Hey CBRM: Forget the Trump Bump. Here's the Warren Warning

Not too long ago, you all heard the buzz about the Trump BumpA local DJ named Rob Calabrese - with a perfect combination of wit and amazing timing - delivered millions of dollars worth of International exposure for Cape Breton. He even landed himself (and other local folks of the important variety) interviews with CNN.

His message was simple. If you're afraid of living in a United States ruled by the would-be overlord Donald Trump, come to Cape Breton. Then he catalogued a list of the great things we have to offer. With a day's work, he trumped about 10 years worth of local marketing attempts.

It had an immediate and measurable impact on our tourism season. And it quickly became known as the Trump Bump.

Have you heard the Warren Warning?

No, you say? Well then, please allow me to share it with you.

First things first. This one isn't going to do anything for tourism. But what it might do is help ensure that Cape Breton doesn't continue to regress into a place that people end up leaving. That's what they are doing now, at an alarming rate.

Many of you haven't heard of Elizabeth Warren. She's a United States Senator, and the person who really should be the first woman to become President of the United States. She takes on the big banks and she's fully committed to fighting back against wealth and income inequality.

If that still doesn't ring a bell, perhaps you heard Donald Trump calling her Pocahontas? 

Yes, Mr. Trump decided to make fun of her for her Native American ancestry. And so that became his preferred method of trying to diminish her and show immense disrespect for Native American people in so doing.

While he was successful, once again, at showing his disrespect, he failed in his bid to bully Elizabeth Warren. She routinely spanks him on Twitter - one of the few people that have ever been able to do so without degrading themselves in the process (cough, Rubio).

Here is the Warren Warning

I don't possess the wit of Rob Calabrese. But I have a keen eye for spotting things that help create new perspectives and understanding. Senator Warren spoke at the Democratic National Convention last night, and a part of her speech grasped my attention.

For eight years, the United States had a transformative president in Obama who had to deal with a relentlessly obstructionist rival in the Republic Party. It didn't matter what he did, they tried to stop it without any sense of objectivity. And Elizabeth Warren sent a message to them:

"So for every Republican in Congress who said 'No', this November, the American people are coming for you"

What does this mean for the CBRM Mayor and Council?

Of course, you realize she wasn't talking to the CBRM. But that same core message should ring out loud and clear to Mayor Cecil Clarke and every district councillor who did what he told them to do on every vote.

  • For every councillor who voted for selling off the Archibald's Wharf green space, this October, the voters of the CBRM are coming for you.
  • For every councillor who didn't insist that our 42.6% of Cape Breton children living in poverty were a top priority, this October, the voters of the CBRM are coming for you.
  • For every councillor who sat on the Port of Sydney Development Corporation board of directors, despite no elected officials being permitted to do so, this October, the voters of the CBRM are coming for you.
  • For every councillor who isn't aware of and can't answer these questions about the port, this October, the voters of the CBRM are coming for you.
  • For every councillor who sat and watched while the mayor put every egg in the "If not the port, then what?" basket, this October, the voters of the CBRM are coming for you.
  • For every councillor who put off discussing the $140/week they pocketed in travel expenses without receipts, this October, the voters of the CBRM are coming for you.
  • For every councillor who acted as if being a district councillor was just an easy way to supplement their retirement income, this October, the voters of the CBRM are coming for you.
  • For every councillor who doesn't think they have to communicate with the citizens of the CBRM in our chosen platforms, this October, the voters of the CBRM are coming for you.
  • For every councillor who won't acknowledge or take the 15-Point Councillors' Pledge, this October, the voters of the CBRM are coming for you.

So now you know what the Warren Warning is. It's a reminder that if you do wrong by the citizens (those who hold the power to vote), you will answer for it at the polls.

And for those sensitive to language, "coming for you", if you are the mayor or a district councillor, means specifically:

Showing up to vote on October 15th, 2016, for someone other than you.

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Not too long ago, Cape Breton welcomed United States citizens to move here if Trump wins. Now a US politician has a message for our CBRM mayor & council.
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Michael MacNeil Follow Me
Reading this reminded me of an ole saying I heard my father use now and then. "A wise man changes his mind, a fool never will."  Spanish Proverb on change I forget if it was meant for me when I acted stubborn or he was cursing politicians, however it could be applied to the mayor and council in regard to some very costly important decisions that were made that will forever affect development in the CBRM. In other words it is not too late for council to change some of the bad decisions and go down in local history being wise rather than the fool. It might even get them re-elected, but the biggest benefit to be gained would be that their grand children might not ever hear about the Fools of 2016. BTW If we put them back in power, we will be the Fools
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
Times are changing, fast. We're tearing the doors off of every backroom. It's the era of transparency and accountability, and it's only going to continue. The options are to embrace it, or step aside.
Robert MacDonald Follow Me
Or to quote another american, Dr.Phil "how's this been working for you so far"?
Richard Collis Follow Me
The elected MLAs for Ana's also have a Code of Conduct. Number one on the list is to represent ALL their constituents to the best of their ability. When Cecil Clarke was MLA for CBNorth, he did not represent all his constituents,only a select few. Those who help him get to Halifax or Ottawa. He has done the same stunt as Mayor of the CBRM. He ignored the citizens with real issues and concerns. Archibald Wharf is another example of Cecil Clarke's lack of representing "the people" . He should be given the boot and never ele.cted to any and all elections on CBI. ABC
[comment deleted] Posted
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
I think our positions are pretty divergent in terms of United States politics, but that's a huge amount of ground to cover and off topic here. :) One thing I can note, however, is that this symbolic warning from Warren doesn't really depend so much on which party we're talking about. It's a good message for any political official, of any political stripe, that hasn't done a good job. If they fail, all else being equal, we should vote them out.
Sebastien Belzile Follow Me
Human politics are designed to make everything enjoyable for the public. Job creation, access to fun and Games, faith. Anything that leads you thinking that a comment on social media's gonna change the course of the universe. Please let me know when the circus leaves town so I can start being Human once again. Sebo
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
Sounds good. I'll message you on October 16th to let you know if they left town. :)
dave finlay Follow Me
Pocahontas is a serial liar she never had a serious chance for the leader of the far-left party. She left her presidential campaign after failing to win any primary contests and placing third in her home state That is hilarious! Point being who takes her serious
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
You should put quotation marks around Donald Trump quotes.

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