Failure at City Hall

Our Elected officials are failing us. It's alright to fail as long as transparency and accountability prevail and the failure is admitted and fixed. We have seen how questionable their actions have been around the "Great ATV Trail Fiasco of 2020" which are outlined in this article: Bait & Switch. Now after being warned for over a year of the detrimental effects (including death and injury) an ATV Trail would have on residential communities we are seeing these exact effects.

The list of local professionals who have publicly spoken out against these backward, anti-Active Transportation policies includes Professors, Engineers, Doctors, Teachers and Veterans and many more quietly resent having their communities, quality of life and property (and valuation) damaged by the whims of Elected Officials, without public consent or even a public mandate. 

Recent Articles calling for Elected Officials to stop destroying communities in Cape Breton in the name of niche special interest groups:

The images below show how private and public property is being destroyed by illegal activity. HRM Trail Association have stated in a presentation that:

  • OHV use has proved to be essentially unenforceable as the machine is designed to go anywhere , and long experience has shown that law enforcement have given up on having any real control.
  • increased vandalism to infrastructure


Well I guess the folks in HRM are more insightful than the Community Leaders (involved in this mess) in CBRM because they are exactly right and CBRM Community Leaders (involved in this mess) are taken us down this exact path where the outcome is known and unfavorable. So many have been down this path already! Read this: A Warning From Ontario to CBRM

Our Elected officials seem to be going in the opposite direction to the rest of Canada. Communities are hooking up to the Great Trail (Former Trans Canada Trail) in one of the world's greatest National Health & Wellness endeavors. CBRM closed the doors on this for us in favor of a local, niche, special interest group. Canada is also investing $400 million more (2021) on Active Transportation. Again CBRM Council has locked us out of that National Health & Wellness project in favor of a group that represents approximately 3~4% of our population. And, an ATV trail is by definition, Anti-AT (Active Transportation). Canada is moving forward and CBRM is moving backwards.

How did this happen?

Stay tuned, the picture (albeit ugly) is forming......

Join this Facebook group to see why Dr. MacNeil and others are trying hard to reverse these ill-informed decisions and make CBRM a better place to live, stay or move to: 

Residential Areas - ATVs (OHVs)

It is a private group free of bullying and full of information

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