Port of Sydney - The Unfolding Story (Update Mar.15/16)

The Port of Sydney project has been in discussions for many years now and it always seems to stir controversy.  To help keep the community aware of what is being reported, goCapeBreton.com has assembled some of the recent media reports so that they are easily accessible on one page.  Note that some of the links go to sites that may require subscriptions.

What do you think about what's happening?  

Have your say by LIKING, DISLIKING, or posting a COMMENT.

NEW! A full history of the Port of Sydney with questions, observations, and an easy-to-read visual timeline has been posted in the goCapeBreton.com COMMUNITY REPORT - click here to view

March 17th, 2016 

March 15th, 2016 

March 12th, 2016

March 10th, 2016

March 7th, 2016 

February 29th, 2016

February 18th, 2016

February 13th, 2016

February 11th, 2016

February 3rd, 2016 

January 22nd, 2016

January 18th, 2016

January 17th, 2016

January 6th, 2016

December 28th, 2015

December 24th, 2015

December22nd, 2015

December 18th, 2015

December 17th, 2015

December 16th, 2015 

December 14th, 2015

December 11th, 2015

December 9th, 2015

December 8th, 2015

Port update by Mayor Clarke and Chinese firm CCCC ("Quad C")

   Online CBRM Q&A session  

    • goCapeBreton.com (Video, Text, Q&A)

December 7th, 2015

November 28th, 2015

November 26th, 2015

November 19th, 2015

September 9th, 2015

August 14th, 2015

June 23 rd , 2015 

   Also says that John Whalley's resignation is a big loss for the project.

    • CBC Information Morning (Audio)

June 17 th , 2015 

June 16 th , 2015 

June 9 th , 2015 

    • Cape Breton Post (Text)

June 8 th , 2015 

    • Cape Breton Post (Text) https://capebreton.lokol.me/Content/Uploads/XV5PDES5VUCHAMQQRS2QRNDW6GAEQ6GX/Media/5/smallblank.png

June 4 th , 2015 

    • CBC Information Morning (Audio)
    • CBC Information Morning (Audio)

June 3 rd , 2015 

May 30 th , 2015 


May 15 th , 2015 

    • Cape Breton Post (Text)

March 10 th , 2015 

March 3 rd , 2015 


February 25 th , 2015 

February 23 rd , 2015 


February 18 th , 2015 

February 6 th , 2015 

February 3 rd , 2015 

January 19 th , 2012 

July 20 th , 2011 

December 10 th , 2010 

November, 2007 

What do you think about what's happening?   

Have your say by LIKING, DISLIKING, or posting a COMMENT.

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The Sydney Port development story as it unfolds with media stories on one page. Have your say!
Gov Government News Municipal Government Location CBRM


