Five Fellows to Fire: Saccary, MacLeod, Clarke, MacDonald, Prince

On October 15th, 2016 you need to fire these five fellows. That's right, Mayor Clarke and these four councillors need to be let go from service to the CBRM.

Vote for Someone Else

To get rid of them, you just have to vote for someone else. And the mission will be accomplished - if you choose to accept it.

Didn't Two of Them Take the 15 Point Councillors' Pledge?

Yes, Deputy Mayor George MacDonald and Councillor Prince acknowledged the pledge. However, among other conflicts, they are in serious violation of item #10:

#10 I will follow the rules. Rules and regulations will not be ignored.

How did they violate point #10?

The mayor and these four councillors are all elected officials in the CBRM - as you know.

But here are some very important things you may not know yet:

  • Mayor Clarke appointed himself and these four councillors to the Port of Sydney Development Corporation.
  • Starting back as early as 2009 and again in 2013 over $1,000,000 was spent developing a governance model. See the timeline here.
  • He also handpicked and appointed a CEO with no port development experience and gave her a $200,000 per year salary.
  • The governance model created says no elected officials are to be on the board. That includes the mayor and councillors.
  • The mayor dismissed industry people from the previous board, and took their place with these councillors.
  • Clarke promised that this board would be replaced with a qualified board.
  • At the annual general meeting of the Port of Sydney Dev Corp a year later, a new board should have been in place. Clarke announced he and the others were staying on the board.
  • They chose to violate the terms of the articles of incorporation (section 5.02(a)).
  • They also chose to delay releasing audited financial statements. It's August 2016. They are still not released.
  • None of these men have any qualifications to be doing port development.
  • These men put themselves in charge of an estimated $1.6 billion dollar port development project - with no experience.
  • Nowhere in Cecil Clarke's new list of 100 campaign promises does he indicate he plans to put a qualified board in place.

Is this a joke?

No, all of the above is true. If you're concerned, you should be. Remember to fire them on October 15th, so that we can fix this situation together as a community.

Maybe the Councillors Don't Realize Their Mistake?

They realize. They've been told repeatedly. They know fully well what the articles require. However, they stay on and jeopardize the entire economic future of Cape Breton.

Is this why we don't have a container port yet?

A container port development is a very complex project. It would be an immense challenge to the biggest investors and most sophisticated port experts in the world. Whether or not the proposed business plan for our port makes sense remains to be seen. Several experts suggest that it doesn't.

What we do know is that the mayor and these councillors are not experts, are not in any way sophisticated in port development, and really have no qualifications whatsoever to be on this board.

How important is it to have qualified people to get things done?

Let's let Councillor Jim MacLeod tell you. It should be a no brainer. When he was talking about fire services, he hit the nail on the head. Things don't get done when there are no "professional opinions".

How do we break the news to them?

We live in a democracy. Nobody knows what you put on the ballot when you vote on October 15th.

However, if you really feel like you want to let them know, give them the Warren Warning. It's an assertion that you are paying attention to their performance and will vote accordingly.

Is there any way back for them?

Voters like you will decide their fate. However, if they realize as Jim MacLeod has in the video above - that they are jeopardizing our economic future - they can resign from the Port of Sydney Corporation Board immediately, and tell the mayor that they won't play a role in violating its governance structure any more.

This isn't about likability or familiarity. Voting for these men for that reason alone, to save their jobs, may come at the expense of hundreds of jobs for the good citizens of the Cape Breton Regionality Municipality. They all have pensions in place. Just think of the teachers who were let go with the school closures and the Saputo closure and layoffs. It's not "if", and it's not "when". It's happening now.

If they are not willing to do the right thing, then we have to do it for them.

These five fellows need to go.

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The mayor appointed himself and four CBRM councillors to the Port of Sydney Dev Corp board. None are qualified. None are permitted by the corporate articles.
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Michael MacNeil Follow Me
I agree Joe and I would also suggest that we fire anyone that voted for the sale of Archibalds wharf and anyone that didn't try to get it back after CME didn't meet their requirements within the deadline
Michael MacNeil Follow Me
I'm considering running for district 3 ( Mae Rowes ) vacated seat. I would like to challenge all candidates of all districts in the CBRM to voice their opinion right here on go cape Breton with regards to the port board, Archibalds wharf and also saving the railway right of way. My opinion on all three can be found in various posts. I would like to know their opinion. I apologize in advance for any typos. Posting on an iPhone
ian macpherson Follow Me
While I agree that the rules and regulations of the board of directors have not been followed, the notion that private businessmen or experts in the field would somehow be more noble or have a greater conscience is not true. Atleast with a elected official you might be able to ensure some accountability. However, most of this is irrelevant because a port is not likely to succeed for a number of reasons, none of which have to do with whether there are experts on the board. You shouldn't have to sell a port as if you were so desperate that any suitor will do. The very fact that they had to do deals with less than reputable Chinese businessmen proves this and it certainly does not bode well for a port that hopes to provide long term employment.
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
I didn't talk about nobility or conscience. The focus here was on qualification. As Jim MacLeod expressed, progress doesn't get made when the people in charge of it lack the professional abilities to do so. Regarding accountability, the only accountability in the CBRM has been fought for, usually in a losing battle, by the efforts of Ray Paruch and those who continually bring this matters to the public eye. It's not standard procedure. It's a massive undertaking that has only just begun. They violated the port corp articles, re: no elected officials on the board. No accountability. They hid the Neil McNeil report (critical of port plans) for 7 months. No accountability. They are getting sued for constructive dismissal of John Whalley who alleges a conflict of interest in the deal where the CBRM acted as a bank to purchase land from East Coast Metal Fabrication Inc. to lease to McKeil. Accountability? Not then. It's now up to the courts. TBD. If you believe the port will surely fail, then it's even more important for these guys to get off the board and back to work, should they survive the election without getting fired. However, many would agree with you that the separation between council, mayor and local business interests is a matter of considerable debate:
ian macpherson Follow Me
I was refering to nobility and conscience as it relates to breaking the rules in which you did refer to. I agree that what they did was wrong and they should not be reelected or put in those positions. Public input into making such changes can not always happen as effectively if you install experts or private businessmen/consultants as they are not directly tied to constituents. Accountability will come in October we both agree on that. We need good honest public officials if there is such a thing these days. I agree that reports such as the fire services report shed light on what needs to be done but with the cbrm broke, none of those changes are likely to occur. As it relates to the port, private investment will likely be lacking to implement any port experts recommendations as well and we will be left footing the bill. In my opinion, there are better port options, i.e., Mulgrave (deeper harbour, ice free, etc). This will be the greatest obstacle.
Wayne O'Toole Follow Me
And we have what accountibility know with mayor and council on the board? None
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
UPDATE: My follow up after the defeat of Kevin Saccary in District 8. One down:

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