It's time to stand up with people like Tom Urbaniak who are trying to make CBRM a better place to live and work and kick the elected officials to the "Political Curb" that are actively destroying our beautiful seaside community right before our eyes.

Article from Saltwire, July 19, 2023

TOM URBANIAK: We need to talk about ATV lawlessness in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality and beyond


ATV related crime is up more than eight times what it was before the the two elected officials in this article decided to implement a policy to promote off-road vehicle use in residential areas. This policy is idiotic (not the people) but there are real people responsible for the policy. This policy is the source of the increase in ATV related crime and related community issues (period). 

It is illegal for any off-road vehicle to come off the Coal Town Residential ATV Trail at any point for any reason (except to cross to stay on the trail). Call 902-563-5151 every time you see an ATV on any street. It is the call that is important. The dispatcher should never argue with you, if they do, take their name. You can say "anonymous" if you don't want to give your name but the call is confidential anyway. They are not permitted to drive ATVs home, go to the bank, go get a coffee, get the mail or grab a beer or meal...nothing! They are permitted only to be on the trail property because our mayor says so (can't find any other reason).

The residential ATV trail (RAT for short) that was created by these two elected officials, is diminishing the quality of life of residents in Districts 9 and 10, destroying the environment all along the trail, disturbing sensitive ecological systems, wasting valuable police resources, fostering an environment of harassment and destroying residential property value. We are seeing more ATV related deaths and injuries in our communities now due to the promotion of an industry that kills in the name of fun.

  • The Mayor and council were told by our community, through taxpayer funded surveys that ATVs were not wanted on the rail corridor.
  • Our community did not provide a mandate for a residential ATV trail (RAT).
  • Police services recommended against a residential ATV trail (RAT).
  • An ATV trail was never voted on in council. An Active Transportation Trail was voted on in council and then turned into an ATV trail behind the community's back. Active Transportation Agreement Ratified. We Were Deceived

In four years the current mayor and council have not addressed the community in any official capacity about the mess they created in our beautiful seaside community. This is a major issue in our community and we see ZERO communication, ZERO transparency and ZERO accountability.

We need much, much better leadership here to make CBRM a better place. 

CBRM council took $millions from local taxpayers for an Active Transportation plan (fact). The rail bed in District 9 & 10 was part of that Active Transportation plan (fact). CBRM Council ratified an agreement (MOU ratified in council, on camera Q4'2019) with the federal government to acquire the rail bed land explicitly for Active Transportation (fact). Councillors spoke publicly about this trail being an Active Transportation trail right up to acquiring the land (fact). Then they turned it into an ATV trail (fact) that would only benefit less than 1% of the population (estimation) and provide no value to 99% of the population.

The only thing "ACTIVE"  about CBRM's Active Transportation plan in District 9 and 10 (IMHO) is an active effort to undermine the efforts of many people, who over the years, tried to make CBRM a better place to live. WTG!

The increase in ATV related crime and the ongoing death and injuries can be directly correlated to the CBRM policy of promoting the use of off-road vehicles in residential areas. The data for this is logged and the council have access to it.

Official statement from the current mayor of CBRM, in the Mayor's office, promoting the increased use of ATVs in residential areas. This is fact and public.


Active Transportation means human powered transportation electric or gas powered motors. This is a well known and long standing  global definition and is proudly displayed on CBRM's Active Transportation webpageA multi-use trail DOES NOT MEAN Active Transportation (read article here). A shared use trail DOES NOT MEAN Active Transportation (read article here). The Coal Town Trail is not Active Transportation, it is an ATV trail and nothing to be proud of in today's world. 


Illegal activities that were at play:
  • Drinking and driving an off-road vehicle.
  • Driving on the Coal Town Trail after posted hours (11pm).
  • Driving an off-road vehicle on public streets.
  • Driving an off-road vehicle on the trail without plates.
  • Possibly driving on a trail without a trail permit or insurance.
  • Driver of the ATV being towed fled the scene.

This is what the elected officials mentioned above brought to our community without permission or mandate.

Let's get the RATs out of our community :-) 

I have to make this statement so it is clear that I am not seen as harassing our elected officials or any groups of people: The following is political commentary related to community damaging and people harming policies that need to be reversed for the betterment of "all CBRM". This article is about recent unsanctioned decisions and actions in CBRM that are causing real community issues and can most likely be correlated to deaths and injuries, that's all.

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Tars MacEachern Follow Me
ATV’S ruin too many beautiful trails. I grew up with horses where we had numerous trails where we would pack a lunch and be out all day. Once ATV’S became popular the trails were no longer safe for horses. Now while I’m older the path leading to the beach behind my house are all mud craters that you can’t even walk your dogs through so the only walking areas are the roads. Something drastic has to be done so others can enjoy even going for a walk without breaking a leg
Joseph Campbell My Post Follow Me
You are right about it being unsafe. It is unsafe to this day. The article below shows what happened to me when I hit an ATV rut on the trail on my bike. I don't use the trail anymore so it might as well be closed and done away with as far as I am concerned. It is disgusting. Our councilor did absolutely when I sent him the pictures, other than pointing his finger at PSPC (Federal Public Works). PSPC pointed their finger at CBRM. Meanwhile I bled as they were pointing fingers.
Rod Thompson Follow Me
I am sick and tired of having to put up with the noise of ATV's and off road motor cycles (with no license plate etc.) running up and down our street in Glace Bay and ruining the shore line from our street to South St. It used to be such a great walking trail now it is all rutted and eroded due to vehicle use. They have ruined the purple finch feeding area and ruin our enjoyment of living on a great street. Time for some changes.
Joseph Campbell My Post Follow Me
Rod, Call 902-563-5151 "EVERY TIME" you see an ATV on any street (or private/public land), it is all illegal. It doesn't matter if police catch them, the call is the important part (believe me, on this). Get as many people as you can to call. There is lots of information in the following Facebook group on topic here: Every call is logged against ATV crime. It is the best way to get something done. It is the councillors job to know what's going on in their districts and to take action from a policy viewpoint (not police) but they are definitely failing us in our community, at this time. So call, call, call and it will end up in council chambers quicker than the councillor will get it there. Be courteous to the dispatcher and ask that the call be dispatched. Every once in a while you can ask that the dispatched officer give you a call to update you. Don't do this all the time as they have other issues to deal with also. The dispatcher shouldn't argue because it is very clear-cut and well understood now that laws are being broken daily, all over. Remember the problem here is Mayor and council, not police. The Mayor and council created the mess we have and they must fix it.
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