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Joan O'Connor Follow Me
I think if you want to do this justice you should add this: http://sydneyport.ca/public/publications/MasterPlanVol1of2.pdf and this: http://sydneyport.ca/public/publications/MasterPlanVol2of2.pdf and probably this: http://sydneyport.ca/public/publications/GWG_Final_Report_July202011.pdf
Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
Thanks, Joan, we will add them. And, the great thing about goCapeBreton.com is anyone can share such information in the comments section here too.
Joan O'Connor Follow Me
It's a great site Mathew.
Christian Murphy Follow Me
Wait a second folks, we must look at the much bigger picture here. Irving ship building awarded 2.3 Billion contract by the PC Government. They are hiring with a big job fair Halifax. Now we have a new group awarded a sole responsibility to market the port of Sydney, with a PC Mayor leading the charge which includes a $1.2 Million dowry of land to cement the union. Is there a connection here? Interesting.............
Joe Ward Follow Me
So what is the implication? Anticipated Irving dollars headed our way, and the mayor's supporters were positioned to be able to take advantage? Asking only.
Christian Murphy Follow Me
Mere speculation on my part. Perhaps there are those in the know that may see the connection? Or can confirm a connection. Cape Breton has historically been a Liberal Stronghold. The ship building contract has economic implications that could reach beyond Halifax. Could the Sydney port have a role to play? As pointed out, there exists a great deal of relatively inexpensive undeveloped land that could be utilized. Again, speculation. In the end it's all about jobs regardless of top level beneficiaries.
Joe Ward Follow Me
It's certainly complex. Would there be an points in time when Halifax could be over capacity in regards to shipbuilding activities?
Christian Murphy Follow Me
That's the question Joe, I breezed through the documents Joan O. posted and we are talking the real power brokers in Nova Scotia and Cape Breton. It would take weeks to connect all the dots and put to many holes in the wall of my home to start making all interconnects. In short, what will happen will happen and I won't have a real opportunity to express my opinion until the election.
Joe Ward Follow Me
I'll keep putting in my 2 cents, but I realize I'm just a mosquito buzzing next to a wood chipper. :)
Brenda Durdle Follow Me
This is really not a good thing.. Based on our interest in protecting our interests, I'd say we get what we deserve. Bad news.
Christian Murphy Follow Me
Hi Brenda, would you expand on your statement, "This is really not a good thing." Forgive me for playing the role of a pragmatist, if Cecil and his chosen supporters can pull this off,create jobs and turn the corner for the port, shouldn't we just sit back and let him try? We will always have the option to point the finger later. We will all have the option to express our opinions next election. Until then, our opinions really don't matter.
James MacKinnon Follow Me
Wait, did you just say our opinions as tax paying residents of the CBRM don't matter? They may not carry much weight individually, but sitting back, shutting up, and letting elected officials play with our money is democratically lazy. The soap box is the first box (of 3) we should be reaching for to ensure our community interests are addressed. Also, finger pointing doesn't serve much purpose once the money is spent.
Christian Murphy Follow Me
Seems I missed your post James. James, the truth is, once they are elected they do what they believe is in the best interests of the people. This doesn't actually have to align with what people are asking for. Example, Nova Scotian polls stated that Nova Scotians didn't want casinos, we have two of them. Yes there was a time of responsible government but that was all lost amidst this modern Government's bureaucracy, Unions, Special Interest Groups, Lobbyists, Lawyers, Judges and many many more. Do you feel the CBRM tax payers opinions matter? If the answer is yes, are they getting what they voted for?
Joan O'Connor Follow Me
Can I post a pdf?
Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
In a COMMENT you cannot add a document, but you can include a LINK to a document if is already uploaded somewhere on the Internet. If it is not, you can do a NEW POST on goCapeBreton.com and add the PDF document to that new POST, and then link to that POST from anywhere. I hope that makes sense.
Joe Ward Follow Me
Dropbox can also be helpful. They have a *Public* folder. If you place something in that folder, you can then click the item to get the public URL to share.
Joan O'Connor Follow Me
This is how you reward your friends/contributors/future employers (you hope). You make a mockery of the tendering process and award tenders to businesses in federal PC ridings. After all, your party came in with only 40 per cent of the vote, so you must squeeze dollars out of even the most cash strapped municipalities in a bid to please your masters. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0wjgou566bycji1/AABO_OGKZGBiNUsoznZi-FSSa?dl=0
Joe Ward Follow Me
If there is merit to this document, it would be best to break down into a one page infographic type presentation or chart. That way, it's more readily understandable and shareable. I skimmed it quickly, but I don't know if what I'm looking at is just coincidence, cherry picked data, or actually valid to the hypothesis and something that might even be statistically verifiable. Note: I'm not being antagonistic. Just explaining my thought process when seeing the link. And I suspect most people unless very highly interested in the topic won't be able to digest it quickly enough to invest the time. If it's true, I would love to see it in a better format that would allow it to be shared and have people understand the patterns with 30-60 seconds of viewing.
