
GET 'ER DONE! Session 1: Social Challenges [VIDEO]

Social Challenges:

Barriers and solutions for Healthcare, Poverty, Nutrition, Outmigration, and more.


  • Alicia Lake

  • Lynne McCarron

  • David Sawler

  • Richard Lorway (moderator)



These comments, questions, and pledges were submitted by the audience using mobile devices during the live sessions and displayed on a large screen on stage.  (Submitted from bottom up.)

  • An action: Add up all the food you eat each week. Then choose a percent (5%, 10% whatever) then go on an adventure with your family to find it. 


    • I pledge to encourage compassion towards individuals dealing with addiction. 

      Angela Houston

      • Please don't turn this into a political conversation.  If so, the critics of this event will only grab those sounds bites.
        "Keep'er Neutral" with respect to your political views, I am!

        D Darren MacDonald

        • Drugs and addiction are a major problem and the root cause of many of the problems being discussed. What role can law enforcement play in this?  Should we focus on improving law enforcement strategies?

          Adam Mugridge

          • Great selection of panelists! Truly eye opening.
            I am "making my pledge" to get better involved in youth programs, listen to all ideas and help where I can.

            Jim Clark

            • Agree with Darrin 100%.  

              John Furch

              • Child poverty, addiction, youth out migration, population decline, high unemployment, etc are symptoms of the overall problem with Cape Breton which is poor economic activity. We need to find and stimulate the start up and growth of businesses that provide exportable goods and services.

                Darrin McLean

                • We need places where youth can go, when in conflict with parents/guardians, to give both parties a breather so family counselling can occur ie group home

                  Mike MacPhee

                  • What can I do as a citizen to help addiction?

                    Rory Andrews

                    • Don't rely on politicians!  What can every day people do?


                      • Great Work Lynn!  Getting 'er done!


                        • Finding for programs is hard to find.


                          • Powerful statements

                            Joanie Cunningham

                            • David Sawler wants to see more prevention


                              • Looking great so far!  Nice setup.


                                • Wanted to be the first. 

                                  Steven Rolls

                                  • Welcome to GET 'ER DONE!


                                  You Too Can Participate Right Now!

                                  Post your comment or action pledge below. If you have more to say or pledge, post your thoughts on this page ... here's how.


                                  RELATED VIDEOS:

                                  Welcome & Event Format

                                  Session 2: Economic Development

                                  Session 3: Information Sharing

                                  Session 4: Designing Our Future

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                                  Runs 38:15
                                  Nonprofit GET 'ER DONE!


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