
GET 'ER DONE! Session 4: Designing Our Future [VIDEO]

Designing Our Future:

Community participation and leadership for a prosperous future. A plan to move forward.


  • Wesley Colford

  • Rankin MacSween

  • Doug Milburn

  • Spyro Trifos

  • Mathew Georghiou (moderator)



These comments, questions, and pledges were submitted by the audience using mobile devices during the live sessions and displayed on a large screen on stage. (Submitted from bottom up.)


  • My personal pledge is to continue spreading the message; making the small changes and working towards a more prosperous CBRM.

    Christian Murphy

    • Thanks to our panelists and audience ...  we GOT 'ER DONE!  New comments are now moderated before they go live.


      • They also have great hats. Go figure!

        Rory Andrews

        • Yes, definition of insanity,  do the same thing over and over expecting different results.  Let's make a change.  Cape Breton will save itself and thrive in the process. 


          • Love the hat, how do I get a T shirt?  Participation? LOL


            • I'll work with Matt to host Got'er Done. I know tons of great projects and stories. 

              Steven Rolls

              • Leave a Every part of this event was energizing and time well spent. Thanks to Matt and Richard and everyone involved. Looking forward to the next one!message...

                Darrin McLean

                • Big thanks to Matt, Richard, Rory and others for making today happen. Looking forward to more sessions happen elsewhere around the island outside the CBRM and possibly in different formats for more intimate conversations. 

                  Andrew Brooks

                  • I've lived in many places around the world, and Cape Breton is by far the best. It's a great strength. 

                    Gavin Andrews

                    • Take that greenfield site and install a farm of threeD printers. 


                      • Sunset industry. You may think I am crazy but soon we will be three D printing auto parts, not shipping them!


                        • The HAT also supports the Boardmore Theatre and vice versa! The theatre community is a strong role model for cooperation thanks to the inspiring people involved. 

                          Eli Quirk

                          • Wesley teamed up with the Savoy for a bunch of projects. Not direct competition. Cooperation. Last night was great.

                            Rory Andrews

                            • We can act as one when we stop looking at Halifax and start seeing what we have in common with Digby, Yarmouth, etc. NS is the HRM and the rest of us. 


                              • Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.Margaret Mead

                                Heather MacIsaac

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                              RELATED VIDEOS

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                              Session 1: Social Challenges

                              Session 2: Economic Development

                              Session 3: Information Sharing

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                              Runs 55:10
                              Nonprofit GET 'ER DONE!


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