Joan O'Connor Follow Me
I looked at John Morgan's time in office as well and there is not the same pattern of awarding tenders to off island companies. I did not copy and paste all of it into a file like this one and i probably won't be doing that. I saw one of your comments defending the mayor in the rant room or somewhere, so I don't guess anything I say or print will be deemed as legitimate enough for you. If you are interested, go to the provincial tenders site and take a look.
Joe Ward Follow Me
I'm non-partisan Joan. I assure you, the bulk of my commentary has probably been a pain in the butt for the mayor if any of the team are actually paying attention to my social media commentary. Though, as I said earlier today. I'm just a mosquito buzzing next to a wood chipper. However, being a critic of the mayor would never stop me from giving him props when something good happens. In fact, I think partisan viewpoints and full time criticism prevents us from seeing the value of what more open mindedness, objective, collaborative efforts amongst all stakeholders could achieve. I think this info you've offered is important. From a communications efficiency standpoint, it's going to be lost though. Was hoping to see something that would get people's attention and have the concerning patterns that you're raising be drawn out, validated (or not), and perhaps even get a response from the mayor's office - to spark a valuable discussion and get more public attention for it. We have an environment of political entrenchment and partisanship. So I know why my comments could be taken that way. I assure you that it's not a valid observation - in my case.
Joan O'Connor Follow Me
If it's lost, then so be it. Those who are truly interested will look at it. The contractors around here are already aware that that they can apply for all of the tenders they wish to, but without an "in" in mayor's office or admin, they are going away empty handed. I am all for development if it's done without giving away he farm. If everything we have is given away for peanuts, or worse, if we end up on the hook for an expensive environmental clean-up, then this deserves some criticism. I am not fooled by all of this "positivity" stuff when the carpet baggers are actually making off with the tractors, livestock and crop. I have studied the case for a break bulk and Ro-Ro operation for Sydport and it's a pretty good case, if we can find a railroad, but so far it looks as though friends of Tories are being rewarded in advance of anything at all in terms of development. As for a response from the mayor's office, that's almost amusing. Everything over there is so scripted most media don't bother. You see two and two are five over there.
Joe Ward Follow Me
When enough mosquitos get together and keep making their pin *point* bites on the wood chipper operator... Well, he/she will eventually have enough of that, turn it off, and go home. Oh boy, what a glorious buzz it'll be then! ;) The more we can quickly get our info shared to other mosquitos, the quicker a persuasive swarm can amass. (Ya, I'm going all in on this mosquito analogy) Ha ha :) P.S. Perhaps a new post here with a lead graphic that is two pie charts. One for Clarke. One for Morgan. Each pie chart compares contracts awarded to "PC Federal ridings" to non-"PC Federal Ridings" (if that's what your argument was). Percentages are visually comparable in an instant, and then your dropbox link is included to backup your data source.
Joan O'Connor Follow Me
You're determined to make me work. I'll get the info if you put it in a pie chart.
Joe Ward Follow Me
I'm game. Let's do it! :)
Joan O'Connor Follow Me
It's a simple little gambit, you need to make the bureaucracy afraid first, by donning your jackboots, and squashing a few of their colleagues via lay off slip. You must also surround yourself by somewhat dull witted, but obedient soldiers, so that when your army enters a room, it looks impressive.
Joan O'Connor Follow Me
After that you begin the big time rewards to friends in the ship breaking business and others in the marine industry who will profit from the federally financed ship building contracts. ( Squeezing tax dollars at all levels & in every conceivable way)
Joan O'Connor Follow Me
The building to house a painting plant as a companion to east Coast metal fab at Sydport is wholly unnecessary as there are many empty buildings at Sydport which can serve the purpose. Joneljim will no doubt get the contract to build it, as they are a main investor @ Sydport and a main contributor to Cecil's campaign. They were/are also a main investor in Laurentian. This co has more than enough of it's own funds to construct this building, but we will be on the hook for it.
Peter Sheehan Follow Me
This kind of Chronology is very valuable on any big project but also on anything that is a long standing issue . Municipalities have not taken advantage of technology to be more transparent but rather they are often more secretive . Taxpayers are tired of seeing taxes wasted and seeing projects dangled like carrots . If the Port of Halifax has been loosing container traffic and can't increase it's business than how does Sydney expect to attract brand-new business and not even have a rail system ???.
Richard Lorway Follow Me
Dozens of articles on Atlantic ports on this site: http://www.halifaxemployers.com/index.php?id=5
Joe Ward Follow Me
