
GET 'ER DONE! Session 2: Economic Development [VIDEO]

Economic Development:

Entrepreneurship, Tourism, Energy, Resources, Agriculture, Oceans, and more.


  • Dannie Hansen

  • Bert Lewis

  • Steve Lilley

  • Bob Pelley

  • Mathew Georghiou (moderator)



These comments, questions, and pledges were submitted by the audience using mobile devices during the live sessions and displayed on a large screen on stage.  (Submitted from bottom up.)

  • Will do, Bob. Thanks

    Darrin McLean

    • Darrin, 
      I can help with that. Please get in touch: 

      Bob Pelley

      • I'm the local representative for Engineers Nova Scotia. I pledge to organize a speaker session in Sydney this fall to get more engineers in the local area thinking about entrepreneurship.

        Darrin McLean

        • For more info on entrepreneurship mentoring visit www.mentorconnectonline.com

          Bob Pelley

          • Connectivity. Pushing comfort levels socially to make new connections, volunteering, collaboration, mentor ship  and not running in the rut of old patterns. Ok I pledge to do this!

            Heather MacIsaac

            • I also believe we need an initiative in our communities that will bring people together with a sense of pride that will result in more people caring, participating and taking ownership of our communities.  We need to change our attitudes about littering, service levels and every aspect of how we present ourselves. We all need to work together to create a better place to live.


              • I'm here representing a new group in North Sydney called Victory Park Society. Our goal is to create a multi-use waterfront green space in downtown North Sydney incl recreation, a boardwalk, and shops. Check us out on Facebook.

                Mike MacPhee

                • Thanks so much for kick-starting this movement. We pledge to continue the conversation in Glace Bay. TALO Cafebar, Savoy Theatre, Island Sandbox, NSCC are pleased to invite you to a conversation on Nov 4, 4-6pm @ TALO Cafebar to discuss how we can work together on downtown development. RSVP @ 

                  Angela Houston

                  • Until minimum wage increases to the point where they can shop local, the box stores will always win.

                    • Great comment Margaret - Community Organizers could get'er done! 


                      • Great point on community organizers but who could or would find that?


                        • It is not just about exports but bringing and keeping money here.  By taking care of our current assets. Built heritage, unique culture, crafts and arts, and this incomparably beautiful landscape.

                          • There are amazing businesses, organizations, and events happening all over CB. Look for them and grab on to the ones that align with what you believe in. 

                            Steven Rolls

                            • In order to get businesses to stay open later or longer we need to revitalize our downtown and make it a draw for the population who will frequent
                              these businesses. 


                              • CBU has local and international students graduating every fall and spring. I know graduates, both local and not, who have wanted to stay in Cape Breton but moved away because they couldn't find employment. We need to find ways to keep these educated people here. I certainly think it's possible. 

                                Eli Quirk

                                • Some of us provide services. It would also be wonderful if local companies and
                                  CBRM made an effort to hire local for professional services. 


                                  • I moved here broke and unemployed 2 years ago. I'm now looking at 2 of my bosses on the stage. I just bought a house. It's all possible.

                                    Rory Andrews

                                    • What Protocase has achieved is incredible and inspiring. Engineers rock.

                                      Darrin McLean

                                      • Just moved home in February 2016. Still employed by a provincial non -profit but working remotely from home. 
                                        Go Cape Breton helped me make the decision to move home - because it made me hopeful!


                                        • Entrepreneurship and small business is not a big economic driver in Cape Breton, but it should be.

                                          Darrin McLean

                                          • Profit also supports the social sector via donations, sponsorship, attendance at events

                                            • NS power needed the harbour dredged. 


                                              • Import replacement keeps wealth local! Good point Mathew.

                                              • Alicia

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                                              RELATED VIDEOS

                                              Welcome & Event Format

                                              Session 1: Social Challenges

                                              Session 3: Information Sharing

                                              Session 4: Designing Our Future

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                                              Runs 48:31
                                              Nonprofit GET 'ER DONE!


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                                              Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
                                              I'm pleased to report that Eric Leviten-Reid and I met the week after the event to discuss the entrepreneurship initiative he was working on and how MediaSpark could help by donating our GoVenture software.
                                              Christian Murphy Follow Me
                                              The event has also inspired me as well. I am looking forward to future events and watching as GoCapeBreton and the Get 'er Done team continue to spread the message and inspire......we have so much greatness simply waiting to be exposed and grown......thank you to you, Richard and Nigel and all the others who pulled this together.

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