01/article-4391615/Whose-port-is-it,-anyway?%2F1 I'm not seeing them listed. Can anyone confirm?
madeline yakimchuk Follow Me
I questioned that too and Mary informed me that the editor has been asked to review them because of some questions... who asked the questions, I don't know, and why they couldn't just delete the questionable ones I am not sure, and why they have not left the article open for new comments I am also not sure. As well, the article did not make the "hot on the web" list today, nor is it on their FB page. I commented on their FB page. Maybe others could do the same. I will also keep my eyes on this.
Joe Ward Follow Me
Well, well. Isn't that interesting. I wonder who made the request. :)
Wayne O'Toole Follow Me
Well I read every comment and none were inappropriate, no swear words, just disgust about the data they absorbed. Pressure from mayirs office/boysclub had it removed because they cannot defend against truth. We need to push for a public inquiry from a federal source like RCMP.
Joe Ward Follow Me
It would be near impossible for those comments to contain profanity. For every one that appeared, it was already approved by a Cape Breton Post team member. All new posts go into moderation, and they don't get to the site until someone approves them. I've personally had completely reasonable comments that apparently never made the first pass. And it's always been troubling. IMO, we're starting 2016 with the censorship of the community by our local paper. Maybe it's not "our" local paper after all. I'm very surprised they would jeopardize their integrity as journalists, and the brand, given that the story is highly engaged and already has momentum. This will certainly not go unnoticed. A wise editor would be strong thinking about a quick reversal at this moment. If any party disagrees with the comments made, they would (or should be) capable of refuting them intelligently within a public debate. Q. Who made the complaint, and who made the decision to nix these comments? If it was purely a move by a member of the Cape Breton Post team, they should resign their position, or take a leave of absence to reconnect what it's supposed to mean to be a journalist of integrity.
Joe Ward Follow Me
The Cape Breton Post has acknowledged today's act of what I consider censorship. They indicate some messages were "deemed as not fair comment" - despite having already been approved. https://www.facebook.com/thecapebretonpost/posts/10153877243849066 I have submitted questions for them. If you agree with the questions, please endorse them there by clicking "Like": https://www.facebook.com/thecapebretonpost/posts/10153877243849066?comment_id=10153877893954066&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R9%22%7D
Dan Yakimchuk Follow Me
We should use our FB and Twitter accounts to link to Mary's CB Post article and ask this question publically. At the very least, it will provide more exposure for the article.
Joe Ward Follow Me
Mary Campbell My Post Follow Me
Comments have re-opened!
madeline yakimchuk Follow Me
I could've sworn there were 30 and now there are 20, but I can't recall what would be missing... my comment is still there.
Wayne O'Toole Follow Me
Last I looked it was 31. 2 duplicates so techically 29. When it was brought back up there were 18...so 11 missing and new were added bringing it to 20 currently. I read all 29 comments and cannot fathom why the 11 were ditched...they were no worse then the one reposted/returned.
Wayne O'Toole Follow Me
Wait...now I show 15. Also point to note: Marys comment with email requesting people submit any further details is gone...
madeline yakimchuk Follow Me
I don't think that was ever there... the reason she posted the request here... and I have heard that people are taking her up on it. Once the cat is out of the bag it is going to be very difficult to get it back in.
Wayne O'Toole Follow Me
Haha ok...some great comments questioning our mayor are gone....they are highly watching and picking and chosing what says and what goes.
Wayne O'Toole Follow Me
Oops yeah got the two mixed up for numbers...still 20 cb post.
madeline yakimchuk Follow Me
Has the article been taken down? I have tried the link for several sources, including this one you provided here, and they all lead to a blank page. NOTE ADDED LATER, apparently the whole site is down. I'll monitor.
Christian Murphy Follow Me
I believe it's time to start a new religion, Carlinism - we truly require critical thinking....I love this quote! ‘’Governments don’t want a population capable of critical thinking,they want obedient workers,people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation.You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own, and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought, and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear.They got you by the {word deleted by member}.''
Christian Murphy Follow Me
Well, it turns out somebody has already thought of it..... https://www.facebook.com/Carlinism-145507122188113/ https://oktayegekozak.wordpress.com/2012/02/03/the-tenets-of-carlinism/ http://carlinism.weebly.com/ So either I'm a genius or simply a member of the "Crack Pot" league......oh well, off to conduct a little self analysis with doctor google.
Michael MacNeil Follow Me
Whose Railway is it, Anyway ? DEJA VU
madeline yakimchuk Follow Me
Interesting to see this post from Mary, from two years ago, getting fresh comments. If anyone wonders how they can support a journalist like Mary, head on over to http://www.capebretonspectator.com and take out a subscription!
David Mitchell Follow Me
Hmm,,Novoporte has it gone to sleep already,very quiet on any updates on the project for quite a spell.
Michael MacNeil Follow Me
Mary Campbell well done
Michael MacNeil Follow Me
fa·vor·ite https://capebretonspectator.com/2017/04/12/port-cbrm-bechtel-dentons-hpdp/
Michael MacNeil Follow Me
Mary we need a link that works. I know I asked this before
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