I wish the media would start challenging some of these talking points. They continually state the claimed $1.2 MILLION spending by the HPDP partners. That's a public relations professionals dream to have the media slurp up talking points that easily. Ask them to itemize it, at least into expense categories, and list key resources that were the result (reports, etc). Then ask where it was expensed. HPDP Inc wasn't incorporated until May 2015, long after this alleged spending happened. What business professionals would ever spend $1.2 Million out of pocket from personal accounts without having it associated with a business entity? These may be the most talented business professionals there are, and I'll remain skeptical as long as the media fails to do their job and challenge them on the speaking points. Only Information Morning did so. And the result was a moderately annoyed, evasive Barry Sheehy. They continually get to use it for leverage without being challenged on it.
Peter Sheehan Follow Me
Joe: When you say "the media" , who are you really talking about ? All we have in NS is the Comical Herald and the CB FencePost . They are both poor at doing any investigative reporting let alone delving into projects, especially projects that may start to show if "you follow the money ,you'll find the people ". No one seems to understand why in this case there is not more talk about the railway component and how that links to container shipping . Is it because some trucking company or construction company owners would prefer that the rail system fail and that CB will be better off with no rail ??? whether there ever is a bigger container pier or not ???
James MacKinnon Follow Me
The comments on the most recent CB Post article show a significant concern in recent global economic development with regard to China, along with the geographic and infrastructure issues that many of us have been questioning from the start. Meetings, studies, meetings, studies. "This will take time". I'm interested to see some hard milestone goals/dates put forward by the Mayor and port developers to measure actual progress made. At what point, dollar and attention wise, do we cut our loses if things don't begin moving forward at an appreciable rate? Eventually Gretzky's widely applicable "skate to where the puck is going, not where it's been" is going to leave us in our own zone at the end of the third on the defensive.
Rory Andrews Follow Me
Here's the thing that confused me when I heard the China reference. It's really, really far away. Is it really cheaper to take a container ship all the way through the Panama canal and up past a dozen other ports to get it's goods to Cape Breton, which has far less purchasing power and shipping infrastructure than all those other ports the container ship just passed? I was wondering if that was a really stupid question, since I don't see anybody else asking it. If it is a stupid question, you can call me a dummy, but what's the answer?
Joe Ward Follow Me
It's not a stupid question. Sometimes people are intimidated to ask what appears so glaringly obvious (generous sense). I've heard it said somewhere that if you want to tell a lie, tell a big one. People will believe it as they think there's no chance anyone would actually tell anyone else such grandiose things unless it were true. :P A guy once sold the Eiffel Tower for scrap, and almost did it a second time until the target mark started calling around to question if the deal was valid. But... the conman pulled it off the first time. "Ocean front property in A-riz-zon-a..." So I'd love to know the answer to your questions. I'd also ask: Are the people at HPDP actually qualified to answer such questions? There are probably 100 first year biz students at CBU that could whip together a snazzy Powerpoint presentation that gives an overview of major shipping ports, comparisons, ocean corridors, and factors required for a successful port, etc. That's just a very basic presentation. A whole bunch of googling. Sometimes I think it's all just a facade, with desperate but good - even if foolish - intent. To explain: We rely on gov funding for everything. Perhaps we just have a savvy mayor that doesn't believe any of this stuff will result in a shipping port, but is happy to have continual Federal and Provincial money coming in for harbour upgrades like the dredge, and as many 1/4, 1/2, 1 million feasibility studies as they'll pay for. When you have the local press sucking up that $1.2 million of "their own money" speaking point so obediently, and without insistence of substantiation, it doesn't do much to build the confidence of those among us with actual critical thinking skills. A little transparency goes a long way. But I personally want a whole lot of it.
Joe Ward Follow Me
On the recent post article, a commenter made some very interesting points regarding feasibility of establishing business with China in regards to the port development: "Actually, the timing could not be more worse. The Chinese economy is in free fall with exports dropping 8.3% year over year. China has a demographic time- bomb it created by the one-child policy and working population declined by 3.7 million last year. Manufacturing is moving out of China and back to the USA. The Sydney/Silk Road scheme depends on China constructing a 4000 km, $45 billion rail-road through one of the most geo-politically unstable regions in the world. Major East Coast ports close to markets have upgraded terminals, deepened channels and raised bridges to accept super post-panamax ships. And although Halifax has upgraded to accept two super post-panamax ships, container traffic is down 20%. And finally, the rail-road, the missing link, has passed the tipping point for maintenance, and will have to be re-built to transport cargo traffic safely. A better time to pursue a terminal in Sydney might have been 20 years ago. To continue chasing this dream now is just nonsense and a waste of time and money."
