Why is CBRM going against the rest of Canada?

This article is political commentary directed at policies being generated by current elected officials that are causing damage in my community, as I see it. No harassment is intended. My right to enjoyment of property has been trampled on, I have been physically threatened in person and threatened online and have been spending my valuable time battling with elected officials and in the process, destroying long standing relationships. All over non-essential toys! This is exactly what can be seen in communities right across Canada when off-road vehicles are imposed on quiet, peaceful and content communities. So I am writing about my experience in trying to find answers about why this happened and about the damage that is being done to our communities, both physical and social. I have absolutely nothing against recreational ATV use. It has a place and time but neither is in residential communities, IMHO.

Death and injuries 

A cursory scan using google In the last 4~6 weeks shows a common occurrence here in the Atlantic Provinces

  1. ATV crash claims the life of 14-year-old in Greenmount, P.E.I. Published Tuesday, June 1, 2021 11:24AM
  2. 13-year-old airlifted to hospital after ATV crash in Pictou County, N.S. Published Tuesday, May 18, 2021 8:31AM
  3. Man Dead Following Early Morning ATV Crash in Hopedale Jun 8, 2021 | 1:28 PM
  4. Man airlifted to hospital with 'very traumatic hand injury' following Hants County ATV crash. Posted: May 22, 2021, 6:38 p.m. 
  5. Man Sustains Life-Threatening Injuries in ATV Crash Bridgewater, NS, Canada  Jun 7, 2021 | 12:47 PM
  6. Man Killed In ATV Crash Near McAdam Saint John, NB, Canada / Country 94 Brad Perry Jun 14, 2021 | 6:25 AM
  7. ATV crash kills 78-year-old New Brunswick man Julian  Published Sunday, May 23, 2021 5:05PM
  8. Three taken to hospital in northern N.S. ATV crash; police believe alcohol a factor Published Sunday, May 2, 2021 2:29PM

Our elected officials had no mandate and no permission from the communities involved to build an ATV trail through the heart of our communities, that I can find documentation on. The pediatric association of Canada says that visits to emergency rooms and deaths will increase in your community (and we see it constantly in the news): All-terrain vehicle serious injuries and death in children and youth . So what would be the reason, if not one from the communities themselves, to take away our life affirming Active Transportation trail and replace it with something that will bring death and injury to our doorsteps. This question is not going over well and has yet to be answered, AFAIK. Read more about this here: Conflicting Policies

Physical & Social Damage Related to ATV Trails in CBRM

We have seen a barrage of articles from respected residents and business leaders in CBRM lately about the damage being caused by the existing ATV trails. 

Cape Breton group blames ATV riders for vandalism · Posted: June 13, 2021

Sydney airport officials disgusted after vandals cause thousands of dollars in damage· Posted: June 10, 2021, 2:20 p.m.

Cape Breton Regional Municipality must step in to ban motorized vehicles from Coal Town Trail Danger on Cape Breton trail · Posted: May 25, 2021, 1:30 p.m.

ATVs on Coal Town Trail cause a rift with some residents of Cape Breton community · Posted: May 18, 2021, 2:20 p.m

These are serious concerns in CBRM and our elected officials need to be "WOKE" to these local issues and deal with them. Why would they bring existing issues like this into the heart of a peaceful community? Why won't they listen or act on these issues?

On The Topic Of Transparency In CBRM

One of the things that bothers me intensely about the way that this major project deviation was slipped through council is the lack of transparency and public process. Why were residents in District 9/10 not informed that:

  • A decade long project to create an inter-community Active Transportation Trail was being scrapped in favour of an ATV Trail which is the complete opposite of an Active Transportation trail. This is a major project deviation.
  • Their property value will likely decrease because CBRM were sanctioning an ATV Trail in their backyards. We seen above many reasons why prospective home buyers will quickly scratch district 9/10 off their list. AFAIK, this has made it through the courts as damages in other communities and through property value assessment adjustments in Nova Scotia. It just makes sense though, I wouldn't buy a house with an ATV trail behind it that causes environment pollution, noise pollution and supports criminal acts and community damage. Just my opinion.
  • Emergency room visits would increase with injuries and death related to the promotion of ATV Activity in residential areas. This is statistical data not hyperbole. 
  • Private and public property would likely be damaged based on historic data in CBRM. This is actual fact not hyperbole.
  • Violations of the off-road vehicle act of Nova Scotia will become an everyday occurrence throughout their communities. This is fact backed up by police dispatch records not hyperbole.
  • CBRM would be locked out of future Federal/Provincial funding (400million+) to promote health and well being in communities like in District 9/10

On the last point we see Port Hawkesbury benefiting from a progressive view on health and well being by getting provincial and federal funding for extension on their Active Transportation trail system (Read Here: Port Hawkesbury residents to benefit from new active transportation commuting options). This is what CBRM should be doing in District 9/10 communities instead of locking us out of this national endeavour to improve the health of Canadians. Active Transportation funding means no motorized vehicles so WE LOSE! Read more here about this; No Active Transportation for Districts 9/10! and here about the funding we are locked out of; Feds unveil first-ever dedicated fund for active transportation and here read about one of the world's greatest health and wellness initiatives that we are locked out of in District 9/10; Trans Canada Trail

From the article above about the great things happening in Port Hawkesbury, we see the following quote:

The Honourable Lloyd Hines, Minister of Transportation and Active Transportation Minister, on behalf of Energy and Mines Minister, the Honourable Chuck Porter

"Increasing safe, accessible active transportation options helps to reduce emissions by encouraging people to keep their cars at home."

Mike Kelloway, Member of Parliament for Cape Breton–Canso, on behalf of the Honourable Catherine McKenna, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities

"This global pandemic has highlighted the need for all Canadians to stay healthy both physically and mentally. Active transportation options like the ones we are announcing today will not only help residents stay fit, but it will also support our efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as we work towards a greener Canada. As we build back better, Canada's infrastructure plan invests in thousands of projects, creates jobs across the country, and builds stronger, safer, and more resilient communities."

The Honourable Iain Rankin, Premier of Nova Scotia

"With these new clean transportation options, more people will be able to get outside and move around in ways that promote better health and a cleaner environment. These new options will promote a healthy community and will attract visitors pursuing an active lifestyle."

I highlighted the parts in the quotes above because it is important to see what is happening in CBRM compared to what is being said by federal and provincial leaders. On a flat surface like the ATV Trail in District 9/10 a 500lb ATV uses as much gas as a 2500lb car. So CBRM is encouraging people to not only burn more fossil fuel but do it as inefficiently as possible over long distances (13kms one way). Why would they do this when places like Port Hawkesbury and the rest of Canada are going in the opposite direction and supported with federal funding to do so?

Why did they take away our Active Transportation trail at a time when the rest of Canada is building Active Transportation trails?

Contrary to popular opinion, the author of this commentary has absolutely nothing against Off-Road vehicles or their riders, after all it is just recreation. 

Private Facebook group to educate residents on why off-road vehicles do not belong in residential areas: Residential Areas - ATVs (OHVs) 

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