Our first 100 days in Cape Breton and the numbers look good!

It's been 100 days since we soft-launched goCapeBreton.com and we would like to share our encouraging numbers with YOU ....

200,000 Page Views

Capers from over
50 countries have visited

1,325 Posts


700 Members

23 Posts with over 1,000 views

Most active Post has 20,618 views ( read it here )

5,400 Social Capital Score (see right corner of header)

100+ Upgrades made to the platform

This is all thanks to YOU!

These numbers have been accomplished with minimal paid advertising in a community of less than 100,000 news readers that are already busy users of Facebook, Twitter, our 2 daily newspapers, 2 weekly newspapers, and related online websites.

  • We've given the people in our community a voice .
  • We've enhanced our emotional connection to our community .
  • We've helped local businesses win more customers .
  • We've helped people find jobs .
  • We've helped events attract more participants with our shared events calendar .

  • We've helped gather community input on important projects like this and this .

  • We've attracted sponsors to aid in our mission (see logos below).

  • And much more!

Cape Breton now has the most feature-rich community website in the world. When recruiting businesses or professionals, when encouraging expats to return, when encouraging youth and newcomers to build their lives here, or when supporting local entrepreneurs, goCapeBreton.com presents an image of our community to the world that is smart, sophisticated, caring, progressive, plugged-in, and full of interesting people and activities. 

What's next for us?

We will continue to grow goCapeBreton.com with your help - share with your Caper friends and family around the world!

And we will soon be launching websites in new communities in Canada .... stay tuned!

goCapeBreton.com and its innovative technology platform that will soon be exported around the world was created right here on Charlotte Street in Sydney - find out more

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Christian Murphy Follow Me
To the GoCapeBreton team, I truly enjoy the site, the thoughts that are shared and the passion people have. The more we as a community explore our voice the more likely it is we can influence the future. I look forward to watching the site develop.
Doug Milburn Follow Me
Congrats to everyone involved. I look forward to seeing this grow and become ever more meaningful as a place to discuss things that are relevant to our community.
Joan O'Connor Follow Me
For you Mathew: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/on-the-economy-what-next-mr-prime-minister-when-the-election-is-over/article26335844/?click=sf_globe PS: Congrats: The site is enlightening.
Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
Thanks Joan. I am a big believer that government has a critical role to play in economic development, regionally and nationally. Many people think that government should focus on tax breaks only, but to me that is far from a good strategy. The problem we have is that government decision making has been poor and/or corrupted in many ways, so it is not possible to properly assess initiatives that have been diluted in their execution. Interestingly, the USA (SBIC) financing program that is noted in the article, which supported Apple, Intel, and other companies in their early days, was a program that a group of us tried to pilot in Cape Breton back in 2000, because we researched and recognized back then that it was a winner and we wanted to bring it here and then push it nationally. We were close but did not make it happen ... I write about the backroom details of it in my article, "The Epic History of the Cape Breton Tech Sector."
Joan O'Connor Follow Me
Pat Bates saying basically same thing in Post column today.

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