Joe Ward Follow Me
And for the record, using the same communication style I do here and elsewhere, I've noticed that my comments on Post articles are either significantly delayed or don't make it past the censors. goCapeBreton is a far superior platform for open discussion with (typically) immediate posting and no apparent censorship by the moderators that I've observed to date - though that would be warranted in some cases such as the abusive type messages that are sometimes shared on the Web.
Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
Joe, you raise a good point that we at goCapeBreton.com should be more explicit about. Here is our position ... goCapeBreton.com has a no censorship policy. We will only edit content that violates the Terms of Use. goCapeBreton.com also generally takes a neutral position on all issues. We want members to share their opinions freely (and respectfully). goCapeBreton.com team members are free to share their personal opinions and you have likely seen a fair bit of this, but such opinions do not represent the neutrality of goCapeBreton.com. Official goCapeBreton.com posts always use the goCapeBreton.com Team profile, whereas personal posts of our team members are under our personal profiles.
Peter Sheehan Follow Me
I really like this forum in general and this topic, but I find it a bit awkward as I am now answering at the top of the page to comments that are way down the page . Anyway , someone mentioned transparency . Governments ,especially the senior bureaucrats ,do not like transparency . If you think the feds are bad, then every municipality in Nova Scotia is even worse. Assuming many of you are IT people , you know all about concerts like project management , critical paths , flowcharting , budgeting and costing and certainly documentation. These politicians seem to be totally lost when it comes to managing any project . No matter what Clarke thinks , or what is the hidden agenda , there should be a project plan with schedules and budgets readily available on the CBRM website . I keep trying to figure out a design of a website that could be used to zero right in on projects like this and zero in on every person that is involved. If we had a way to have a database of every politician and bureaucrat and send them requests and track their answers ( just like running a help desk ) it wouldn't take long to get transparency but also have a good ability for them to be public and answer questions or to risk being revealed as never answering questions .
Joe Ward Follow Me
I share your thinking in that we need technology solutions that *compel* transparency, and keep everyone honest including lazy media that aren't doing their research before publishing stories. Researching these topics requires a lot of personal investment. And it's not sustainable for almost anyone that isn't involved directly or working for the media. So we end up getting many things that can only be challenged temporarily with critical commentary, but don't dig deeply enough to get compelling data points, or prepare a presentation that will actually convey what's really happening. I keep going back to the example of the $1.2 Million that the mayor's office and the local media keep claiming Sheehy and partners invested. They use this as the key qualifying factor in giving HPDP exclusivity on marketing the port. But being wealthy or claiming to have spent a significant amount of personal funds (from a Cape Breton family/paper reader perspective) doesn't speak at all to qualifications. And it does not validate that claim. Sheehy et al may very well have done so. But when he decided to be evasive on Information Morning and go off on a tangent to pull the discussion away from the topic, he sacrificed an opportunity to create trust and confidence. Several months back a commenter somewhere (CB Post perhaps) made a very simple, but compelling point. If you divide $1.2 Million over the period of months it was supposedly spent, it seems to be too high of an expenditure for travel or promotional marketing materials production alone. They didn't have any such promotional materials or a website to show for it. In the absence of information demonstrating what this $1.2 Million was spent on, I think it's only fair that it fall within the category of a bit far fetched, but great speaking points for the gullible.
Joe Ward Follow Me
If they slapped the report onto my desk today, proving their claims with an itemized list of expenditures, asking "Well, what do you have to say for yourself now?"... I'd say: "Wow, you really did spend all that money. Impressive. I'm happy to see the mayor's claims were true. if all this data is accurate, it's great to see that you really do advocate for this project enough to invest your own funds. But why on earth, as a marketer, and the mayor as an experienced politician, did you ever think it was a good idea to withhold this information? You sacrificed the trust and confidence you could have leveraged from doing so. You allowed doubt to accumulate and detract from your primary objective needlessly. I suggest that you publish this immediately for all to see" But we don't have the info. And I'm quite confident, it will *never* be presented. Because if the initial claims were true, manufacturing false data would be fair more politically risky than simply calling it personal data and refusing to disclose it. In the coming months when/if you hear that HPDP are awarded some kind of budget for marketing, travel, or consultancy fees, etc, that nebulous $1.2 Million will be mentioned again as justification. Q. When they travelled with Marlene Usher to China recently, who paid their travel and accommodations fees? I would assume that since they are regarded as paying their own expenses, they must have. And though I'm not so certain that will turn out to be the case. TBD.
Christian Murphy Follow Me
If you want change, the first step is identifying those who are career politicians. This should always be a red flag for voters. People don't enter politics corrupt, but over time they learn that to get anything done you must give favors to receive favors. That creates obligations amidst an environment that lacks accountability. I have watched this debate and participated as well. With each post I read materials and learn more; the result, disenchantment. I question the collective intellect that enables these activities, the motives of the people driving the conversation and the messages public officials deliver to the community. Intelligent debate can only occur among people who act with integrity, a rare commodity at all levels of government regardless of affiliation. Unfortunately, there seems little that can be done to curb a political culture whose only purpose it to remain in power as long as possible to reap the end reward of excessive pensions and future consulting opportunities peddling influence for those who can afford it. Obviously that is not an inclusive group. The Sydney Port Development efforts appear wrought with irregularities but without a process that is transparent and enforceable we as a community are left to accept, not agree, but accept the actions of the decision makers we elect to power. A quick Google search brought up the Latin phrase "“Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" "Who will guard the guards?" In Sydney, those who investigate and enforce the laws are on the payroll of the very organization in question. Those who have insight also have families careers and bills that must be paid. Subversives will find themselves on the wrong side of power; with a great deal to lose personally. The Machiavellian mindset, "it is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both." The ports debate we are having begs the question, are activities an act of benevolence or self serving to those involved?
Joe Ward Follow Me
Great quote! "“Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" --> "Who will guard the guards?"
Christian Murphy Follow Me
May have been attributed to Plato.
Peter Sheehan Follow Me
Christian : Any time a project has government funding or government involved there is always the politics . "Follow the money , Follow the people" in a chronological process , and tabulating every dollar amount you hear along the way will quickly show you and any reader the likely people who are steering a project and then that led to those who will benefit . Bureaucrats are always behind the scenes . There are dozens of examples of mega projects with government that have gone well, usually over budget , and some that were disasters. The question that is hard to answer is to determine just how much taxpayer money went into a project when you have the three levels of government and a few crown corporations , and maybe a dozen ways they/the bureaucrats flow the money . In the private sector , even on mega projects like a Muskrat Falls , one company within the group will be managing every cent and know exactly where they stand. With todays technology , the CBRM would have a computerized accounting system that if managed correctly can do two things ; 1.it can track every direct expense by CBRM and 2.it can have a project account that is off side to track every budget, all revenue and all expenses of the Project, including whatever ECBC/ACOA or NSBI puts on the table. Don't count your chickens waiting for this to happen but if you can adapt this website to help build such a chronological file and have a way to plug in numbers, that would be a big help to track the saga ( remember Ben Eoin and ECBC )( Same with DCBA ) . So far there are few speaking about this project . A chronological of their statements , and also grouped by person , would quickly reveal what politicians and bureaucrats are the ones that are accountable . they may run , but can't hide !!!
Peter Sheehan Follow Me
http://www.joc.com/port-news/international-ports/feasibility-study-deep-sea-nova-scotia-container-terminal-begins_20151230.html Hope the link shows up above
Joan O'Connor Follow Me
You need a subscription to read the entire story. I posted it to my FB page.
[comment deleted] Posted
Michael MacNeil Follow Me
m all confused about where to ask this question. Sorry if it is in the wrong place.Would anybody know if the waste water treatment for Sydney harbour was ever completed?
Jim Murphy Follow Me
I think others have said it and it is worth saying again. Lots of talking, lots of reading, lots of folks getting richer, lots of complaining, lots of research, lots of discussions - are you seeing a pattern here?? As a populace, that's you and me (sorry I slipped into the condescending role some politicians and municipal workers use when dealing with us), the time really has come. Seriously, what will it take before we just hand our income to the government and ask for a weekly allowance back?? The mere fact this particular page exists with so much valuable and hard earned research should tell us something. The SPIN TEAM is doing it's job!!
goCapeBreton.com Team My Post Follow Me
A full history of the Port of Sydney with questions, observations, and an easy-to-read visual timeline has been posted in the goCapeBreton.com COMMUNITY REPORT here: https://capebreton.lokol.me/serious-questions-and-observations-about-the-port-of-sydney
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